After the police officers reacted, some of them stayed to take care of the injured, while others quickly chased after them.

But with Yunyi's eyesight, she could see that the man had undergone special training, and the police might not be able to catch him.

It's not that she doesn't want to help, it's really better to let the police take the long term to catch the big fish.

After all, she had not seen the contents of the note that Yu Liqin had read before, and it was impossible for her to expose Yu Liqin without evidence.

The injury on Yu Liqin's mouth was not taken care of properly, and now she is even more embarrassed.

After the police left with the injured Yu Liqin, Yun Yi repeatedly confirmed that no one was outside, then turned to the alley behind the yard and quickly went out of the alley.

She was afraid that Sister-in-law Lu Wan Ruhua would not be able to find her when she came back.

Fortunately, as soon as she came out of the alley, she saw Lu's sister-in-law Wan Ruhua and other military wives coming here together.

Seeing Sister-in-law Lu look at the place where she was resting, she quickly said, "Sister-in-law, I'm here."

At this time, she was holding the small cloth bag she had just taken out of the space in her hand, and walked towards the sisters-in-law with a smile.

When Wan Ruhua saw the person, the fright on her face immediately turned into joy: "I didn't see anyone under the tree. I was shocked."

Yun Yi raised the small cloth bag in her hand: "I saw someone exchanging dates, so I exchanged some with them."

A military wife answered and said, "Oh, you're so lucky from Deputy Huo's family. I was just looking at the stalls looking for some red dates and walnuts, but I didn't find any."

Yun Yi saw that the military wife had clear eyes, and she was not the kind of person who wanted to take advantage of others: "Sister-in-law, if you are in a hurry, I can share some of this with you."

When the sister-in-law heard what Yunyi said, she quickly waved her hand and refused: "No, no, there is still some at home, enough for my daughter to eat for a few days. I will come over to look for it next episode."

Seeing the confusion on Yun Yi's face, Wan Ruhua on the side helped to explain: "That is Wang Haihua, the daughter-in-law of Mr. Xue's family under your man. His daughter was born prematurely and is in poor health. She needs these nutritious things in daily life. "

There are jujube trees in her space, and there are many fresh and dried jujubes. When she heard that they were the family members of the company commander under Huo Jingrui, she naturally became more enthusiastic: "Sister-in-law, there are more than three kilograms of red dates here. I immediately I won’t use so much, so it doesn’t matter if I give you some.”

Wan Ruhua looked at Yunyi and said, "Haihua, Deputy Huo Tuan's family is sincerely giving you the gift. Your daughter can't live without these things, so keep them."

It was the first time Wang Haihua encountered such a good thing, and her face was full of gratitude: "Sister-in-law, thank you so much."

Yun Yi was confused when she heard her calling her sister-in-law.

This Wang Haihua looks older than herself. Just now she called her sister-in-law, so why should this person call her sister-in-law.

Wan Ruhua laughed when she saw Yunyi like this: "Haihua's man has just been transferred from another military region. They call family members according to their positions. She must have been distracted just now and didn't hear you." Call her sister-in-law."

When Wang Haihua heard Wan Ruhua's words, embarrassment flashed across her face: "Sorry, I was really distracted just now."

Wan Ruhua said with a smile: "They say that when you are in the countryside, do as the Romans do. We here call family members according to the age of the man. Haihua, you must change this in the future."

When Yun saw the embarrassment flashing across Wang Haihua's face, she took the initiative and said, "Sister-in-law Xue, just call me Yun Yi from now on."

Wang Haihua nodded in agreement, and Yunyi, with Wan Ruhua's help, gave half of the red dates to Wang Haihua.

Wang Haihua was also a neat person and had no idea of ​​taking advantage. He immediately settled everything with Yun and kept saying thank you.

A few people chatted and walked to the family courtyard. When they arrived at the gate, Yun Yi was already very familiar with Sister-in-law Xue: "Sister-in-law Xue, bring the children over to play when you have time."

This Sister-in-law Xue is a wonderful person. Yunyi likes her temperament very much and makes people feel very comfortable getting along with her. Yunyi had something on her mind, so she greeted her sisters-in-law and went home directly.

She knew that what she discovered today was not a trivial matter. It also involved family members, so she had to be cautious.

Huo Jingrui was away on a mission, so she had to find someone trustworthy, just in case something went wrong along the way.

After pouring herself a glass of water and going over the matter in her mind, she got up and walked out, preparing to call her father-in-law.

Huo Shanhe was a little confused when he received the call from Yun Yi. After all, this was the first time Yun Yi called his office: "Yun Yi, is there something wrong when you called me?"

Yunyi knew that all calls now had to be forwarded, so there were some things that she couldn't say on the phone: "Dad, I have something to ask you for help. Do you have time to come over?"

Huo Shanhe knew that his daughter-in-law was not without sense. When he heard her words, he quickly understood that something must have happened: "I'll go over there during my lunch break."

What he said this time was watertight.

As soon as Yun hung up the phone, she hurried back. She believed that if her father-in-law was not busy, he would definitely rush over as soon as possible. Naturally, he couldn't let people come over to starve him.

Thinking that I couldn't smell the fumes now, I thought about taking a hard dish from the space for emergency use, and then go to the canteen to get some food back.

Although she has a lot of food stored in her space, she is afraid that her father-in-law will think too much if she takes out too much. After all, it is still provided by ticket.

Yunyi was almost ready when she heard her mother-in-law's voice: "Yiyi, mom is here to see you."

When Yun heard the sound and looked outside, her parents-in-law came together: "Mom, why are you here too?"

Jiang Jingya pretended to be angry and said, "What, you're not welcome?"

Yun Yi took her mother-in-law's arm and said affectionately: "How come? I'm looking forward to mom coming."

As he spoke, he looked at the security guard following his parents-in-law and said nervously, "I'm waiting for mom to bring me something delicious."

Jiang Jingya laughed: "Then mom will come over and give you delicious food when she has time."

As he spoke, Yunyi led people into the living room.

As soon as they entered the room, they became serious.

Huo Shanhe looked at the guard who had put the things away and said, "Go to the courtyard gate and take a closer look."

After the guard went out, he looked at Jiang Jingya again: "Jingya, go to the kitchen and see if there's anything you can do to help."

Jiang Jingya rolled her eyes at him and thought: How careless would it be to make such an excuse?

However, he still said hello to Yun Yi and left the room.

Yunyi poured a glass of water for Huo Shanhe and said straight to the point: "Dad, I went to the market today with my sisters-in-law from the family home, and I accidentally discovered something."

After listening to Yun Yi's narration, Huo Shanhe asked: "You mean that the wife of the former Company Commander Hao still wants to introduce the person named Wu Fengmei to Jingrui?"

Yunyi said with a serious expression: "Yes, based on what I discovered today, I suspect that her motives were not pure at the time. Jingrui went on a mission, so I thought I would let you know first." (End of Chapter)

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