After working on it for more than two hours, I was finally able to temporarily pull him back from the gate of hell.

Yunyi's medical skills were greatly magnified by everyone at this moment.

There were several young nurses on site, and their adoring eyes were hard to ignore.

When Dean Qiao and Yun Yi came out, the comrades from the Power Supply Bureau who had brought the injured gathered around him: "Doctor, how are you doing?"

With Dean Qiao around, Yun Yi gave up her position.

Dean Qiao glanced at Yunyi, and then said: "Fortunately, the comrade's life is not in danger for the time being, but everything needs to be observed again."

When those people heard that they had been rescued, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

A man directly took Dean Qiao's hand and said, "Thank you, thank you very much."

Doctor Qiao didn't dare to take credit, so he quickly explained: "If you want to thank me, just thank Dr. Chu next to me. Her medical skills are the best in our staff hospital, especially her silver needles."

When Dr. Qiao got excited, he almost said "omnipotent". If Yun Yi hadn't secretly pulled him, he would have said it too.

When those people heard this, they all looked at Yunyi.

In fact, they couldn't believe that such a young girl really did what the dean said?

However, the leader still expressed his thanks: "Dr. Chu, thank you. You didn't just save him, you saved his whole family."

Speaking of this, his expression was very solemn.

You don't need to ask to know that if you can say something like this, it is estimated that this injured comrade must be the mainstay of the family. If something happens to him, the family is afraid that the family will have no source of income. Needless to say, Yun Yi really guessed it right.

After Yunyi and the others came to rest, they heard the nurse say: The man's name is Ge Daming. His father has leg disease, his mother has eye disease, and his sister has been a little stupid since she fell from a **** when she was a child. The whole family depends on him.

He was almost thirty and still hadn't married a wife, but he got some money later. When the power supply bureau was setting up lines and asked villagers to lift the poles, he spared no effort and was noticed by the leader of the power supply bureau, who specially carried him to the office of the power supply bureau. After getting a lineman, the family's life became easier.

Years ago, the family gave him all their belongings and told him that he was a second-married widow. He finally got married. His wife also lived up to her expectations. She became pregnant three months after entering the house. Seeing that the family had hope, something happened again. .

For a time, the doctors and nurses in the hospital felt a lot of sympathy for Ge Daming, but they took good care of him, for fear that something might happen to him.

In the afternoon, Yun Yi came over to see him, checked his pulse, and made sure there was nothing wrong with him. After explaining some precautions to the doctor responsible for taking over him, Yun Yi left with peace of mind.

In the evening, Ye Wenhui, Wei Zijia, Qiao Wenyu, and Zheng Xuewen went to the family home together.

Yunyi saw them coming in: "Why so late?"

Ye Wenhui said carelessly: "Of course I don't want to come over too early and cause trouble to you."

Yun Yi said angrily: "Didn't I agree before that I would come two days early and I would give you a surprise attack?"

Without waiting for their reply: "Okay, let's hurry up. I've prepared the food. You eat first. After eating, we will start to go through all the important knowledge points of mathematics, physics and chemistry. I believe that it will be useless if you are not quick in the battle. I will try to win everyone." Get good grades."

As soon as Yunyi's words came out, several people were so excited that they didn't care whether to disturb or not, and handed the things they brought to Yunyi: "Put these away." (End of Chapter)

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