In The Marine, The Lightsaber I Invented Slashed Kaido

Chapter 23 Vacant Shichibukai Candidates

"Doflamingo, you pirates' good days won't last long!" Daubman snorted coldly, his eyes full of arrogance.

Daubman was well aware of the massive outfit of lightsabers and bamboo dragonflies.

After Mingge got on the boat, every move was in Dauberman's eyes.

This is necessary monitoring for Shichibukai.

Prevent them from making any small moves.

Sooner or later, World government will not need the so-called Seven Warlords of the Sea.

When the time comes, facing this group of pirates, Daubman will be able to cut them openly.

"Hehe, your threat is too pale, just like a child." Brother Ming still wore a smile.

Mocked as a child by Brother Min, Dauberman's eyes were about to spew fire.

"In a few days, you will know what fear is!" Dauberman roared in a low voice.

"I don't believe it." Brother Ming still doesn't care.

It's just that after Dauberman said these words, he regretted it in his heart.

He even found that he was teased by Brother Ming.

Keep talking to this guy, maybe you will leak secrets.

So Daubman didn't say a word with a straight face, and no longer paid attention to Brother Ming's provocation.

Don't look at Brother Ming's ease and ease, and he is also muttering secretly in his heart.

Judging from Doberman's performance just now, this threat is not unfounded.

Let Mingo think of the presence of subversive weapons in intelligence.

Could it be that this weapon gave Daubman confidence!


Three days later.

The warships escorting Shichibukai back have returned to Red Line port.

Seven Warlords of the Sea have arrived in Mariejois from Marine headquarters, starting with Donquixote. Mr. Doflamingo, and Mr. Bartholemew Kuma. ”

Under the nervous gaze of many Marine.

Brother Ming and Big Bear Yuya got off the boat and walked towards the conference building.

Those murderous eyes around them could not pose the slightest threat to them.

"Whoops, I haven't been back here for a long time." Brother Ming said with a meaningful smile.

Few people understood the meaning of Ming's words, as well as the hatred under the sunglasses.

The last time he came to the Holy Land, Brother Ming took his father's head and wanted to return to the Holy Land Home.

He was greeted by being discarded as garbage.

"Hey, hey, Big Bear! How do you feel here. Brother Ming asked back.

The bear followed behind Brother Ming, silent.

After entering the conference room, I found a corner to sit down and read.

In the conference room, there were already several Marine generals.

They were both participants in the meeting and came together to discuss with Shichibukai on behalf of Marine.

It's just that Sengoku hasn't come yet, so the meeting hasn't officially started yet.

Seeing Brother Ming and Xiong, these Marine generals showed vigilant looks.

"Boring." Mingo muttered.

After finding a place to sit down, he began to manipulate a general with String-String Fruit, shaking his fist at the person next to him.

Seeing the two people twisting together, Brother Ming felt happy.

This feeling of secretly controlling everything is what Brother Ming dreams of.

Seeing that the two Vice Admiral were fighting more and more fiercely, they were even touching each other's necks, and their faces turned red.

"Doflamingo, it's you who it, they're all good boys, let them go." Tsuru, who had been sitting quietly, spoke.

"Good boy, huh! Staff Officer Tsuru, I really lost to you. Brother Ming snapped his fingers.

I saw that the two Vice Admiral actually pulled out their weapons, it was no longer a simple fight, but to kill people.

Just as the situation was about to escalate further, Sengoku appeared.

The door to the conference room was pushed open.

Marine Marshal Sengoku walked in, and when he saw the chaotic scene, his face couldn't help but sank.

"Fooling around like this at the Shichibukai meeting, are you here to fight or for a meeting, bastard!"

"Bastard? Is this complimenting me? Brother Ming was still smiling.

However, the two generals who drew their swords both felt that the power that controlled their bodies was gone.

All collapsed on the ground, panting heavily.

They didn't even understand how Brother Ming controlled them.

"Let's start the meeting, there is no point in waiting, six people came to two, and the attendance has exceeded my expectations." Sengoku walked over to the Lord and sat down.

Shichibukai is a bunch of guys, Sengoku knows very well.

"That's right, originally I didn't want to come, but the construction of the island has been too smooth recently, and I'm a little too bored." Brother Ming pretended to be indifferent.

"That's really bad, the more the pirates' careers develop, the more trouble we have for Marine." Sengoku stared at Brother Min, he knew very well how difficult the person in front of him was.

"Hehe, since your code name is Buddha Sengoku, how come there is no Buddha's compassion at all, but a sour taste." Brother Ming also sneered at each other and did not give in at all.

Before the meeting could begin, the position between Shichibukai and Marine was exposed.

The bear remained as silent as ever, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

"If Marine and Shichibukai are still hostile, then this Shichibukai meeting will not make sense."

A voice sounded from the doorway position, and a man with a crossed sword on his back walked in.

It's Hawkeye!

When he saw Hawkeye, Sengoku was surprised.

He didn't get any news from the ghost spider, and Hawkeye agreed to attend the Shichibukai meeting.

Sengoku wouldn't have thought that the ghost spider was too eager to return to Marine headquarters and forgot to inform Sengoku about it.

"I can't imagine that even you are coming." Sengoku was still very calm.

The appearance of Hawkeye was indeed an accident.

But half of Shichibukai attended, which is a good thing.

"It's strange that the least likely person to come is also present." Brother Ming also muttered.

"Hmph! No fuss, I'm just here to listen, plus I'm interested in some pirate, that's all. ”

Hawkeye said and sat down, clasping his hands together and looking like a spectator.

"So, is there an honor to observe below?"

Another voice sounded.

The meeting room fell silent for a moment.

The next moment, everyone couldn't help but look over.

The person who spoke sat by the window, a face that had never been seen before.

"Of course, it would be better to have an opinion in the next!" The other party smiled slightly.

The Marine generals in the conference room immediately became on alert.

"What are you!"

"Where did you come in? Climbed up? ”

"Is it a pirate, or a revolutionary army!"

The crane had already recognized the man and said, "You are Lafayette." ”


This familiar name reminded many Marine generals.

Once a well-known security officer at West Blue, he was later expelled from the country for excessive violence in law enforcement.

I didn't expect this guy to appear in the Holy Land!

What do you want to do, aren't you afraid of death?

This question is in everyone's mind.

"There is really only one thing in the end, in response to the previous dispossession of the title of Shichibukai by Crocodile, let me also participate in the decision of Shichibukai's candidate." Lafayette twirled the crutches in his hand, still smiling on his face.


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