The people who were running errands soon came with the police.

When the police came, Gu Mifeng was threatening: "You know what my cousin does, how dare you report it to the police?"

Yunyi said sarcastically: "You don't even know it yourself, how can I know?"

Gu Mifeng was very angry at her words: "Don't think that having the fiancé of the deputy factory director is so great. Don't forget that a strong dragon cannot defeat a local snake. My cousin works in the Public Security Bureau, and he is in charge of us. This piece.”

Yun turned to look at Huo Jingrui and saw him nodding, and understood. It seemed that Gu Mifeng really had a cousin working in the Public Security Bureau.

 But so what, she wasn’t frightened, maybe this was just a fake: "Does your cousin know that you often use his identity to oppress others?"

Since she dared to use her cousin to oppress others, how dare she put a label on them to see who could outdo the other?

Gumi Feng is not stupid, so she will not be fooled by Yun Yi: "Don't talk nonsense about what I said."

 At this time, the police comrades also arrived.

When Gu Mifeng saw the person coming, her eyes flashed, but she quickly became playful and said with a familiar look, "Brother Su, you have to help me."

Publican Su naturally knew Gu Mifeng. After all, this man often went to their police station, but he annoyed his colleague Ruan Yubin. He told her several times that it was okay not to always come to the police station to find her and him, but he couldn't stand this girl and refused to listen. As if you understand, you say what you say, I will say what I say, and I will do whatever I want from now on.

 Huo Jingrui naturally knew that Gu Mifeng had a cousin who was several miles away and worked at the police station, but so what, not to mention that it might not be him, could he still dare to seek personal gain?

Su Gongan took two steps forward: "Tell me, what happened?"

Yun Yi did not answer. She watched Gu Mifeng perform: "Brother Su, look at my face, I was beaten by this woman. You must punish her severely."

Su Public Security did not answer her words, but looked at Yun Yi and Huo Jingrui: "What do you say?" Yun Yi nodded politely to the two police officers: "Comrade Public Security, don't speak loudly when you are justified. The thing is like this, she put the matter into perspective. After saying it all again: "I hit her because she has a mean mouth. On the first day I came here, she came to me to provoke me. Shouldn't I hit her?" "

After listening to Yunyi's words, Public Security Su looked at Gu Mifeng: "Is this **** right?"

Gu Mifeng said again leisurely: "Why should a person be assigned a room if she has not completed the entry procedures?"

Yunyi rolled her eyes in her heart: It’s not that she is stupid.

The fact that the police came over also alerted the security department. Someone came over to inquire about the situation. Someone who had seen the whole process told the story in detail. After hearing this, the person turned around and ran away, directly killing the speaker. Confused.

He also said to himself: "What's wrong with this? I didn't say anything. Why are you running away?"

The person who ran away was none other than Director Feng’s confidant Mao Yuquan: “Director, it’s bad, there’s a commotion at the Family Court.”

Director Feng is sorting out the documents: "It's all coming."

After finishing what he was doing, he asked, "Whose family is still busy?"

Mao Yuquan waved his hand and said: "Factory director, it's not someone else's family, no, it's the fiancée of Deputy Factory Director Huo and the niece of Director Jiao of the second workshop."

As soon as Director Feng heard about Director Jiao’s niece, he frowned: “What’s going on? How could they have a conflict?” (End of Chapter)

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