Chapter 811 Ridicule

Huo Jingrui had something on his mind, so he naturally wanted to be more agile in his work.

It didn’t take long to finish all the things Yun Yi had arranged.

 After that, Yun Yi was asked to take a bath in the hot spring while he went to the kitchen to put out the fire.

Yunyi is not stupid, she knows what that guy is planning.

 It's just that I ran in the mountains for a day today. Even if I'm in good health, I'm still tired.

 After taking off his clothes and getting into the pool, he thought about his future plans and fell asleep without realizing it.

When Huo Jingrui came over, he saw Yunyi sleeping by the hot spring. He took off his clothes and slowly entered the water to carry him back to the bedroom.

As a result, Yunyi opened her eyes before the sailor met anyone. She might have been a little dazed from sleep. When she saw Huo Jingrui in front of her, she stretched out her arms and put her arms around Huo Jingrui's neck: "Jingrui, I'm sleepy. "

Huo Jingrui suppressed the excitement in his heart and said, "Let's go rest if you feel sleepy. I'll carry you out right now."

Just when his hand touched the smooth and tender skin, the desire in his heart was amplified by countless generations. Coupled with Yun Yi's leaning body, his reason flew to the sky and turned into a hungry wolf.


Huo Jiayuan, who returned to the capital, did not expect that she would meet Du Shujian so soon.

Du Shujian was obviously very surprised, and he didn’t know what he was thinking. He even licked his face and came over: "Jiayuan, where have you been during this time?"

Huo Jiayuan had no feelings for him now, and said with disgust in her eyes: "This doesn't seem to have anything to do with you?"

Du Shujian looked hurt and said, "Jiayuan, I know I can't help you, but I have my own reasons. Do we have to act like enemies?"

Huo Jiayuan laughed angrily at these words and borrowed the words of her fourth sister-in-law: "Are you here to be funny?"

Du Shujian didn't react: "What do you mean by that?" Huo Jiayuan looked contemptuous: "That's the literal meaning, don't you understand?"

Thinking of something, he added: "Please stay away from me in the future."

Just as Du Shujian was about to say something else, he heard two voices coming from different directions: "Jiayuan/Shujian."

 The two of them turned their heads to look at the place where the sound came from.

I saw Lu Licheng in military uniform standing at the intersection on the left, and Gong Fangyue with an angry face standing on the right.

Huo Jiayuan was too lazy to care about other people. After seeing Lu Licheng, she trotted towards Lu Licheng with a smile on her face: "Brother Lu, why do you have time to come back?"

Lu Licheng glanced at Du Shujian, who was standing not far away, and then looked away: "Of course I knew you were back in Beijing, so I asked for leave and came back."

When Huo Jiayuan heard this, her face instantly turned red as an apple, but Lu Licheng was so surprised that he didn't care about the two people who were watching here not far away, and directly took Huo Jiayuan's hand. Under Qiao Qiao's stunned gaze, Walk towards the compound.

 In fact, not only Du Shujian, but also Gong Fangyue did not expect that Huo Jiayuan would go with Lu Licheng.

He couldn't help but murmured in a low voice: "How is this possible?"

 When he saw Du Shujian's expression, he mocked: "I really didn't expect that Huo Jiayuan found a new home so quickly. Doesn't it seem like you, Du Shujian, are not very important in people's hearts?"

Du Shujian couldn't hear what she was saying now. He just stared at the two people who had walked away, feeling heartbroken beyond measure.

 He knew that there was no possibility for him and Huo Jiayuan. In fact, he had thought about many scenarios of meeting again, but he never expected that it would be like this.

Gong Fangyue saw that he ignored her for a long time, so she couldn't help but stretched out her hand and pushed him: "Du Shujian, are you deaf?"

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