A week passed, but there was no movement in Zou Cheng.

Since the arrival of the extreme heat period and the expansion of the fifth base, a lot of solar panels have been brought in to repair the damaged circuits. Many places have loudspeakers broadcasting major events in the city every day.

Once the virus broke out, the fifth base had already avoided the circle of the first base, and the whole city broadcasted the epidemic prevention for the whole city.

After waiting for so long, everything was calm.

Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan got up and drove away from Zoucheng.

As for the outbreak of dysentery inside the first base, the lord dealt with all the infected people in a centralized manner as early as the first time.

But for them, the loss is not a little bit.

Among those who were killed, there were also several who were engaged in scientific research, and they just disappeared like this.

The lords of the first base also lost their hearts during this purge campaign. One after another, some people secretly left, and a group of people were replaced directly behind.

The latecomers don't have the same affection for the base as the first batch of people, so it's best if they don't destroy it. It is very difficult to manage, let them do infrastructure construction, it is all kinds of passive slowdown, or just leave the stall and leave...

Trouble continues.

But no one paid attention to all this.

It was also Qiao Dongliu's severe blow this time that made the base have no time to worry about the original arrest warrant for Erhei and his party. Several checkpoints directly put aside the first arrest warrant.

So, the departure journey was very smooth.

Before Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan returned to the base in Liaocheng, they carried out a second disinfection, and all the items that appeared in Zoucheng were disinfected centrally.

After the work was over, the two returned together.

When they arrived at the backyard, Hu Guang was training with Qiao Mobai in the backyard.

Only a dozen days have passed, and Qiao Mo's fair skin has been tanned, and he obviously hasn't been free for a day. At this time, under the pursuit of Hu Guang's devil, he can directly do dozens of belly circles .

His arms are stronger, he holds the gun, and a bullet penetrates the glass bottle in front of him. Although the hit rate is not as good as that of Hu Guang, compared with before, it is not a little improvement.

As soon as Hu Guang saw Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu, he stepped forward to ask for credit: "How is it? My instructor is okay, Xiaobaibai has been promoted to Little Wolf Dog Black and White."

black and white.

Qiao Xiachu walked over and saw that Qiao Mobai's wrist was bleeding, and felt distressed immediately. He pulled his tanned brother into the room and said, "I'll treat the wound for you. With such a high temperature, do you think it will be infected?"

Qiao Mobai smiled innocently.

"Sis, if I aim at a mouse now, I can shoot it." He said proudly.

Qiao Xiachu took out the medicine box from the drawer and began to disinfect his wound.

"I know you want to get stronger quickly, but the body is the capital of the revolution. If you break the body, how can you make progress?" she said.

At this time, Hu Guang poked Rong Huaiyan beside him, and asked, "How is it? What did you gain from this trip?"

His eyes flicked between Rong Sir and Qiao Meier, implying that it was obvious.

Rong Huaiyan slapped his hands off, and said seriously: "We're going out to do some serious business."

Hu Guang smiled wickedly.

"It shouldn't take that much effort to get Qiao Dongliu out and dispatch the two of you at once," he said.


As soon as he saw Rong sir's desire and dissatisfaction face, he knew that he and Qiao Meier were still like brothers.


"you shut up!"

Rong Huaiyan glared at him, turned around and left.

He had to go to Lao You to discuss something.

The pest disaster was successfully overcome, and the Liaocheng base went smoothly, and a new round of planting began again. This time, not only heat-resistant sweet potatoes, heat-resistant tomatoes, heat-resistant peppers, and heat-resistant okra were put into production one by one.

Of course, this is a major event in the outer city.

Rong Huaiyan hoped that the inner city would also not waste their own backyards. Apart from relying on the base, they must also carry out self-help. Every household must stockpile food.

Otherwise, when the supplies are exhausted, the base will not be able to rescue everyone.

After he left, Hu Guang also followed.

Get enough rest.

If he is idle again, something will happen when he is idle.

This time, Rong Huaiyan did not stop him.

night time.

The news of Qiao Xiachu's return to the inner city naturally spread to Erhei's ears. He specially gave all the female soldiers a holiday and asked Qiao Linmei to go back to 101 to visit her sister.

As soon as Qiao Linmei came back, she was very excited.

She cut off her long hair, and like Qiao Xiachu, she has short, dry and easy-to-wash hair. The wound on her head has healed, and hair piles grow around her, which should be able to cover the scar later.

However, facing the ugly thing, she was obviously not so depressed.

As soon as she came back, Qiao Linmei kept babbling as soon as she opened her mouth.

In the women's corps, she was severely ravaged. During the first two days of training, she secretly shed tears every day. In addition to facing the big problem of tanning, she deeply felt the physical weakness.

After more than ten days of training, facing the daily high-intensity training, she never cried again, and her mentality was much more stable.

"Sister, I miss you so much and worry about you every day. My dad, ah no, Qiao Dongliu is so bad. He has a lot of contacts in the base. I'm really afraid that he will hurt you. I'm relieved when you come back smoothly." Qiao Lin Mei said.


Qiao Xiachu was taken aback.

She asked: "Does Qiao Dongliu have many contacts in the first base? When I went back this time, I found that there was no one else around except a maid."

At that time, Rong Huaiyan also secretly investigated.

There was no one in the first base who made friends with Qiao Dongliu, and several of his confidants were sacrificed by him and died at the hands of Qiao Xiachu. A newly trained subordinate was also found out by the investigation team of the base, so he ordered him to be dragged and shot.

Nothing else.

Qiao Linmei was stunned, and asked: "What about Uncle Yang? He is a professor of biochemistry at the base, and there is Uncle Li, who works in the weapon development department of the base. Liu Hexie mentioned that he is Qiao Dongliu's friend. "

As soon as these words came out, Rong Huaiyan frowned slightly.

He said: "Yang Shouming and Li Zehui. They have already left the first base. A month ago, there was no news about it. The base still posted a search notice."

Qiao Xiachu said quietly: "I'm afraid it's all Liu Hexie's handwriting. She must have started secretly planning."

Qiao Linmei and Qiao Mobai realized that something was wrong, and asked what happened.

Qiao Xiachu narrated the matter exactly.

Hearing her words, Qiao Mobai was as silent as snow, and his face instantly became cold.

"Liu Hexie, this bad woman, turned out to be the mother who killed my mother and sister, I want to kill her, I want to kill her for revenge, woo woo woo—"

Qiao Linmei hugged Qiao Xiachu and cried bitterly.

"Sister, where is she? Where is she? I must find her and ask her why she is so cruel. Mom treats her sisters, but she can kill her. Has Liu Hexie's heart been eaten by a dog? Woo Woohoo." She wailed loudly, with hatred in her eyes.

Hatred makes people grow rapidly.

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