The college entrance examination is also carried out simultaneously.

Headed by the Nanshan base city, six medium-sized base cities and more than 30 small base cities are all conducting the college entrance examination at the same time.

In a small base city, an eighteen-year-old Tier 4 warrior appeared.

Although he is not an awakened person, he is very talented in martial arts.

Tier 4 martial artist level, plus 50 points, two basic martial arts are perfect, one basic body movement is perfect, the three add up to a total of 60 points.

In total, it was only 110 points.

However, this score is enough to enter a key university!

It seems that the score is not high, but for most candidates, there are not many bonus points that can be obtained.

If the score can exceed one hundred, it is considered very high!

Nanshan base city.

There were bursts of exclamations in the examination room.

Because there are only five candidates who have reached the fifth rank of warriors at the age of eighteen!

And this is just an examination room. The base city of Nanshan is very large, and there are at least seven or eight examination rooms!

There are also geniuses of fifth-order warriors in other examination rooms, which means that there are at least 30 candidates who can reach the fifth-order level at the age of eighteen in Nanshan Base City!

The bonus items for Tier 5 fighters start at 50 points, corresponding to Elementary.

Medium +100, Advanced +200, Peak +500!

At present, the candidates appearing in Nanshan Base City have the highest cultivation level, reaching the fifth-level advanced level, and directly obtained 200 extra points!

And he is also an awakener with a powerful flame talent, the test rating is A-level, and he got 50 extra points!

Yuanli-level martial arts and agility, one big and two small, add up to 400 points.

The final score is: 650 points!

There is no doubt that his score is basically stable, and he will be the first person in this session of the college entrance examination in Nanshan Base City.


When he walked out of the examination room, he was ready to greet the cheers of the crowd.

The people gathered outside the examination room were talking a lot, except for a small number of people who saw him, others didn't care.

"Oh my God! Please watch the video on the official website of the Martial Arts Association, a guy from a small base city, with a total score of 750!"

"Fuck! Really, our Nanshan Base City has been established for so many years, and we have never produced such a high-scoring evildoer!"

"Small base city can actually produce such a monster? If such a talent is placed in our large base city, with such good conditions and resources, it must be more than 750 points?"

"Yeah, who's to say no, such a genius will definitely become the main force to stop the invasion of ferocious beasts in the future, and good resources should be used on such a genius!"

"That's right, using it on those wastes is a waste of resources. How can we protect ordinary people like us in the future?"


With a score of 650, the complacent young man looked dazed.

Someone got a higher score than me, by a full 100 points?

And the opponent is not from a large base city.

Just a small base city?

He immediately took out his mobile phone, logged on to the official website of the Wushu Association, and saw the most popular video on the top.

Lu Changge!

He is no stranger to this name, because it was mentioned by the chairman of the martial arts association before, and it has attracted the attention of all parties.

When he heard the name at the beginning, he didn't take it seriously. After all, Lu Changge was only at the fourth level at that time, and he was already at the fifth level.

I didn't expect it now.

The other party actually surpassed the college entrance examination and became a blockbuster. As a small-scale base city warrior, he crushed all the geniuses of medium-sized base cities and even large-scale base cities?

For a while, he, who scored 650 points and would become the number one student in the Nanshan college entrance examination according to the usual practice, was ignored by no one.

There are even many comments that these geniuses from Nanshan base city enjoy so many resources and benefits, but the result is not as good as others in a small base city, which is a shame!


Ning'an base city.

When Lu Changge walked out.

There was thunderous applause, the crowd cheered, and the excited young woman even wanted to break through the guards' block and yelled at Lu Changge heart-piercingly to show her love.

It's amazing!

High score of 750!

For Ning'an Base City, it is simply making history and setting a record!

"Brother, you are amazing!"

Like a black shadow, Meng Shan threw herself into Lu Changge's arms, as if she wanted to tell everyone present that the big brother belonged to her, and no one was allowed to snatch her!

"This kid really gave me a big surprise..."

Xu Peng stood not far away, his eyes widened.

More than a month ago, Lu Changge said that he planned to go into the vicinity of Linxi Mountain to look for the Violent Bear, and find it to hone his martial arts skills.


In more than a month, you have been honed to the level of perfection?

Damn, what kind of monstrous comprehension can make you do it to such a terrifying level?

Xu Peng is very clear.

The most important factor for Lu Changge to get such a high score is that his Yuanli-level martial arts and agility are too high!

After all, this is a level that can only be achieved by a sixth-order grandmaster.

In addition, the S-level strength talent is more eye-catching, and the fifth-level elementary martial artist level, on the contrary, can only be regarded as ordinary among geniuses.

"Hahaha, you really give us the face of the mayor of Ning'an base!"

"Damn it, in the future, the presidents of the chapters of the major base cities will hold meetings together, and I will be able to brag for a lifetime!"

As the president, Zhao Qun also grinned, excited.

After all, from now on, Ning'an Base City is equivalent to having a resounding big signboard!

And with the growth of Lu Changge in the future, the base city of Ning'an is bound to rise accordingly. This is a genius who has gone out of Ning'an!

"President, with Lu Changge's score, it is not a big problem to enter the National Tianjiao Competition?" Xu Peng remembered this matter.

"What do you mean it's not a big problem?"

Zhao Qun curled his lips, "If this score doesn't make it into the National Talent Contest, it's a hell of a mother!"

"According to the past annual scores, if you score more than 500 points, you can enter the National Tianjiao Competition."

"Hey, that's good!"

When Xu Peng heard that Lu Changge could surely enter the National Talent Competition, he was immediately proud and happy for this kid.

After all, the requirements given by the chairman of the Nanshan base city special training camp are too harsh.

In the past, every year, in this area headed by Nanshan Base City, there were at most five or six people who were eligible to enter the National Tianjiao Competition.

The number of special training camps is 100 per year.

So to a certain extent, the chairman of the board asked Lu Changge to enter the National Tianjiao Competition before giving him a place in the special training camp.

Sure enough, it's embarrassing!

However, many bigwigs in Nanshan Base City are staring at those quotas, as are the six medium-sized base cities below. It is already very rare for the chairman to take out a quota.

It is reasonable to put forward harsh requirements.


Lu Changge is very competitive, he did it!

"This kid, if you want to dive into the abyss, the flying dragon is in the sky!"

With a smile on his face, Xu Peng looked at the young figure walking out of the examination room.

In today's era when human beings are at a disadvantage, it is also a great blessing in life to be able to witness the rise of a Tianjiao monster!

【The first update~】

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