He asked Ye Bingyu to take out the gift he had prepared in return: "Jing Rui, since you are not going to spend the night here, go back early so as not to worry your parents."

Although their situation is special, today is the day to return home, and it is really inappropriate to go back too late.

She didn't want her daughter to be bullied so as not to be brought into trouble by the meddlesome people in the compound.

Huo Jingrui originally wanted to say, 'It's okay', but when Yun thought about it, it seemed that it was a custom to return to her husband's house before the sun set on the day she returned home, so she said, "Mom is thoughtful. Anyway, I will be in Beijing from now on, so I will be free." I'll be back."

Ye Bingyu asked brothers Ye Wenhui and Ye Wenhao to carry the return gifts into the car: "If you are not busy, you can come back often and dad will prepare delicious food for you."

Yun Yi and Huo Jingrui responded at the same time: "Okay."

At this time, Ye Wenhui's fiancée Xiang Anxin came over: "Yun Yi, we are also going to have a holiday these days, let's go play together then."

Yunyi liked this future sister-in-law very much: "Okay, I will definitely find you then."

After saying goodbye to everyone in the Ye family, the two drove back.

Huo Jingrui drove the car very steadily: "Yier, let's go out to eat at noon tomorrow. I will take you to meet my childhood friends. There will be a dinner party in the evening. Most of them are comrades who have transferred to Beijing."

He thought that after he returned to the team, he would sometimes be away from Beijing on missions. If something happened, he would know who to go to for help.

Yun Yi turned to look at Huo Jingrui's profile and joked: "Okay, I just want to see how extensive your connections are."

Huo Jingrui touched the tip of his nose: "Although I can't let you walk around the city, you will never be bullied if something happens to you."

Yun Yi looked out the car window with a smile: "With my current hand, if I can be bullied by others, I won't be fooled."

Huo Jingrui turned to look at the person sitting in the passenger seat: "Would you feel uncomfortable losing the status you had in the previous two lives?" Yun Yi did not expect that he would ask this: "You know, I don't like this person. I am restricted, so an ordinary life is more suitable for me.”

Huo Jingrui had a smile on his lips: "Okay, then I will live an ordinary life with you and watch the sunrise and sunset with you."

Yunyi thought of something: "By the way, is there a place to grow vegetables in the army?"

Huo Jingrui said softly: "Yes, but it's a long way from the family home. I haven't gone to the logistics department to claim it yet. If you want it, I'll apply tomorrow."

Yun thought that she would still have to go back to the military family home for a short stay on the weekends. Having such a vegetable plot would also provide cover for the space: "Of course we need it. Let's plant less of each kind later."

Huo Jingrui naturally understood Yunyi's purpose: "Okay, I will listen to you."

When the two returned to Huo's house, they didn't expect Lu Licheng to be at home.

And he even sent me an apron.

Huo Jingrui looked at his mother and asked with his eyes: What is going on?

Before Jiang Jingya could say anything, Huo Jiayuan rushed down from upstairs and explained to them: "Fourth brother, fourth sister-in-law, you are back. I tell you that something happened at Aunt Zhang's house."

Yun glanced at her mother-in-law, saw her nodding, and then asked, "What's going on?"

Huo Jiayuan said angrily: "Aunt Zhang went home before and brought back the chocolates her mother gave her as a gift to her granddaughter. But today I received news that her daughter's neighbor's children were grabbing the chocolates. , and threw her little granddaughter down the stairs.”

Jiang Jingya also looked very unhappy: "I feel guilty for what happened." (End of Chapter)

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