After Huo Jingrui left, Yun Yi closed the door and went directly back to the kang to catch up on her sleep.

But he didn't sleep for long before he was woken up by the commotion outside.

Thinking of cooking for Jingrui at noon, he simply got off the kang.

After walking around the kitchen, she saw that the oil in her home was almost bottomed out. If there was any inventory in her space, she thought of going to the agency store outside the family compound to check.

Pour the little oil left in the oil bottle into the cooking pot, put the empty bottle into the basket, and carry the basket out the door.

After leaving the house, I realized why it was so lively before. It turned out that Xu Haigang, the son of Camp Chief Xu next door to the political commissar in front of his house, was getting engaged today.

When Yun saw Sister-in-law Lu next door chatting with someone, she stepped forward and said hello: "Sister-in-law Lu, you are busy."

When Wan Ruhua saw it was Yunyi, she smiled and pulled her over: "Brother and sister, where are you going?"

Yun pointed to the oil bottle in the basket: "There is no oil at home. I want to go to the agency store."

Wan Ruhua followed her gaze and answered with a smile: "Soybean oil came to the consignment store yesterday. You just happened to catch it."

Yun Yi smiled and said: "The relationship is good, then you are busy, I will go over and cheer up first."

Before Yun Yi had gone far, she heard Camp Commander Qiao's lover Luo Xiaofang say: "I really don't know how to live. I have only been here for a long time, and a bottle of oil has already reached the bottom."

Wan Ruhua couldn't stand Luo Xiaofang's nonsense the most: "Deputy Huo Tuan's family just invited guests a few days ago. It's not normal for the oil to bottom out. Besides, they didn't spend your family's money. You are too lenient." Bar?"

Luo Xiaofang was unhappy: "I said Wan Ruhua, but I didn't say anything about you, so why are you talking so much?"

Wan Ruhua rolled her eyes: "You don't care what you say, so of course I have to take care of it."

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel, Sun Yanru quickly said: "Luo Xiaofang, mind your own family's affairs and stop chewing on other people's families."

Although Luo Xiaofang was a little unwilling, she naturally didn't dare to offend Sun Yanru because her man was asked to serve as a soldier under Captain Wei: "I just said casually, she is the one who has to be on the line with me."

Everyone naturally knows what kind of character Luo Xiaofang is, and no one picks up on her words.

Someone turned the topic to the college entrance examination results: "By the way, why did Commander Xu's son get engaged so quickly? Wasn't Company Commander Zhan's daughter unwilling before?"

"What do you know? Camp Commander Xu's son did well in the college entrance examination, so his worth is naturally different. Zhan Qiuye will be in a hurry right now."

"Is she so sure that Xu Haigang can get into college?"

"Battlemaster Xu's sister-in-law said that his son's grades will surely make him admitted to college. Recently, many people have come to ask for his hand in marriage. How dare Zhan Qiuye dare to make any further guesses."

"By the way, someone from my family's family already received the admission notice yesterday. Why hasn't there been any movement from our family's home?"

"Yes, in addition to Xu Haigang, the son of Commander Xu's family, Jiang Yuwei, the lover of Company Commander Qi, also took the college entrance examination."

"The leader of the Second Regiment, Zhang Yueji, also took the college entrance examination."

"By the way, I heard that Deputy Huo's wife also took the college entrance examination."

"Yes, yes, yes, Deputy Huo Tuan's wife said it herself that day. I don't know if I can get into college."

"She's already married and she still has to go to school?"

"Unlike Jiang Yuwei from Company Chief Qi's family, she also took the college entrance examination. Why can't she go to college when she gets married?"

"Then Deputy Huo and Company Commander Qi are willing?"

"That's right, it takes several years to go to university. What will happen to the family if they go to school?" "You guys really have nothing to worry about. After going to university, they will become state cadres. If they pass the exam, can they go to school?" "

"You think it's so easy to get into college. It's hard to say whether they can pass. It's too early for you to worry about this."

Wan Ruhua thought these people were too boring, so she told everyone and went back home.

Yun Yi went to the consignment store and bought not only soybean oil, but also brown sugar, white sugar and a lot of mung beans. Thinking that she would integrate into the life of this family home in the future, she naturally had to build a good relationship with her neighbors. Although she had invited guests a few days ago, she still couldn't. I only invited comrades who were good friends with Huo Jingrui.

The neighbors around here still wanted to visit, so she thought about making some mung bean cakes as a house gift.

As soon as she came back, Yun Yi became busy.

She soaked the mung beans first, then closed the door and entered the space. She took the remaining basswood from making the box and started making mung bean cake molds. She worked quickly and made a total of six molds of different colors.

Mung beans need to be soaked for more than thirty hours, so it will definitely not be done today.

Seeing that it was getting late, I thought Huo Jingrui would have a bite of ready-made rice when he came back, so he started preparing lunch. He steamed the rice first, and then started preparing the dishes.

It was just that she had overestimated herself. When she smelled the fumes, she almost vomited, but she had to use the space to fill in water to suppress the nausea.

Minato finished the meal and quickly went into the space to take a bath, and then he came back to life.

After leaving the space, she went back to the kang directly.

Huo Jingrui smelled the aroma of rice when he came back and saw the food that was already prepared in the kitchen. He felt anxious and hurriedly ate a small meal and entered the room: "Yier, how are you?"

When he entered the room, he saw Yunyi lying on the kang: "Yier, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

He took a few quick steps and said, "Didn't I tell you to wait until I come back before cooking? Why are you disobeying me?"

Yun Yi had already calmed down and reached out to touch Huo Jingrui's face: "Don't worry, I'm fine. I just can't smell the fumes when cooking. I feel a little nauseous. This will be much better."

Hearing her words, Huo Jingrui suddenly thought of something and sniffed himself a few times: "I smell of sweat. I'm going to wash up to avoid inhaling you."

Yun Yi didn't stop him. Although she was pregnant in her previous two lives, she didn't have such a big pregnancy reaction. She really couldn't smell anything.

In order not to affect Yunyi, Huo Jingrui used soap several times, and finally gave up after applying soap again.

When he entered the room, Yunyi finally realized: "People are stupid for three years after one pregnancy. I was stupid just after I got pregnant. Why did I forget to let you enter the space to soak in the hot spring?"

Huo Jingrui also reacted at this moment and joked: "It's true, you have infected me too. Don't blame anyone."

As I spoke, I was thinking: It’s really inconvenient to start building the bathroom as soon as spring warms up after the new year.

Sitting on the edge of the kang, he touched the top of Yunyi's hair distressedly: "Are you feeling better?"

Yunyi took his hand and said, "It's okay."

Huo Jingrui hugged him and said, "I won't be on a mission recently. Unless there are special circumstances, I will come back on time every day to cook. Just wait for me to come back and don't let me worry, okay?"

Yun Yi raised her head and looked at him: "As long as you don't smell the fumes, everything will be fine. From now on, I'll cook the rice, prepare the vegetables, and wait for you to come back to cook. If I don't do anything, I might as well go back to the courtyard. "

When Huo Jingrui heard this, he couldn't say anything else. How could he not know that Yun Yi felt sorry for him: "Okay, I will listen to you."

But he immediately added: "You must act within your ability. Anything that makes you feel uncomfortable must be left to me. Remember?" (End of Chapter)

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