Chapter 828: The Well-Deserved King of Soldiers

Once the matter was done, both families were happy.

After Deputy Geng thanked him repeatedly, the two parted ways.

Huo Jingrui took the key and walked to the yard.

Although the courtyard is on the side, there are several rows of family courtyards behind it. The location is actually in the middle of the family courtyard, but it happens to be the furthest house in this row.

Also, the houses in front, back and on the right are not troublesome ones.

Opening the courtyard door, it was not very messy inside. It should have been sorted out by the logistics people after Political Commissar Qiu and his family moved out.

The structures of the bungalows in family courtyards are all similar, with three main rooms and two side rooms on the other side, which are used as kitchens and utility rooms. Only families who cannot live in the courtyard will build another house in the courtyard at their own expense.

Political Commissar Qiu's wife was a very particular person. Because there was a lot of rain in the summer and there was mud everywhere, she asked someone to help lay a few stone paths in the courtyard.

This was exactly what he wanted.

After a quick walk around, I made some calculations in my mind. I went back to buy briquettes and a coal stove, lit the stove, and warmed the house first.

After that, I went to buy paint and came back. I hired someone to paint the entire house one by one, even the kitchen and utility room.

During this period, according to the drawings Yunyi had drawn before, he found a carpenter from a village near the family compound to make furniture, and agreed to pick it up in a month and a half.

There are three main rooms, the one in the middle is used as the living room, and the remaining two rooms, the one on the right is used to house the bed in summer, and the one on the left was used by Political Commissar Qiu's family to clear the bed, and it is still there. A fire wall was added to the house.

In addition to the training tasks of the troops every day, the rest of the time is used to toss the house. On this day, Wan Ruhua, the daughter-in-law of Deputy Lu of the Second Regiment next door, stepped on a stool and shouted across the courtyard wall: "Deputy Regiment Huo, the house is almost ready. When will you pick up your daughter-in-law to join the army?"

Huo Jingrui and her husband, Lu Mingliang, had gone on missions together, and they had a very good relationship: "Sister-in-law Lu, it will be some time before my wife comes over. I need to clean up the house first."

Wan Ruhua really didn't expect that the previously stern Deputy Huo would actually clean up the house with such care.

She is now very curious about Deputy Huo's wife and looks forward to seeing her in person soon. Then she will have to ask how she conquered this big ice cube.

When everything is ready, the college entrance examination will take place in ten days.

Huo Jingrui also ushered in the week-long military competition.

Not surprisingly, Huo Jingrui has achieved impressive results in the armed five-kilometer cross-country, grappling, precision shooting, and other competitions, and is the well-deserved king of the military.

Division commander Du Tianming watched the whole game: "This kid's skills have really improved rapidly. It seems that he didn't let himself go even during the mission."

I couldn't help but feel a little regretful: Why is this not my junior?

Thinking of what happened before, I couldn't help but look at the military and political commissar Guan Yueyang next to me. If Guan's sister-in-law's niece knew that Deputy Huo was married, I wonder what her reaction would be?

The two have been working together for so long and already have a tacit understanding.

Political Commissar Guan said angrily: "If you have anything to say, just say it. What's that look in your eyes?"

Teacher Du Tianming lowered his voice and said, "Does your niece know about Huo Xiaozi's marriage?"

Political Commissar Guan sighed softly: "Of course I told her. I cried a lot and said that when Deputy Huo's wife comes, she must come over and see if she is better than her. I hope she won't do anything." Come on."

Teacher Du Tianming laughed unkindly when he heard this: "With your niece's temperament, you will have a headache."

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