Chapter 640: Young, promising and gifted

What's more, their mother left early, and no one in her family really cared about the second brother. As a sister, she naturally had to be more thoughtful.

When Yun heard what she said, she nodded and said: "I will prescribe some Chinese medicine for you first. Drink it for seven days to adjust your body. Of course, during this period, his body's nutrition must also keep up, otherwise his body will suffer during the treatment. Don’t live.”

Luo Qiushuang looked happy: "Oh, I remembered it. If you have any precautions, just tell me."

Yun Yi told them all the taboos during the treatment: "Drink Chinese medicine for seven days first, then come over again, and adjust the prescription according to his condition. This Chinese medicine requires two courses of treatment.

When you come here for the second time to adjust the prescription, I will prescribe another prescription for making an ointment. You need to grab the medicine first and I will help you make the ointment. After the traditional Chinese medicine has adjusted the body, you need to make it every day. Daily ointments are used in combination with acupuncture to repair damaged nerves. "

Luo Qiushuang didn't understand this, but still asked: "How long does this ointment need to be applied and how much does it cost? I think I have an idea."

Yun said while writing the prescription: "There are several herbs in the ointment that are indeed not cheap, but they are not rare medicinal materials. A conservative estimate is that the cost of the ointment for a month is about 13 to 20 yuan, and it may last. It looks like four to five months.”

When Luo Qiushuang heard this, she gritted her teeth and said, "Doctor Chu, I understand. I'll leave the rest of the treatment to you."

Yun Yi wrote the prescription: "This is my job. You don't have to be so polite. Take this prescription and go get the medicine first and take care of his body first."

Luo Qiushuang happily took the prescription, thanked her, and then pushed her younger brother Luo Qiuxi away.

Dean Qiao never left, and kept watching Yun and the others treating patients. The more he watched, the more convinced he became. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: Doctor Chu's medical skills seem to be conservative. In his opinion, he is really young. Promising and talented.

 He made a decision in his heart to pick up his little sister as soon as possible, lest Dr. Chu leave him and have to take his sister all the way to seek medical treatment. By the time all the patients outside have been treated, it will be almost noon.

Those who have been bribed to cause trouble will not dare to be so bold once they see that their illnesses have been diagnosed.

 One morning, news of Yun Yi's excellent medical skills spread.

Dean Qiao saw Yun Yi finishing her work and stepped forward and said, "Doctor Chu, there is something I want to ask you."

Yun said with a smile on her face: "Dean Qiao, you said, I must know everything and tell you everything."

Dean Qiao said with some embarrassment: "I see that you have basically used Chinese medicine to treat people all morning, but I heard before that you are also very good at Western medicine. I wonder if you can do surgery for leg deformities?"

Yunyi thought for a while: "Dean Qiao, there are many reasons for the deformity of the leg. If it is genu varum or genu valgum, the deformity is minor and the patient is younger, conservative treatment can be used to correct it."

Dean Qiao sighed softly: "You are not too young, you are already sixteen years old."

Yunyi was a little confused: "Is it an acquired injury?"

Dean Qiao shook his head: "No, it wasn't as serious as it is now when I was a child. But after she turned twelve, I don't know if it was a developmental problem or something else. The situation became more and more serious. My family also took her to the city to see her. The doctor said it was necessary to perform osteotomy and correction, but the doctor who could do this surgery at the city hospital went to Beijing for further training, so the matter was delayed. "

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