As the crowds of people put people into the car and helped put their luggage away, Shi Jingfang reached out and gave her daughter a hug. She leaned close to her ear and reminded her: "I will be more discerning in the future, especially that girl Wenjuan." ”

Ye Wenhui laughed. Her mother finally believed what she said: "Don't worry, I'm not stupid."

With a long blast from the train, the train slowly pulled out of the platform.


As soon as Yun returned to the small courtyard, she changed out of the blood-stained clothes she had just saved.

Thinking of the seeds I got at noon, I didn’t care about the clothes I had changed out of. It was hard to close the curtains in broad daylight, so I stood behind the door and entered the space.

The watermelon I planted with space well water has already grown very long on its vines, and I can see that it already has light yellow flowers.

The few plants planted with tap water outside have also begun to climb. Thinking that watermelons need pollination, Yunyi is a little worried.

She took out the seeds she got at noon and got busy. It was simple for her. She took the small **** that had been inserted into the space and made a trench in the cracks of the rocks. Then she spread the seeds, returned them to the soil, and poured in water, all at once.

It is quite strange to say that the quality of the soil between the cracks in the rocks is first-class, and a small **** can easily cut out small ditches.

 Half an hour later, Yun planted all the small packets of seeds.

I thought it was still early, so I might as well go for a walk up the back mountain. There happened to be a stream halfway up the mountain, so I could wash my clothes as well.

 Put the clothes and the soap box in the basin and put them into the space.

Took out the woodcutter and threw it into the basket on his back, then locked the door and left the small courtyard.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, she avoided the villagers working in the fields. After entering the mountains, she washed her clothes by the stream and took back her space. Then I carried the basket on my back and headed into the mountains. Along the way, in addition to firewood, I also collected a lot of dry pine needles into the space, which can be used to light the fire later.

After walking inside for a while, she encountered several chestnut trees. Yunyi wanted to bring a smaller one into the space, but she didn't know if the tree would survive as it grew stronger. After all, what was going on under the rocks in the space? , she doesn’t know either.

 Just do it, anyway, plant it first and then talk about it.

After putting one into the space, she felt worried. She didn’t have any tools, and it was unrealistic to use the little medicine **** to dig holes, so she thought of doing that first, and then we’d get the tools later.

 Later, a few pear trees and persimmon trees were added to the space.

The most gratifying thing was that she found a beehive on a linden tree, and there were more than one. Yun Yi walked around the linden tree for a long time, coveting it.

I want to put the tree in, but the tree is really big, and I don’t have the right tools to dig a hole for planting. And if I think that I can’t survive in my own space, what should I do with the bees?

It’s hard to explain when asking Carpenter Yin to make a beehive. You don’t have the tools to do it yourself, which is a bit annoying.

But this linden tree has many uses. It is not only a nectar plant, but also has certain medicinal value. It can also be used for wood carving. Yunyi really wants to add one into her space.

No matter, let's collect them first. Anyway, some stones have relatively large gaps, so this lime tree can be planted. However, she doesn't know if there is room for it to take root underneath. As for those bees, at worst, she can find someone to make a few of them later. Beehives, if you find a way to remove them, they will still be alive when they come out.

After the linden tree was moved into the space, a big pit was left. Yun had a sudden idea and took a little well water from the space and sprinkled it into the pit.

With a little disguise, it became a ready-made trap. He turned around and found a safe place, climbed into a tree and waited for the result.

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