Chapter 922 When will you come back?

Ye Wenhui leaned against the quilt: "No, except for me, everyone in the house today may be angry or not. I'm afraid they may forget me if they are happy."

Wei Zijia was about to comfort her when he heard someone shouting outside: "Is Ye Wenhui here? The venue manager has your phone number."

When Ye Wenhui heard her call, she hurriedly pulled on her shoes and rushed out.

Seeing her like this, Wei Zijia hurriedly reminded her: "Slow down. The other party must have hung up the phone first and will call after a while. They are counting the time, so you don't have to worry."

One moment, Ye Wenhui was still here just feeling sad, and the next moment she was so excited that she flew into the air.

She ran all the way out of the female educated youth spot and didn't even see Zheng Xuewen coming across to give her something.

Zheng Xuewen saw her running away like the wind. He thought something had happened and chased after her.

When he heard Ye Wenhui ask the staff at the field office: "Have you called yet?"

I see.

The comrade in charge of answering the phone at the field office saw her running out of breath and said with a smile: "Not yet, sit here and rest."

He knew that the person in front of him was related to their leader Qiao Shaoguo, so his attitude was naturally different from others. He stood up and poured a glass of boiling water for her: "Warm your hands."

As soon as Ye Wenhui thanked him, she saw Zheng Xuewen chasing after him: "Why are you here?"

Naturally, my partner couldn't take it seriously. He raised the things in his hands and said, "I was preparing to give you something. But I saw you coming to the regiment headquarters in a hurry, so I chased after you."

Ye Wenhui looked embarrassed: "Well, I ran fast and didn't see you."

Just as I was about to ask what was in the bag, I heard the phone ring. Ye Wenhui didn't bother to ask anymore, and walked over to pick it up: "Hello."

Then I heard Ye Wenbing's voice coming from the other end of the phone: "Sister, it's me, Wenbing, when will you be back?"

Ye Wenhui suddenly felt wet in her eyes when she heard her brother's voice: "Wen Bing, I miss you so much. I'll be able to go back in a while. I'm waiting for you to bring you the specialties from the Northeast."

When Ye Wenbing heard about Northeastern specialties, he had forgotten all the words he had prepared before: "Sister, what are you talking about?"

Before Ye Wenhui could reply, she heard someone on the other end of the phone say: "Brother Wen Bing, let's get down to business. Don't ask these questions. We will find out when Sister Wenhui comes back."

Shi Jingfang was called over. How could she give Ye Wenbing another chance to speak? She took the receiver directly from his hand: "Wenhui, it's mom. Have you set a date for your return?"

Ye Wenhui briefly stated their plan: "It depends on when the notice arrives."

Shi Jingfang also understands that even though they are no longer working there, they are still educated youths and cannot leave without permission. They can only leave after getting the admission notice: "Okay, you take care of yourself, we will wait for you to come back."

Ye Wenhui listened to the noisy voice in the receiver: "Mom, where is Yiyi?"

Yun Yi stood aside, and Shi Jingfang handed the receiver over directly: "Looking for you."

After saying that, he didn't stop here: "Please be smart, this is a long-distance call."

Seeing that the children responded, he turned around and went to the kitchen to help.

Before the phone was put to her ear, she heard Ye Wenhui's loud voice: "Sister, how are you doing at your husband's house?"

Yunyi knew that she was concerned about him, and was afraid of being bullied by marrying Gao into the compound: "Don't worry, who am I, your sister? How can I suffer a loss?"

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