Chapter 713 Gu Kailan leaves

Not to mention, this hand-grilled meat paired with chive flowers is really a masterpiece.

Yunyi thought of something: "Wait a moment."

 She got up and trotted towards the Tongzi Tower. When she came back, she still had several small jars in her hands.

Huo Jiayuan took the jar in her hand: "Sister-in-law Fourth, what did you get?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he sniffed the jar in his hand a few times: "It smells so good. What's in it?"

Yun Yi smiled and said: "One jar contains the sesame paste I brought from Beijing, and the other contains fermented bean curd that I made myself. You can try dipping it according to your personal taste."

At this time, Aunt Su also came over with a plate of chopped onions, ginger, garlic, millet peppers, and crushed peanuts that she rolled out: "Come on, come on, try this too."

  Everyone had a great time eating this meal.

Huo Jingrui saw that Yunyi liked it, and asked Aunt Su to explain the process of making the meat in detail to him. He was afraid that he would forget, so he carefully found a pen and paper and wrote it down.

This scene not only made Huo Jiayuan and Gu Kailan envious, but also Gu Kairong looked thoughtful.

The smile on Aunt Su's lips never fell: "Jing Rui, Yunyi, when you return to the capital, remember to be a guest at home, and I will prepare delicious food for you."

 After this period of getting along with each other, Aunt Su really treats them as her own children.

Before Jingrui and Yun could reply, Huo Jiayuan stretched out her head and said, "Aunt Su, and I, you can't treat one favorably over another."

Aunt Su smiled even more happily: "I haven't forgotten, I haven't forgotten, how can I forget you, a greedy little cat, you have been to Kailan's house, my aunt's house is next door, come over when you have time, and aunt will do it for you then. My specialty.” Aunt Su’s mother-in-law was a royal cook. It’s a pity that not all her cooking skills have been passed down, but after all, they are related to cooking. Aunt Su’s cooking is really delicious.

 Huo Jiayuan smiled like a cat that steals fish: "I will remember these words. Aunt Su must not dislike me when the time comes."

Gu Kailan and Aunt Su's luggage was prepared in advance. Huo Jingrui helped lift the things outside. The driver hurried over to help, and they all were loaded in a short time.

Yun put a handful of marinated lamb chops and mutton into a pottery basin: "Put this in, and remember to hang it out as soon as you get back."

Gu Kailan looked at the yard with reluctance: "Yun Yi, I'm waiting for you in Beijing. Remember to write to me."

Yunyi reached out and hugged her: "Yes, remember to take the pills I made for you, and remember what I told you before. Don't care what others say, living your own life is important."

As the two of them were talking, Gu Kairong packed his luggage and returned to the courtyard. He took out an envelope from his briefcase and said, "Yun Yi, this is a little bit of my thoughts."

Yun Yi was about to refuse when she heard Gu Kairong say: "You not only saved my sister, you also saved me, and even our entire Gu family. This is what you deserve. Besides, those medicinal materials of yours were not brought by the strong wind. If you don't accept it, if I encounter trouble in the future, I won't have the nerve to ask you for help."

Huo Jingrui knew that Yun Yi didn't want to accept it because of the friendship between the Huo family and the Gu family: "Yier, one code goes to the other, just keep it."

Yunyi then reached out and took it.

Without looking at it, just by the weight and thickness, you can tell that there should be a lot of money in it. After all, the maximum denomination now is ten yuan.

No matter how much we were reluctant to leave, it was time to say goodbye. After seeing the car disappear in the family courtyard, a few people turned around and returned to the courtyard.

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