Chapter 64 Do you need our help?

Yun nodded slightly to Liu Chenglin, then turned to look at the Party Secretary: "Uncle Party Secretary, I boiled some water and asked everyone to take a break and drink some water."

Although this was said to the party secretary, everyone heard it.

There is meat to eat, cigarettes to smoke, and now boiled water is specially provided. This is an unprecedented treatment, which makes everyone who works feel very happy.

Once I was in a good mood, I was full of energy. By almost noon, the damaged roof only needed to be laid with tiles.

Yang Lidong, the eldest grandson of the branch secretary, ran over and said, "Master, my grandma asked me to come over and tell you that the rabbit meat is ready to be stewed."

After speaking, he added with a smile: "The taste is so good."

  Everyone has been looking forward to it for a long time, but after hearing this, they still have the energy to work.

 The branch secretary clapped his hands: "Okay, don't be stunned, pack up and go home to get a bowl and serve the meat."

Yunyi thought of borrowing the tile from the accountant: "Secretary of the Party Committee, if there are any extra dishes, please ask your children to send a copy to the accountant."

The branch secretary, who didn't understand, nodded and said, "Now that you're interested, I'll ask the children at home to send a bowl over later."

It was time to ring the work bell, and he walked quickly to the willow tree in the center of the village with a smile on his face.

After everyone left, Yun Yi picked up the bucket and pole from the educated youth center and walked out. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, she took a detour and took two buckets of water back to the educated youth center.

 When she entered the hospital, the educated youth had already returned.

Seeing her coming in with a load of water, Deng Xiaojie, who was cooking, asked, "Chu Zhiqing, you're not joining us, what are you doing?"

I thought of something, and then said: "You didn't go out to get rations in the morning, and I don't have lunch for you."

Yun poured a handful of water into the urn, put the bucket and pole back to their original places, and said to everyone in the courtyard: "I borrowed the bucket and pole this morning. I have put the bucket and pole back to their original places."

 It was said euphemistically, but everyone understood what Yunyi meant. These words made Deng Xiaojie, who was still looking for trouble, blush.

But Yun Yi ignored her and said to Wang Jianhui, who was sitting in the shade and resting, "Come on, the house over there will be packed up today, and I will move the luggage there in a minute."

Wang Jianhui stood up: "Do you need our help?"

Yunyi refused and said, "No, I don't have many things to bring. You have been working all morning, so take a rest."

 After saying that, he walked straight to the female educated youth's room. His luggage was packed early and was quickly taken out.

At the Party Secretary's house at the moment, it was quite lively. The men who were repairing the house today went home, took bowls and went straight to the Party Secretary's house.

Hu Shanmei, the daughter-in-law of the branch secretary, has rules for doing things. No matter how big a bowl you bring, it’s still three spoonfuls of food, so no one has any objections.

As soon as Yun passed the small courtyard, she heard someone calling her: "Chu Zhiqing."

Looking back, it was Yang Lidong, the eldest grandson of the party secretary. Seeing the bowl he was holding, he suddenly understood: "Why did you bring it here?"

Yang Lidong walked a few steps quickly: "My grandma said that everyone has it, how can I miss you, the meat delivery person."

Yun knew she couldn't refuse, so she smiled and said, "Then wait a moment."

Carrying the things on hand into the house, using the cover of luggage, he took out an aluminum lunch box and grabbed a few fruit candies in his hand.

He directly handed over the fruit candy in his hand: "Keep this fruit candy. It's hard work for you to make this trip."

Yang Lidong had never seen someone give him candy after running an errand, so he quickly waved his hand and said, "No, no, my grandma said that our family has already suffered a lot today, so I can't have this candy."

 (End of this chapter)

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