Huo Jingrui smiled and leaned close to Yun Yi's ear: "Don't worry, I will work hard for my husband."

As soon as Yun heard this, no matter how shameless she was, she couldn't help but blush: "What are you talking about? I'm ignoring you."

 After speaking, he walked forward quickly.

Huo Jingrui, however, did not let her go and chased after her: "Why are you still shy?"

Yunyi was about to speed up, but when Huo Jingrui saw that the person was about to run away, he immediately hugged him.

Looking at Yun raising her hand to hit him, she hugged him and spun around in circles a few times: "My Yi'er is shy."

I don't know what I thought of, so I just lifted him up, and then threw him back. Yun Yiren got on Huo Jingrui's back safely: "Yi'er, I'll carry you on my back, so as not to tire you."

Yunyi didn’t refute, and stayed on his back obediently: “Am I taking advantage of your invisible children?”

Huo Jingrui turned to look at Yunyi with a soft expression: "It's not because of them, it's because I don't want to tire you. I will return to the army in a few days, so I naturally have to cherish the time alone with you."

He knew that although this era was more open than in ancient times, there were still many restrictions. It was impossible for men and women to be too intimate in front of others before, but he just wanted to pamper her.

 Today's luck is really good. Not long after walking forward, I found a pheasant.

On Huo Jingrui's back, he took out a small stone from the space and threw it out. The chicken fell down in response.

Yun patted Huo Jingrui on the back and said, "Put me down quickly and I'll put away the pheasants."

Thinking of something, he muttered: "It would be great if I could raise chickens in the space, so that I can have a steady supply of eggs to eat in the future."

Huo Jingrui smiled and said, "Okay, just be satisfied."

He had regretted the space in front of Yunyi for a long time before, but it had become a thing of the past, not to mention it was for his own sake, so he had long thought about it.

 But I never thought that Yi'er would be so lucky and have such an opportunity. For him, nothing is as important as meeting Yun again and again. As for the things outside of him, just let everything happen.

Huo Jingrui would never let his wife and children suffer.

The two of them walked deep for a while, and then Huo Jingrui spotted the withered yellow ginseng stems and leaves with sharp eyes, and pointed there with some uncertainty: "Yier, do you think there is ginseng over there?"

Yunyi looked in the direction of his finger: "Hey, it's true."

  trotted forward happily, took out the tool from the space and handed it to Huo Jingrui, instructing him to dig out, while he walked around to see if he could find it again.

It’s a pity that until Huo Jingrui dug out the ginseng, she didn’t find it again.

After Huo Jingrui dug out the ginseng, Yun Yi took it into her hand and looked at it: "This ginseng is estimated to be sixty or seventy years old."

She changed her hands and put the ginseng into the space: "I've gone back and prepared this ginseng, and I'll make it for you to drink."

He took out some water and rinsed Huo Jingrui's hands, and then the two of them walked forward hand in hand.

It was almost noon. After carrying an extra-large rabbit nest, they both went into the space to eat something before continuing.

Thinking about what the two of them had gained in the day, Yunyi said: "Jing Rui, I think it's very cloudy today, I'm afraid it's going to snow, so let's not go in and get out of space and return."

Huo Jingrui nodded and said, "That's fine."

With ready-made meals in the space, the two quickly settled down for lunch.

When they got out of space again, the sky became even more gloomy. The two of them changed areas and headed back. On the way, they also shot a silly roe deer and many pheasants and rabbits.

 When we arrived at a place with a stream, we also borrowed space to deal with two wild animals. (End of chapter)

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