In the Heavens

Chapter 116 The End of the Sword Qi Controversy

He ran back to Guanzhong with a large army, and there were no accidents along the way, so Li Mu heaved a sigh of relief.

It seems that what happened this time was indeed an accident. Maybe even the Forbidden City man didn't expect that such an astonishing result could be achieved with a casual move of chess.

So much so that it was too late to deploy more means, and took advantage of this opportunity to continue to expand the results of the battle.

The matter is finally over, and when they return to their hometown, it will not be so simple if the court wants to calculate.

As for spies, once they are guarded against, the effect will not be that great. At the very least, it is impossible to provoke a battle of sword qi like in the original book.

Anyone who wants to do something will be killed first, and if they make a mistake, they will also be dealt with. At this time, I would rather kill by mistake than let it go.

Anyway, those who stir up disputes in the family are destined not to be good products, and if they are resolved early, they can be regarded as cleaning up the family.


"Master, you..."

Seeing Ning Qingyu again, Li Mu couldn't believe his eyes. I haven't seen him for more than a year, and Ning Qingyu's hair is already graying, and he seems to have aged twenty years.

Seeing his haggard face, Li Mu swallowed all his words. Afraid of inadvertently provoking Ning Qingyu, he directly took away the head and father-in-law in front of him.

As if he had gotten used to this look, Ning Qingyu waved his hands and said, "Don't worry, I won't die for a while. At least I have to see you marry my little girl, otherwise I won't die.

After going out for more than a year, you must have a lot of doubts. Just ask now while I can hold on, after that it's up to you. "

This is seeing through life and death, Li Mu secretly sighed in his heart. Jianghu is really too dangerous, even if the martial arts are as strong as Ning Qingyu, it is difficult to escape the enemy's schemes.

At this moment, he even had the idea of ​​quitting the arena. Fortunately, this unreliable thought just passed by in a flash. As a responsible person, Li Mu would not be able to do such a half-way picky thing.

Closed-door penance is only suitable for a very small number of people. Most ordinary people want to cultivate their minds. The best choice is to go deep into the world and grind their minds with the world of mortals.

Although I have often corresponded in the past year, the letters cannot keep up with the real oral narration, and many things cannot be explained clearly by the thousands of words on the letter.

After briefly describing the experience of more than a year, as well as some conjectures of my own, more than two hours have passed.

Ning Qingyu nodded with a smile: "Well, it's not bad! It seems that I can rest assured that the Huashan faction is in your hands.

There are many things in this, which I was going to explain to you, but I didn't expect you to understand it yourself.

You guessed it right, the relationship between good and evil and the imperial court is a mess, and many times we ourselves can't explain it clearly.

Although the factions of the righteous way fought fiercely, we still stood in the same camp when facing the imperial court. If the situation really requires it, we can even stand together with the Demon Cult.

There is no rush to add insult to injury to Shaolin and is right. The current arena can no longer stand the toss, and the first thing we need to do next is to preserve our strength.

In fact, the imperial court doesn't need to take it too seriously. We have encountered similar things more than once in the hundreds of years of inheritance of the Huashan School.

In this regard, we are similar to the choices of the aristocratic families. If the emperor is strong, we will be silent first. Just wait for the next emperor to succeed, and then continue planning.

Now the little emperor's methods are indeed extraordinary, he has tossed all the civil and military officials, and even the general trend of the gathering of civil official groups has been contained by him.

Compared with Jinxiu Jiangshan, Wulin is just a small fish pond. As the emperor, there are too many things to pay attention to every day, so it is doomed that he cannot spend too much energy on us.

Shaolin Temple was unlucky because the emperor wanted to suppress Buddhism. They are the leading figures launched by Buddhism, so they should be taken care of naturally.

In contrast, my Huashan faction doesn't have so many people who are concerned about it. The leader of Zhengyi is Longhushan, and my Quanzhen sect is directly without a leader.

The Huashan lineage has been silent for a long time. In terms of influence in the Taoist sect, the Wudang faction is much stronger than us. Even if they are going to be suppressed, they are ahead of us.

It is estimated that the civilian group will also counterattack. The little emperor's series of troubles did not seem to hurt their rights and interests, but in fact they had seriously affected their interests.

The monks, temples and Taoist temples all over the world are not limited to the two lines of Buddhism and Taoism. There are still quite a few of them controlled by aristocratic families and dignitaries in the court for the purpose of making money.

You may not believe it, but in this round of war between good and evil, the little emperor's internal treasury has increased by at least 300,000 hectares of land, which is almost one-fifteenth of the registered land in the court.

I have to admit that he is still very cunning, and the gang of eunuchs he sent out is more ruthless than the other.

When confiscating the properties of monks and temples, many fields that were not recorded in the court records were enclosed by them as unowned land.

Hidden fields are not visible, but are ordinary people who dare to do this kind of thing? After suffering this dumb loss, if he doesn't take revenge and go back, what if the emperor becomes addicted?

If there were no accidents, the eight tiger eunuch who danced the most happily now would be in trouble next time.

Daming is no longer what it used to be. No matter how powerful Zhu Houzhao is, he can't change the fact that the civil official group is the only one.

At best, eunuchs can only check and balance civil officials. No matter how much support the emperor gives, they cannot replace civil officials after all.

Now everyone just didn't adapt to the emperor's gameplay. Next, when the civil and military officials adapt to this rhythm, it may be impossible for the emperor to gain the upper hand by relying on shamelessness.

Unless he can help the generals and nobles up, there is no solution to this situation.

It's a pity that the civil servants won't give him a chance. The world has been at peace for a long time, without military achievements, and being controlled by civil servants, how can the waist of a general be hardened? "

Sure enough, there is no such thing as a simple thing for a big man in the arena. With this insight, even if you enter the court, you can still get along well.

But thinking about the current status of the Huashan faction, Li Mu felt relieved. It is enough for the small sects to play with the rules of the rivers and lakes, but the big sects have to consider politics.

Thanks to the good teacher in Shaolin Temple, now several big factions in the martial arts can't help but use the thinking of politicians when considering issues.

Both Chongxu and Fangzheng in the original book are the best among them, and they have completed their respective strategic layouts just relying on the behind-the-scenes pushers.

In any case, the decline of martial arts is an indisputable fact. In the past, the battle between good and evil was mainly to reduce the number of people in the martial arts, and the losses of famous and decent families were relatively limited.

In this wave, not only the middle and lower martial arts forces suffered heavy losses, but also the famous and decent sects suffered heavy losses. As far as it can be confirmed, there are no less than ten top-notch sects who have fallen into the family.

After a brief exchange, without asking Li Mu's opinion, Ning Qingyu announced the decision to pass on the position in the Sword Qi Chongxiao Hall the next day.

Originally, there were still many people in the Qizong sect who wanted to object, but just looking at Ning Qingyu's old face, everyone had to swallow their objections back.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the head of the sect is near the end of his life. The main purpose of passing the throne now is to ensure the smooth progress of the sect's power change.

There is no other way. In the past two years, famous doctors in the Jianghu have been invited all over. Almost all the masters of medicine in the Taoist sect have visited Huashan, and finally everyone came to a unanimous decision-the medicine stone is difficult to cure.

According to the Taoist seniors: if you step back and ignore the secular world, and devote yourself to cultivating wholeheartedly, with Ning Qingyu's cultivation base, you can still last for a few years.

If you continue to work hard at the head position, if something goes wrong, you may get angry and die at any time.

The situation ahead was critical, and in order to avoid panic, Ning Qingyu could only block the news and support himself.

Now that the situation is stabilizing and the heir can hold on, Ning Qingyu simply doesn't hide anything.

Glancing at the crowd with tears in their eyes, Ning Qingyu smiled gratifiedly: "Okay, you are all the pillars of my Huashan faction, don't act like little daughters, it will make people laugh if you spread the word.

Since everyone has no objections, I think the succession ceremony will be held on the fifteenth day of next month. You guys are responsible for the preparations! This time I'm in charge, so I won't invite all factions to watch the ceremony.

By the way, before Qing Yu abdicates, he will announce the last decision: from now on, there will be no two sects of sword energy in the Huashan School. Anyone who dares to talk about the two sects of sword qi will be expelled from the gate.

If the ancestors are to blame, I will go down and explain to them in person. All crimes are borne by me alone.

If you still recognize me as the leader, just listen honestly. If you think I'm incompetent, you can take me down now and clean up the door. "

After speaking, ignoring everyone's reactions, Ning Qingyu turned around and left the Sword Qi Chongxiao Hall.

Only the two sects of sword qi were left looking at each other. No one thought that the final result of the strife was that the two sects of sword qi were tossed together and disappeared.

Ning Qingyu's words were too heavy, and he directly pressed himself on top. Either obey the decision, or take down the head and clean up the door.

Everyone has feelings, and Ning Qingyu, the head of the sect, has devoted himself to the Huashan faction and has a special place in everyone's hearts.

No matter how strong the anger in their hearts is now, let them attack Ning Qingyu, everyone still can't do it.

In fact, even if they wanted to do something, they would have no chance. Before everyone could react, Feng Qingyang took the lead to stand up: "I will follow the order of the head!"

After speaking, he stared at everyone with cold eyes, as if warning everyone: whoever dares to stand up, he must be taken down first.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen elders expressed their acceptance one after another. Li Mu also brought a group of disciples of different generations out at the right time, expressing his acceptance.

Anyone with a little brain knows that the scene in front of him was definitely planned in advance. Before they could connect in series, they were forced to express their views.

It doesn't matter whether you accept it or not, the key is that now the head of the sect forcibly disintegrated the two schools of sword qi, and the leaders of the two sects of sword qi have lost the restraint on the disciples of the two sects from the righteousness.

The scene in front of me is the best portrayal of the split between the two sects of sword qi. As the number of people speaking out continues to increase, the pressure on those who remain is increasing.

Not to mention that there are so many supporters, even if Ning Qingyu stood here alone, they would not dare to move!

Don't look at Ning Qingyu's easy words, just take him down and clean up the house. If you really do something, you won't be able to change the fact that you're making trouble.

The two sects of sword qi joined forces to cause chaos and take down the master?

Just think about it. If they could all cooperate to this point, where would the Huashan faction still have any sword qi disputes?

After struggling for a while, Yue Qinglin still closed his eyes and said, "Follow the order of the master!"

It can be seen that he is very contradictory in his heart. On the one hand, he is the Qizong, and on the other hand, he is his most respected senior brother. This choice really makes him embarrassed.

Watching his little brothers turn their backs one by one, knowing that there is no way to turn back, he can only accept the reality.

As Yue Qinglin's words fell to the ground, the remaining elders of the Qizong sighed one after another, and bit the bullet to accept the result.

The few remaining elders of Jianzong pointed at Feng Qingyang with trembling hands, looking as if they wanted to eat people.

Obviously, Feng Qingyang played a key role in today's scene. If it weren't for the support of him, the number one expert in the world, Ning Qingyu would never have dared to make such a decision.

However, facing the Juggernaut with a clear conscience, each of them didn't know what to say.

Now that the general trend has been established, their opinions are no longer important. Regardless of whether they expressed their opinion or not, the two sword qi sects were gone after today.

Although the identity of Jianzong's lineage is important, compared with the identity of Huashan disciples, it can still be compromised.

Not having the name of Jianzong does not mean cutting off the inheritance of Jianzong.

How should martial arts be passed on, or how to pass it on. Under the master-apprentice succession system, it is always the disciples themselves who are responsible.

In a sense, the disintegration of the two sword qi sects today is only the two big gangs of the sect, but it does not mean that the two martial arts concepts have disappeared.

As a matter of fact, almost all the major sects had disputes over martial arts concepts, but Huashan was the only one that was divided into factions because of martial arts concepts.

Taking Shaolin Temple as an example, there are probably no less than a hundred kinds of martial arts concepts in the temple. If they were divided into factions because of a dispute over ideas, they might have disbanded long ago.

The Huashan School is no exception. Judging from the martial arts secret books, it is known that there are many martial arts concepts in it.

For example: the Three Immortal Swords that pursue killing and killing, the Xiyi Swordsmanship that pursues freedom, the Yangwu Swordsmanship that advocates the noble spirit of nourishing me, the Qingfeng Thirteen Styles that emphasize speed changes...

Even a martial art has two true meanings, for example: Hunyuan Gong is not only pursuing the indomitable strength, but also pursuing the health preservation of prolonging life.

It may seem contradictory, but it is not. It is impossible to have both, and it mainly depends on the practitioner's own choice.

The same martial arts can produce two or even more results.

The concept of martial arts is too broad, and it is difficult to decide right or wrong. More depends on whether it is suitable, only the most suitable is the best.

After staring at each other for a while, several elders of Jianzong closed their eyes one after another, and responded to this unbearable result with silence.

Many people, including Li Mu, breathed a sigh of relief. It doesn't matter whether you accept it or acquiesce, as long as you don't cause trouble for this problem, it will be a good result.

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