Chapter 678 Revealed

Yunyi could understand Huo Jiayuan's mood. Instead of pushing her away, she patted her back gently: "Everything will pass."

Hearing Yunyi's words, Huo Jiayuan burst into tears: "Sister-in-law Fourth, although I have made a decision, my heart still hurts. I didn't expect that our ending would be like this. It's really ironic."

After Huo Jiayuan finished venting, Yun Yi walked out in front of the others: "You have to believe that everything is the best arrangement."

Huo Jiayuan thought about what Yunyi said: "Yeah, maybe even God can't stand it anymore, that's why something like that happened, so he directly made the choice for me."

That’s what he said, but the expression on his face cannot deceive anyone.

Yunyi knew that Huo Jiayuan needed time: "Let's go home and prepare delicious food for you."

Huo Jiayuan knew that the fourth sister-in-law was trying to make herself happy: "Yes, the world is big and the earth is not as big as food. You can do whatever you want with those things. They are impossible anyway."

Along the way, Yun Yi also told Huo Jiayuan about Gu Kailan: "Because she needs acupuncture, she is temporarily staying at your brother's place."

 Huo Jiayuan knew about Gu Kailan: "Fourth sister-in-law, I understand that sister Kailan had a very gentle temperament before."

She glanced at Yunyi and said, "Sister-in-law Fourth, although I am sad, I will not harm myself."

She knew that the fourth sister-in-law was trying to persuade her, and she was afraid that she would get into trouble: "Fourth sister-in-law, don't worry."

Yun couldn't help but feel relaxed after hearing what she said.

After several people got into the car, Yun Yi approached Huo Jiayuan and said, "Let me tell you a little tidbit."

Huo Jiayuan saw that her fourth sister-in-law was so cautious, so she also moved closer to Yunyi: "What kind of gossip is this?"

Yun Yi raised her hand and put it in Huo Jiayuan's ear: "Some people say that the college entrance examination will be resumed soon. How about it? Are you interested?"

Huo Jiayuan had an expression of disbelief on her face: "Really?"

Yun Yi stretched out his hand and gave her a shock: "How could I lie to you, so why don't you take advantage of this incident to take a long leave from your work and study hard with me?" Huo Jiayuan stretched out her hand and pressed it on her cheek. Rubbing his face: "What should I do? Those books know it. I'm afraid I've almost forgotten it all."

After finishing speaking, she looked at the fourth sister-in-law in front of her who was younger than herself: "Is it still too late?"

 Now I don’t care about the sadness of spring and autumn, I just think about resuming the college entrance examination.

Yunyi laughed: "As long as you want to take the college entrance examination, I will accompany you to review. If you don't understand anything, you can just come to me, or of course your brother."

Huo Jiayuan's eyes lit up: "Okay, as soon as I get to the place, I will ask for a long leave from my work unit."

Yunyi likes her cheerful temperament. She is a person who can take things up and put them down. Although she still needs time to recover, that's not a problem.

After driving for a while, Huo Jingrui, who had been listening to their conversation, said, "Yier, do you want to drive for a while?"

Yun had thought about it for a long time, but after all, Huo Jiayuan was in the car and she was too embarrassed to say it.

At this moment, you will hear Huo Jingrui’s words: “Okay, then you pull over and I’ll drive.”

Huo Jiayuan may have been too engrossed in the matter. It wasn't until the car pulled over that she realized: "Are you here so soon?"

Huo Jingrui turned around and glanced at his sister: "No, I just left the city. Your fourth sister-in-law will be the one to drive the way back."

Huo Jiayuan then saw that Yunyi had gotten out of the car and headed towards the cab in front.

  A somewhat surprised: “Sister-in-law Fourth, can you drive?”

Huo Jingrui had already switched to the passenger seat at this time: "Yes, your fourth sister-in-law drives very well. If you want to learn, I can teach you later."

Looking at Yun Yi's smooth movements as she got into the car, Huo Jiayuan sighed in her heart: She is too far behind her fourth sister-in-law. It seems that she has to work harder, but she doesn't have time to think about it. Wouldn't it be wrong for her to learn some skills?

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