Just when Wang Shanchuan got the paint formula,

When the drums began to be configured with the first stealth paints, it was time to

do so

The whole of the Eagle Nation was immersed in crazy joy.

The public debut of the latest generation of stealth fighters,

Not only in terms of morale to encourage all the Eagle Nation taxpayers,

It also made Lao Deng's public support rate surpass all other competitors in a short period of time!

If nothing else,

He will be re-elected as the next president!



In the Presidential Palace,

A couple of blonde and blue-eyed old men of the Eagle Kingdom were holding goblets

Enjoy this rare joy comfortably!

Moments later,

Eagle State Secretary Elken excitedly

"We must seize this opportunity to thwart the arrogance of the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Especially in terms of the ownership of Ryukyu Island, we can't let the Dragon Kingdom continue anymore!"

This proposal,

It was instantly recognized by many heads of eagle countries, including Lao Deng.

I want to curb the development of the Dragon Kingdom

It's not just about business and technology

There is only an all-round blockade

In order to ensure the hegemony of the Eagle Country in the world to the greatest extent!

Lao Deng's eyes flashed even more.

"Elken, do you have any good advice?".

"Your Excellency, I suggest that you support the independence of the Ryukyu government!"

A hoarse voice with a grim voice sounded in the room

Suddenly, all the leaders of the Eagle Country, including Lao Deng, were stunned.

This suggestion,

It can be said that it was a stab in the body of the dragon country!

Once successful,

It will definitely greatly weaken the influence of the Dragon Kingdom on the Blue Star!

After a few moments, the room became noisy.

"Erken, your suggestion...... Very good!".

"Once successful, my Eagle Country's position in the Blue Star will be more stable!".

"That's it!".

So, on the same day above the United Nations General Assembly,

Smith, a diplomat in the Eagle Nation, made this suggestion directly!

The representatives of the various countries on the field were in an uproar in an instant!

"Oh, Shet, the Eagle Nation has really begun to suppress the Dragon Kingdom!".

"I knew they wouldn't let this opportunity go!"

"Who let the Dragon Kingdom not have a fifth-generation aircraft!".

In particular, the representatives of the Wa Kingdom looked like they were eager to kneel and lick

Can't wait to raise my hand:

"We, the Wa Country, strongly support the Eagle Country's proposal!".

"The Ryukyus are an independent government!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent.

The eyes of the representatives of various countries fell on the representatives of the Dragon Kingdom.

Everyone is waiting for the Dragon Kingdom's statement!

And at this moment, as a representative of the Dragon Kingdom,

Although Xu Fenglei still had no expression on his face

But in the heart,

In fact, I have greeted the ancestors of the Eagle Country and the Wa Kingdom countless times!

Damn the Eagle Nation and the Wa Nation Elf!

Isn't it just the development of a fifth-generation aircraft?

It's as if we don't have it in the Dragon Kingdom!

Especially those dwarfs in the Wa Kingdom!

looks like a slave, and deserves to be a dog leg for the Eagle Country for a lifetime!

"Ahem. "

Xu Fenglei cleared his throat

"Let me start by making a statement. "

"Ryukyu Island has been an inseparable part of our dragon country since ancient times, and the recorded history can even be traced back more than 2,000 years!"

"Any move that wants to divide our dragon kingdom is interfering in the internal affairs of the dragon!"

It doesn't matter if you can beat it or not

At least stand on your feet in the general sense!

Seeing this, Smith directly gave the representative of the Japanese State a look.

The representative of the Japanese State immediately stood up and said loudly:

"This is just the words of your dragon country, not on behalf of the Ryukyu government!"

"We have established diplomatic relations with the Ryukyu government for many years, and we don't want to see such a situation again!"

Xu Fenglei sneered and said:

"When will you drive out the Eagle Nation garrison on your Japanese territory, and say this kind of thing again!".

This knife is directly inserted into the artery of the representative of the Japanese state!

Since receiving two mushroom eggs from the Eagle Country,

Although the Wa Kingdom is nominally independent,

But everywhere you have to be constrained by the Eagle Country

Both economically and otherwise,

The people of the Eagle Country are even more superior in the Wa Kingdom!

The sourness in this is clear only to the Japanese people.

"You, you, you!" the representative of the Wa Kingdom was speechless when the water was in the well by the well.

"Representative of the Dragon Kingdom, please pay attention to your words. "Smith had to step up.

"Oh?" Xu Fenglei smiled disdainfully.

When it comes to verbal warfare,

These guys in the room combined are no match for him!

But there was also a trace of worry in his heart.

Five generations of stealth fighters,

It is an important symbol of military strength in the world today.

If the Eagle Country is desperate to make a move,

Forcibly support the independence of the Ryukyus,

It's a bit of a hassle.

"The soldiers of our Eagle Country have crossed the ocean just to ensure the safety of the Japanese country. "

"The same is true for the Ryukyus!".

"In order to maintain world peace and stability, in a few days, the aircraft carrier of our Eagle Kingdom will arrive near the waters of the Ryukyus. "

"At the same time, there will be several stealth fighters to escort you!".

The stark threat of the Eagle Nation caused the assembly to break up unhappily.

The news was sent back home

It caused an uproar!

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