Chapter 733 What kind of **** luck did you get?

When Qin Hongling heard his old man's tone, he didn't dare to ask any more questions. He stood up and followed him into the study: "Dad, what happened?"

Mr. Qin frowned, pointed to the chair opposite, and gestured for Qin Hongling to sit down: "I just came back from your Uncle Jiao and learned some things from him."

Qin Hongling looked at the old man's expression and asked, "What's the matter?"

Mr. Qin looked at his son: "Yun Yi worshiped Yuan Yuxun as his teacher."

Qin Hongling obviously didn't understand: "Who is Yuan Yuxun?"

When Mr. Qin saw his son's reaction, he felt a little angry: "Yuan Yuxun, the former director of Beijing Hospital, the Yuan family is a family of traditional Chinese medicine, you don't even know this?"

After a long time, Qin Hongling finally remembered: "You mean Yun Yi worshiped under the Yuan family?"

Mr. Qin nodded and said: "Although Yuan Yuxun studied Western medicine, the medical inheritance of the Yuan family must be in his hands. I heard that there is only one child left in the direct line of the Yuan family. I guess Yuan Yuxun must have seen Yun Yi's talent in traditional Chinese medicine. In order to In order to inherit the Yuan family’s medical skills, I accepted Yun Yi as my disciple.”

When Qin Hongling heard this, his expression became solemn: "I didn't expect that Chu Yun would have such an opportunity all of a sudden. Things are really unpredictable."

After finishing speaking, he remembered: "Did you get this news from Uncle Jiao?"

Mr. Qin nodded.

Qin Hongling continued to ask: "How did he know?"

Mr. Qin was even more upset now: "He has some connections with the Fu family. I was walking around a few days ago and heard the Fu family mention it."

Qin Hongling didn't know which Fu family his old man was talking about: "What's going on?"

Mr. Qin then said: "It's the Fu family in the compound next door. In the early years, Fu Chenyi of the Fu family was buried in an avalanche and injured his body. He has been seeking medical advice but still has hidden diseases. Yuan Yuxun recommended Yunyi to them."

Hearing this, Qin Hongling also fell silent. He understands the old man's concerns. If Chu Yunyi can really help Fu Chenyi cure his hidden illness, then the Fu family will owe her a big favor. Even if it can't be cured, they will still become friends with the Fu family because of this matter.

Qin Hongling sighed and said, "It's too late to say anything now. We can't afford to offend the Lu family. With the temperament of that girl from the Chu family, even if we want to ease the relationship, she won't give her a chance."

Mr. Qin said with a worried look on his face: "Go back and tell everyone at home to warn them not to provoke Yun Yi at will."

Qin Hongling nodded: "I understand, I'll tell them later."

Mr. Qin waved his hand: "Go and do your work."

Seeing Qin Hongling stand up, Mr. Qin thought of something and reminded him: "Since the wedding date with the Lu family has been decided, don't make any more mistakes, and you can't go back on your word again."

As soon as Qin Hongling walked out of the study room, he saw his daughter-in-law standing aside. Without asking, he knew that this was an old habit again and she came to eavesdrop.

 He winked at her and then walked towards the living room.

Wu Lijuan quickly and carefully caught up: "What does the old man want from you?"

Qin Hongling didn't hide anything: "Dad asked me to tell you that if you meet Yunyi in the future, don't make trouble and go up to provoke her."

Wu Lijuan looked puzzled and disdainful: "Why?"

Qin Hongling told his daughter-in-law what the old man said: "Since we have nothing to do with each other, we can just live together as normal people from now on. There is no need to deliberately make friends, and we must not make enemies."

Wu Lijuan looked in disbelief: "It's really been thirty years to the east of the river and thirty years to the west of the river. What kind of **** luck have you had?"

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