Chapter 915 No more involvement

Chu Xiaolan glanced at her grandfather who was standing not far away: "Have you forgotten what grandpa said so quickly?"

Chu Xiaoju snorted coldly: "Don't forget, we are separated."

Chu Xiaolan was very angry with her: "Don't just think about good things."

There are professional chefs at the helm, and the aroma of the food soon spreads throughout the garden.

The Wei family greeted them politely and set the table, and the food was served quickly.

After everyone was seated, Yun raised her glass and said to the neighbors in the alley: "Thank you for taking care of me and grandpa before. Now that grandpa is gone, you are my natal family. There are many grandpas and me in this yard." Good memories, I will come back often to stay and visit you all.”

Father Wei took the lead in responding: "Don't worry, we neighbors will help you take care of this yard."

Everyone also thinks that Yunyi did not forget her roots after finding her biological parents and was a good child with a conscience.

Only Grandpa Chu Er’s family is depressed. What do you call this? People with the surname Chu are still here. How come these neighbors have become their natal family? Then who do they think they are?

However, they also knew how to exercise restraint and would not fall out with Yun Yi.

But Yun Yi also deliberately said this to tell the people in Grandpa Chu's room that he recognized the Chu family, but not their room. If it weren't for Mr. Chu's face, she wouldn't will help them.

Originally, she wanted to take more care of her as a way of repaying the Chu family's kindness to the original owner, but she didn't expect that the Chu Xinming family was too selfish, so she gave up her thoughts.

A home-coming banquet was enjoyed by both host and guest.

After drinking and eating, the neighbors exchanged pleasantries and then dispersed. Only the Ye family and Chu Yucheng's family were left. After Aunt Wei gave two thermoses of water, she also left with her family.

Yun Yi had told her before that she came to Chu Yucheng's family today because she had something to tell them.

Huo Jingrui poured a glass of honey water for Yun Yi and handed it to her hand: "The temperature is just right."

Chu Xiaolan and Chu Xiaocao from the second room looked envious when they saw Huo Jingrui treating Yunyi so well, but Chu Xiaoju's eyes were full of jealousy. Why did she, Chu Yunyi, have such a good life?

Chu Yucheng looked at Yunyi: "Yunyi, do you have something to say?"

Yun finished the honey water in her hand, handed the cup back to Huo Jingrui, and then said, "Second Grandpa, I do have something to tell you today."

After thinking about it, she said: "Everyone's time is precious, so I'll get straight to the point. I know you are thinking about this house. In fact, I have been thinking about whether to give this house away.

But after getting to know each other during this period, what you did is really disappointing. I believe you should understand what I mean by this?

I won’t say much else. This house contains memories of my grandfather, me, and my adoptive parents, so I plan to keep this house as a memory.

But the second grandfather is my grandfather’s younger brother after all, so I found a house with the same layout and size as this yard, and treated it as a replacement for this house. I will transfer the house directly to the second grandfather’s name. , which can be regarded as a way to repay my grandfather and adoptive parents for their kindness in raising me.

Chu Yucheng is old-hearted but not confused. By doing this, Yunyi must have known what the second brother had done before, and he didn't want to get involved with their family anymore.

He wanted to say something, but when he saw the joy in the eyes of the whole family, he could only sigh in his heart: "I understand what you mean. Since you have thought about it, I will shamelessly agree."

He knew in his heart that as long as he took over the house, they would have nothing to do with Yunyi from now on.

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