In the Future, My Whole Body is a Treasure

Chapter 109: Battle of Meccalen

The conversation between Zhao Lingyu and Mecamun was first told by Raymond.

Today is the day of my own marriage. Someone even challenged others at the wedding banquet... Raymond’s expression is not good-looking, slightly silent, and then ruthlessly said: “Look for someone to hold the shield!”

Since Zhao Lingyu has promised, it must be a bit of a means, but he can look at it.

If the people of Joao have abilities, but the power of science and technology should not be underestimated, at least the protective cover has reached its peak. In Ruoya, the destructive power of the strong is too great. If the protective cover is not enough, a strong person can create a **** case that covers the entire planet.

Ruoya’s emperor has a variety of protective covers and energy-detecting devices. On such a planet, even if the nine-level power goes crazy, it can also contain its destructive power in a short time, and quickly gather enough The power of suppression. Although the strength of the individual is powerful, the strength of the masses and the technology cannot be underestimated. At least the central computer will let the people with anti-social tendencies use any high-tech equipment in the first place. As a result, the perpetrators even want to find You can't do a flight.

Of course, most of the time, you don't need to be so enemies. In fact, most of the protective covers can prevent the seven-level abilities who do not use other weapons. As for the eight-level and nine-level... How many eight and nine levels?

The protective cover of Redmond’s hand is also one-of-a-kind throughout Joao. After it is stretched out and covers half of the “garden” with the original taste of the Marshal’s House, some people who were worried about being smashed and pond fish I have been relieved and have not hesitated to take out various equipment for easy viewing.

"Zhao Lingyu is very powerful, but he has to get rid of half life with the wounded female worm. This time he lost."

"Do you say that I want to pass on what I have photographed today to the Internet of the Human Federation? Idols are also very interesting."

"You are stupid? Now I still say this! We still pray that Zhao Lingyu will not have an accident. If he has something wrong, where can we go to get pregnant?"

"If Zhao Lingyu can win the Mercadon, that guy is really annoying."

"Even if Zhao Lingyu can't win Merkalun, he made trouble at the marshal's wedding... I can already foresee his end."


Many people are talking about it, and they have found a suitable location outside the protective cover. Some people who will enjoy it, also greet the robot to bring their own tables and chairs, and let people bake delicious food for themselves.

Crohn and Case are just one of those who do this.

"Zhao Lingyu's strength is very strong?" Case used a bamboo pole to fork a small piece of thumb big barbecue, looking at the side of Crohn.

"Yes," Croyn nodded helplessly. "I can't beat him."

"Don't fight in the future." Case.

"Why? This is my interest!"

"It will move the tires." Case was very calm.

Crohn was speechless, and Redmond, who had already walked toward the two men, suddenly had some heartbeat, and then turned decisively. When he saw it, Kings immediately told people to get a small suspension observation deck. By the way, I also prepared some delicious foods, and strived to make Marshal adults only more comfortable and not the most comfortable.

The suspended observation deck is about ten square feet with two comfortable sofas, a coffee table, several cabinets and some high-tech products, and can control its actions with mental power.

The observation deck suspended in the air made many people look a little hot, and Crohn stood up suddenly: "How did I not think? Case, you wait, I will also give you one! Wait, you are Shouldn’t you take care of me?”

Crohn was full of hope, and Case glanced at him with a blank expression.

"Case, can your child be born soon? When..." He will be able to enjoy the treatment of pregnant women!

"I decided to go to the full moon and try natural production." The research-spirited Case did not hesitate to say that he had all the data for the first few months, and the latter did not get it from Ged. I have to be on my own.

Although he has not researched it out and naturally produces children from where to come out, but if they can't live, they will not be able to go through the time.

Crohnton Chrysanthemum tightened: "I never produce it naturally!"

"With you." Case looked gratified at Crohn.

Crohn didn't know why, and he didn't dare to ask Case to wait for his own business, and he couldn't help but sigh: "I knew that I didn't promise to have a child at the beginning..."

His voice just fell, and he received countless envious and hateful eyes. He occupied a very good position. Those who let the robot move to the chair and sit near him are basically equal in status and have one thing in common - Missing children.

In front of a group of people who lack children, they say that they don't want to be born. Isn't that just looking for a fight? Crohn wisely closed his mouth.

"The battle is starting," Case said faintly, helping Crohn solve the encirclement.

Zhao Lingyu will agree to the battle of Merkel, but also to show his strength - the human empire wants to stand firm and can't be despised.

Of course, more importantly, he has the confidence to win.

Not to mention that the cultivation of these days has already improved his strength a lot. He said that some of the small means he learned these days are definitely an insurmountable existence.

Zhao Lingyu stood on a clearing ground and looked at Mecaman. It seemed to be idle. In fact, he was ready to do everything, and he was concentrating on meeting the challenge.

Zhao Lingyu is very serious, and Mecamun is also the same. Although he does not look at Zhao Lingyu, he also knows that if he really turns over the ship in a gutter, he will never be able to ask for it.

Of course, he doesn't feel that he will lose. After all, he is a plant abilities.

According to the intelligence, Zhao Lingyu has a fusion of abilities, and both strength and physical defense are far superior to ordinary people. Such a person's melee is absolutely powerful, but his ability makes him sure that he will not let others close his body.

Looking at the protective cover that shrouded himself and Zhao Lingyu, Mercadon smiled and directly controlled the surrounding plants and allowed them to mutate...

Zhao Lingyu also knows about Mekkalun. At the same time that Mecamun shot, he has already rushed toward Mekaron, but he still has to wait until he rushes to the front of Meccalan. A long vine has already been rolled up. Mecamran stayed away from him, and the grass at his feet wrapped him tightly.

The battle officially began.

Ren Sheng became a ginseng this time. On the one hand, he was worried about Zhao Lingyu. On the other hand, he also wanted to know some outside situations.

As a result, it was not long before he came over, and he even met Zhao Lingyu to fight with people...

The person who was covered by the protective cover disguised as a real grass, began to watch silently, and then looked at the surroundings with some regret. I knew that he would bring the little green on, or else he wouldn’t even have a similar kind of communication. He could only excite himself...

Seeing that the plant that was entangled in Zhao Lingyu was torn off by Zhao Lingyu, Ren Sheng used his own leaves to clap his hands with the leaves of the battlefield. Zhao Lingyu was really handsome! Be sure to beat the bastard!

I saw the bad guy who was looking for Zhao Lingyu to throw a seed and control the flowering result. After the fruit burst, Zhao Lingyu shot a lot of bullet-like seeds. He also raised a heart for Zhao Lingyu, and the leaves could not help but slightly Rolled up, the roots of the ground are firmly entangled in the old tree next to it.

The powder of the plant's seeds has a hallucinogenic effect, and once it is hit, it will spread, and if Zhao Lingyu is in the middle, it will be bad!

I found that Zhao Lingyu was completely unaffected and threw a few seeds back at a very fast speed. He was happy to shake hands with the unknown plants next to him, and then the color of the unknown plants next to it suddenly became greener. When I was going up, I quickly retracted my leaves.

Of course, all this is nothing. What makes Ren Xing satisfied is that when Zhao Lingyu throws all the plants that Mekarron used to attack on Mercann, he even moved his hand to Merkalen...

The battle between Zhao Lingyu and Mecamun is comparable.

Mecamun's strength is not weak, his fighting methods are also ridiculous. More importantly, although he does not pay attention to Zhao Lingyu, he always remembers to open the distance between the two.

All of this made Zhao Lingyu unable to use many means, but Zhao Lingyu's performance was also shocking. After several rounds, his clothes had been damaged, but he did not suffer any damage, but the movement began to slow down. ......

What slows down, this guy definitely wants to play pigs and eat tigers! Feeling the change of Zhao Lingyu, Ren Sheng slammed his mouth.

Ren Sheng is very familiar with Zhao Lingyu, knowing that Zhao Lingyu is installed, but Mekalun is not clear.

Although many of Zhao Lingyu's performances at the beginning were amazing, but this person was also messed up by his tossing clothes, all of which made me Karen unable to give Zhao Lingyu too high evaluation. Now I see Zhao Lingyu's movement slows down, but I only think that Zhao Lingyu has exhausted.

The people of the human federation are the people of the human federation. Sure enough, they can't compare with themselves... Meccalan noticed the situation outside the protective cover and made up his mind to make a quick decision. This is the place of Raymond after all...

The ability in the hand speeds up the output, and the plants inside the shield are controlled by him. At one time, the roots are flying with the seeds, the leaves and the branches are all the same, and at the same time, those meek plants are instantly turned into wounded devils, and Attacked Zhao Lingyu.

Wherever he was, at the edge of the shield, now that Mecamran controlled all the plants in the shield, he naturally felt the energy of Mercadon.

Merkel's previous abilities were similar to those of the old vines, but now this energy makes him very uncomfortable.

Mecamun and the old vine are plant abilities. The energy of the plant abilities is not to be liked by the soil, but it is not annoying, but the energy that Mecamun now exudes makes him I feel that my body seems to be being pinned.

Of course, because Mercadon is not against him, the strength that covers him is very weak, so he can easily get rid of the plants around him...

The tree entangled in the roots was trembling gently. Soon, the plant fibers and cells in it changed, and it seemed to be a tree, but the feeling has changed, and it The body is no longer vigorous at first, but instead begins to rot and black.

Of course, the plants that give such a feeling are more than this one. In fact, almost all of the surrounding plants are.

Ren Sheng originally wanted to follow the surrounding plants, and suddenly he was shocked, but he began to change around the surrounding area and indented into the soil under the cover of other plants.

All the plants attacked Zhao Lingyu at the same time. Even if Zhao Lingyu was even more powerful, it was inevitable that he would be in a hurry. Only when he was surrounded by plants, his mouth was also smiling.

He is not just an actor, he is now a magician.

Seeing that Zhao Lingyu was surrounded by plants, Mercadon stood on a tall tree with a smug smile on his face.

When he first started fighting Zhao Lingyu, he did not use his own tricks, but now he used it.

The abilities of the plant abilities are not strong, but his combat power is amazing, because the plants controlled by him will mutate and even mutate a horrible toxin. Once the toxin invades the body, it will The internal organs of the human body began to corrode, and even the person became a living dead and was controlled by him.

Of course, to be more precise, that is not a plant abilities...

In Ruoya, killing a compatriot is a felony. Therefore, he basically does not use his own abilities in Joao. He only uses some primitive civilizations that have not been developed by interstellar civilization, but this time he used it.

Chapman asked him to try to control Zhao Lingyu, even if the controlled Zhao Lingyu is just a living dead? Others don't know!

The people outside the protective cover did not know the situation of those plants, but Zhao Lingyu, who was surrounded by the mad plants, felt that Zhao Lingyu had lost. He was disappointed.

"This Zhao Lingyu's physical strength is amazing, the strength should not be bad, but unfortunately, Mekkalun is not ordinary."

"Merculon's fighting consciousness is very strong. It is estimated that he has been trained in the foreign calendar all the year round."

"Is it supposed to stop?"


Everyone whispered, at this time, the huge green scorpion surrounded by plants in the middle of the shield suddenly began to wither from the inside...

Of course, all the outsiders didn't know that only Merakon, standing on the top of the tree, was also surprised - his power was slowly disappearing.

The man who is under his control is merging his strength? Thinking of this, Mekkalun felt funny when he was angry.

His power is different, Zhao Lingyu actually wants to integrate his power... The more he integrates, the faster he dies!

Mecaman has already begun to try to control Zhao Lingyu, but soon he found that he can not only control Zhao Lingyu, but even those plants around Zhao Lingyu can not control!

What exactly is going on? Mekalun subconsciously wants to let go of the control of the plants around Zhao Lingyu, but finds that his energy seems to be stuck on it, but he can't open it, and he wants to control other plants can't do it!

He has long followed Zhao Lingyu and also saw Zhao Lingyu's video of fighting with the Zerg Queen. Now, he feels that he seems to be the Zerg Queen, and his energy is passing rapidly along the plants he controlled before.

In Ruoya, there are also abilities of the fusion system or the phagocytic system, but both of these abilities have defects, that is, once the abilities are stronger than themselves, or the abilities are overbearing, they will hurt themselves, his abilities. It is a poison that is more terrifying than overbearing. He should also be stronger than Zhao Lingyu. Why is this?

Mercadon’s expression became more and more frightened, and even people outside found some strange things.

"What happened to Mecaron?" someone asked inexplicably.

"He seems to be a ghost. Isn't that person already locked up by him?"

Many people are very puzzled, but in the case of faster and faster power, Merakon suddenly extended his right hand and touched his left wrist. At the same time, some gorgeous flowers are facing Zhao Lingyu. The plant ball flies, which is of course not a real flower. It is actually a small but powerful bomb.

This test can only use the ability to use other weapons, but now his ability can not be used! Looking at the place where Zhao Lingyu is located, Mecamun’s eyes show grievances and are ready to open the protective cover at any time.

He used the bomb thing, and he definitely checked it out afterwards, but as long as others thought it was a flower, no one would stop it! As for the aftermath... If there is no death penalty, there is always a way to escape.

Killing Zhao Lingyu, this is also Chapman’s account, and the method of refining Dan’s refinement is in the hands of Zhao Lingyu’s partner. Zhao Lingyu’s death will make Ruoya and the human empire unable to cooperate, and can also use Zhao Lingyu’s The partner leads out...

There are no plants at all on those flowers!

Ren Sheng felt that some of the flowers were not right, and he was anxious immediately. Although Zhao Lingyu’s current body is comparable to the turtle shell of the cultivating turtle for thousands of years, maybe it will hurt? With this in mind, Ren Sheng immediately hugged the roots of the big tree next to him.

Just after Mercanen threw the flowers out, the tree under his feet suddenly extended a branch, then caught the flowers, and the leaves were rolled. These "flowers" were still facing Meka. Lunfei went. 2k novel reading network

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