Chapter 824: Who would steal and bring a whetstone?

Wei Fangfang didn't expect Ye Wenhao to be so direct: "Wenhao, didn't I say before that the elders and younger ones should be in order? Your family must arrange your brother's marriage first. It's not contradictory for us to be together for a while longer. "

But she was thinking about what her mother said before she came here. A matchmaker came to introduce her to a partner a few days ago. Her mother made inquiries in the past few days and heard that the conditions of that family were much better than those of the Ye family. She does have some wiggles.

But she hasn't decided yet, so she plans to ask that person to meet him after today. If the conditions are better than Ye Wenhao's, then she will naturally reconsider.

 After all, this is a lifetime event.


Since Yun Yi left Huo Jingrui, apart from going to work and reviewing, the rest of her time has been spent in space.

Either she is busy cooking and storing in the warehouse, or she is re-planning the space outside. After all, the space has expanded a lot recently. In the past few days, she has asked people to find a lot of seeds, including herbal medicine and many rare flower seeds. , she naturally wanted to try it.

The main purpose of this space is to be precise and complete, just enough for one’s own use. Who told her that the space is full of stones and there is no extra land for planting.

As for the changes in the space, even if she is anxious, it will be in vain. Everything depends on merit and fate. Only when the good deeds done accumulate to a certain extent and the merit reaches the value required for space upgrade, the space will expand outwards.

She had no regrets about losing her god-level space in her previous life. Who would have thought that there would be such an opportunity in this life? She was very content, so she would not force it deliberately.

 I put everything I could collect in the space into the warehouse, and was about to enter the stone room to see if the lean meat porridge I had cooked was ready, when I heard movement outside the space.

 She quickly left the space, relaxed her mental strength and looked outside.

She actually saw Mrs. Qi stepping on the ladder and preparing to climb into the courtyard: Did she see Huo Jingrui leaving and feel that she was useless? Since she has the courage, I must help her.

 Sit on the bed and wait for her to enter the hospital. She wants to see what she wants to do?

Mrs. Qi's age was still there, and she couldn't climb down the wall for a long time. Yun Yi became a little anxious and wished she could help her personally.

 When he saw what Mrs. Qi was doing there, he couldn't help but think of Huo Jingrui even more. It was a pity that they had to leave the house that that guy had spent so much effort to repair after not living in it for long.

 Mrs. Qi spent a lot of effort and finally rubbed away the small piece of glass shards, and then she put the things in her hands back into her crossbody bag.

It seems that Mrs. Qi has observed the yard very carefully. She even looked at the broken glass on the wall, and she definitely came prepared today. After all, who would steal something and bring a whetstone?

Seeing Mrs. Qi stepping on the porcelain urn erected next to the courtyard wall, which was left by the original homeowner, Huo Jingrui thought that it would not take up space against the wall and could be used to hold water or plant flowers in the summer. It was good, so I didn’t move it.

Unexpectedly, she was targeted by Mrs. Qi.

More than ten minutes later, Mrs. Qi finally landed safely. She saw a sneaky person who first went outside Yunyi's room and listened for a while, then tiptoed outside the house where Huo Jiayuan lived before.

 She watched as she skillfully used a very thin wire to unlock the door, then gently pushed the door open and walked in.

Mrs. Qi thought she did everything without anyone noticing, but she never expected that Yunyi next door not only saw clearly, but also left evidence directly.

 Huo Jingrui went to the city for business before and bought a Seagull camera for Yun Yi. Unexpectedly, he didn't use it even once. He actually used it to record evidence. It was really speechless.

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