Chapter 930: Guaranteeing Mission Completion

 Huo Shanhe glared at his daughter: This person who has no eyesight really needs to be dealt with.

My daughter-in-law is the only one who cares about face. You, a daughter-in-law, insist on not opening or lifting any pot. You really deserve to be beaten.

Yun Yi looked at this scene of 'friendship' with a smile and laughed unkindly.

Huo Jiayuan said while running: "Sister-in-law Fourth, save me."

Seeing that her man's food was ready, Yunyi smiled and said, "Mom, if you keep chasing me, you will really be late."

When Jiang Jingya heard her daughter-in-law's words, she stopped and pointed at Huo Jiayuan: "I didn't say before that I wanted a tape recorder to learn foreign languages. I think..."

Before she finished speaking, Huo Jiayuan hurriedly ran to Jiang Jing: "No, no, no, mom, I was wrong."

As a gesture, he patted his arm a few times: "Mom, please spare me, I know I was wrong."

Jiang Jingya deliberately remained unmoved and said, "You are right."

Huo Jiayuan said with a smile: "Mom, there are no outsiders here, so I naturally don't care too much about what I say. You don't remember the faults of villains, so please forgive me this time."

After all, Jiang Jingya was amused by her daughter's pitiful expression: "Humph, let's see how you behave."

While they were bickering, Huo Jingrui and Yunyi had already put breakfast on the table.

I thought that father-in-law Huo Shanhe was stirring the porridge in front of him with a spoon in order to save time, speed up eating, and rush out to the work.

Unexpectedly, the bowl of porridge was exchanged with the porridge in front of her mother-in-law Jiang Jingya. Looking at her mother-in-law's movements, they were very natural and smooth. At first glance, this was the norm.

Yun Yi couldn't help but think in her heart: Men will hurt others when they get older. It seems that there is some truth in this statement.

Just when he was distracted, Huo Jingrui also placed the porridge he had mixed in front of Yunyi, and also put a bun for her: "Try it, it's stuffed with mutton."

After Yun Yi took it: "Where did the buns come from?"

Huo Jiayuan answered: "Aunt Zhang steamed it the day before yesterday, and there are a few left."

Jiang Jingya took a bun, broke it in half, handed one half to Huo Shanhe, and started eating the other half. These movements were all smooth and smooth. At first glance, it seemed like daily routine. She couldn't help but smile knowingly. This kind of family atmosphere , it feels very good. After seeing off their parents-in-law, Huo Jingrui and Yunyi were also preparing to go out.

Huo Jiayuan was about to tease her brother and sister-in-law when she saw Lu Licheng walking in from outside.

I had to swallow the words that came to my mouth.

After Huo Jingrui and Yunyi greeted him, they went out.

But as soon as Huo Jingrui walked out of his house, he turned into the yard not far ahead.

Yunyi asked in confusion: "Whose family is this?"

Huo Jingrui lowered his head and looked at Yunyi: "I wouldn't worry if I just left them at home."

Yun Yi couldn't help but laugh out loud, this guy was really evil.

Before they entered, they heard a voice coming from inside the house: "Don't worry, my sister-in-law will take you out in a moment."

The man heard someone entering the room and looked over: "Brother Huo, sister-in-law, you are here, come in quickly."

Huo Jingrui didn't go around in circles and went straight to the point: "Xiaomei, fourth brother is asking you to do a favor."

Zhang Xiaomei looked puzzled and said: "Brother Huo, what are you busy with?"

Huo Jingrui lowered his voice and said a few words to her: "Is that okay?"

I saw Zhang Xiaomei patting her chest and promising: "Brother Huo, don't worry, I promise to complete the task."

Seeing that the matter was settled, Huo Jingrui took Yunyi away.

As soon as she went out, Yunyi pinched Huo Jingrui: "You are really a loser. Are you careful that Lu Licheng will look for an opportunity to retaliate to you?"

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