Yunyi was startled, but after all, the two of them had a tacit understanding.

She reacted immediately: "Go to the room to get the bathrobe and then go over there."

Huo Jingrui said with a bad smile: "There are no outsiders here, so wouldn't it be more convenient if we don't have a bathrobe?"

As soon as Yun heard what he said, she reached out and pinched his cheek: "It's really getting worse."

Huo Jingrui put his face in front of Yunyi: "What's wrong? Come and let me hear what you say?"

The two of them laughed and laughed as they arrived at the hot spring pool. Although they were both experienced drivers, they were still in the wedding period in this life after all, and soon something in the hot spring pool started to scream.


 The Qin family in Beijing

Mr. Qin looked at his eldest daughter-in-law: "Have everything been arranged?"

Wu Lijuan said confidently: "Dad, don't worry, everything has been explained."

Mr. Qin looked at his grandson sitting not far away: "Jiang Hui, you will be an adult tomorrow after you marry Yueyue. You can't be as unstable as before."

Qin Jianghui nodded and said, "Grandpa, I understand."

The two families had agreed on a wedding date before, but the two young people didn't know what happened, and they couldn't find anyone regardless, which made the family anxious.

 Because of the petty tempers between the two of them, the planned wedding date could not be kept as planned, and this delay has come to this day.

The old man actually felt a little uneasy. After all, the girl from the Lu family was too pampered and would not care about the face of anyone else except her.

 But since he loves his grandson and is willing to do so, and his eldest daughter-in-law has identified the Lu family, he has no choice but to compromise. After all, his children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, so even if he doesn't like it, he has to agree.

Mr. Qin looked at his eldest son Qin Hongling: "Is there any news from the Gu family and the Hua family?" Qin Hongling said with some embarrassment: "I went there in person, but the Hua family and the Gu family seemed to be very dissatisfied with our previous divorce. They say the ceremony will come, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to come in person because of something else.”

Mr. Qin sighed: "You can't have your cake and eat it too. It seems that I thought too simply."

Hearing this, the people in the room naturally understood what the old man meant.

They originally thought that through this period of continuous goodwill, the Hua'an and Gu families would slowly eliminate the barriers to the Qin family, but they never expected that Yun Yi's weight in their hearts was so extraordinary that the two families did not give Qin any face. Old man.

Mr. Qin waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's all go and rest. We'll still be busy tomorrow."

 After saying that, he got up and walked to the bedroom on the first floor.

 When the old man left, Wu Lijuan said with an unhappy face: "I don't know what the old man thinks. Since the Hua family and the Gu family don't give them face, why do they always let you get in front of them? Isn't this asking for trouble?"

Qin Hongling's face darkened and he scolded: "A woman's opinion, what do you know? It's really a woman's opinion."

 After saying that, he calmly walked to the second floor.

Wu Lijuan didn't expect that her man would treat her like this in front of her son, and said with an ugly face: "Who am I doing this for? He dislikes me."

At this time, the eldest son Qin Jiangchun, who was sitting opposite her, said: "Mom, compared with the Hua family and the Gu family, the background of the Lu family is not even a bit inferior. You have only seen the superficial beauty of the Lu family."

I was angry at first, but when I heard what my eldest son said, my face turned cold: "Why, you don't think I should withdraw from the Chu family?"

Qin Jiangchun naturally felt that it was a big mistake to withdraw from the Chu family, but he was a junior, and since this was his younger brother’s marriage, he naturally couldn’t say anything more: “Mom, I didn’t mean that. (End of Chapter)

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