Yun Yi took Geng Erhong's arm and naturally couldn't tell the truth: "You can't get angry with me because of this matter. The reason why I didn't tell you was because I met someone from Songling Village in the county before and asked about it. I found out later that you and Cheng Hongjun went back to meet your parents."

Geng Erhong blushed when he heard Yun mention Cheng Hongjun: "I went back with him and came back within a few days."

 In any case, he finally brought up the previous topic: "How is it? Are you seeing good things coming soon?"

Geng Erhong glanced in the direction of the Red Army in the courtyard and nodded slightly: "We are already old, and seeing no hope of returning to the city, we thought about starting a family in the countryside."

Thinking of the news about the resumption of the college entrance examination, Geng Erhong changed his tone directly: "Who would have known that within a few days of our return, the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination would come, and we had to put down the marriage."

Yun Yi joked: "Anyway, Jin City and Shi City are not too far away. It won't be too late to wait until you both get admitted to the university of your choice."

Geng Erhong nodded: "We think so too."

 Because Huo Jingrui was there, he didn't go into the female educated youth's room, so he stayed in the kitchen for a while.

Yun Yi was afraid that it would affect their review, so he briefly chatted for a few words and handed Geng Erhong the review materials he had prepared: "This is for you. I hope it can help you."

When Geng Erhong saw what was in the bag, she screamed excitedly and jumped to hug Yunyi: "Yunyi, sisters, thank you so much, really, thank you so much."

Even Cheng Hongjun and Liu Chenglin who were accompanying them were excited.

Yunyi didn't wait long: "Okay, we have to go, you guys should review carefully."

Geng Erhong wanted to keep the meal, but Yun Yi refused, so he had to reluctantly send him out at the gate.

Thinking of something, he turned around and ran back: "Yun Yi, please wait a moment." He came out again with a piece of paper in his hand: "This has the address of my home in Jin City, and the address of Cheng Hongjun's home in Shi City. address."

As he spoke, he handed over the notebook in his other hand: "You can also leave me an address in case I come back to the capital to visit you."

Yun Yi left the address of the Chu family. After all, it was difficult for her to leave the address of the Huo family.

Rejecting Geng Erhong's offer to see them off, the two of them returned the same way they came. From a distance, they saw Aunt Guihua in an apron coming towards the educated youth spot.

Yun Yi quickly walked a few steps to greet me: "Auntie, why did you come here in person?"

Aunt Guihua wiped her hands on her apron: "I finally returned to the village, but I had to go home for a meal. I met your cousin before, so I could tell you about your marriage. I originally wanted to take the time. Go into town and visit your place.

But a few days ago, my brother-in-law was building a house, and we all went over to help, so the matter was put on hold. Today, I can say nothing but have a meal at my house before leaving. "

Yunyi was a little embarrassed, but she couldn't resist Aunt Guihua's enthusiasm. She had already talked about this and couldn't refuse anymore.

As they walked back, they saw Mao Dan’s mother, Du Yuhua, standing not far away.

Before they could say anything, they heard Du Yuhua say: "It seems I'm late. Come on, I won't compete with Aunt Guihua. I'll have the dishes cooked in a while. I'll send you a copy to add another dish." ”

Huo Jingrui didn't expect that his daughter-in-law would be so popular in Songling Village, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly.

As soon as Yun Yi raised her hand to say something, Du Yuhua, Mao Dan’s mother, had already turned around and ran towards her home. (End of chapter)

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