Chapter 668 Neighbors’ Maintenance

As soon as these three people left, people in the corridor outside gathered together in twos and threes; "Oh, I also said that if Dr. Chu showed it to her, I would bring my siblings over to have a look some other day.

 Unexpectedly, Xiao Chu could be so impersonal. "

“Sister-in-law Fu, what you said is that Xiao Chu has a day off today. Don’t you understand what rest means? If you say that, then when your old man has a day off, everyone will go to him for help.”

"Can it be the same? My old master is not a doctor?"

"Why is it different? Xiao Chu finally had a day off. Now he came to the door. He didn't want to see a doctor for free without paying. Besides, didn't you hear that the woman wanted to blackmail Xiao Chu before? Why should he occupy himself? Help her daughter-in-law see a doctor during her break? "

“That’s just a matter of convenience. If I had that ability, I wouldn’t be so indifferent.”

"Then wait until you have that ability before you talk big."

"From the Fu family, what Zhao Chen's wife said is right. If you want to be like them, then our workers' hospital will not have to lose money, and the factory will have to subsidize them. You don't want our factory to do well."

As soon as this big hat was slapped, Jiang Guixiang was frightened: "Ms. Cao, I just said casually, you don't have to go on the line like this, right?"

Aunt Cao rolled her eyes: "Why did Xiao Chu offend you? I just told the truth and you can't stand it?"

Jiang Guixiang saw that no one in the neighbors spoke up for her, and she was a little scared. After all, people who eat whole grains will inevitably get sick, and there is no telling when Yunyi will be needed: "Oh, look at my mouth. It's really disgusting." You can talk, Aunt Cao is right, I won’t dare to talk nonsense anymore.”

Hearing what she said, Aunt Cao didn’t hold on to her anymore.

Yunyi could clearly see what was happening outside through her mental power. Look, good people really can't do anything. If she is soft-hearted today and helps the little daughter-in-law see it, in the future, these neighbors will bring people over. If she doesn't help, Even if it means more trouble. Looking at Aunt Cao who turned to go home, thinking of her previous guess about her appearance, she thought that giving her a cup of honey from her own space another day would solve her current situation.

 I went back to bed but didn’t fall asleep again.

 I couldn’t lie still so I got up and washed up, thinking that I would go through the high school Chinese textbook in a while.

He had just packed it up and was about to eat a bowl of wontons, which Huo Jingrui had wrapped and stored for him in the space before.

As soon as I took it out, I heard someone knocking on the door again.

She couldn't help but frown and looked outside with mental strength, and saw her cousins ​​Ye Wenhui and Wei Zijia. She quickly stepped forward and opened the door: "Sister, Zijia, why are you here?"

After finishing speaking, he quickly let the two people in: "You haven't had breakfast yet. I just want to order wontons. You are in for a treat."

Although Wei Zijia was very greedy when he heard about wontons, he still waved his hand and said, "No, I ate when I left, and I'm not hungry now."

Ye Wenhui just said with a smile: "I drank malted milk and cake in the morning, but it will definitely be okay to eat another bowl of wontons."

As he spoke, he also took out the things from his backpack: "I brought you the mushrooms, fungus, and some green leafy vegetables that I picked up in the mountain yesterday. Since you can fire here, I brought some for you."

Yun Yi was not polite to her: "That's a good relationship, thank you, sister."

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