In The Marine, The Lightsaber I Invented Slashed Kaido

Chapter 36: Fairy Bean Was Successfully Developed

Only a huge amount of capital investment is required to simulate the cultivation process of fairy beans.

According to Kivis's calculations, the growing environment of fairy beans is very harsh.

Sunlight is needed 24 hours a day, and holy water is used as a nutrient.

Holy water can be imitated, and money can do it.

Roy felt that the more difficult place was the environment.

It is necessary to create an environment suitable for the growth of fairy beans.

With the samples in hand, Roy is confident that these problems can be solved.

Anyway, there are Five Elders and Sengoku, who will definitely take the initiative to help Roy solve these problems after witnessing the magic of Sendou.

Too lazy to change his clothes, Roy directly put the fairy beans in the pocket of the big white coat, and couldn't wait to leave the factory.


Naval Headquarters。

Marine comes and goes, revealing a feeling of fullness and heaviness.

"Did something happen?" Roy muttered.

I arrived at Sengoku's office and found that Sengoku was not there.

Asked the soldier next to him, he also said that he did not know where Sengoku went.

Roy came to the conference room again, still empty.

It was strange to Roy that if something big happened, it would be in the conference room.

He remembered the crane staff officer again, who could also help himself solve the problem.

Sengoku once said that he could go to Tsuru when he was away, and Tsuru's words were also useful.

But there was no one in Tsuru's office either.

In Marine headquarters, the two people who could help Roy solve the problem were not there, which made Roy very strange.

You can't go directly to the Holy Land, just find Five Elders.

In desperation, Roy prepares to return first, turning back and letting his messenger come here to wait for Sengoku.

Once Sengoku comes back, come back as soon as possible.

After all, Roy doesn't want to delay the progress, which is related to his strength.

Just as Roy walked out of the building, a group of soldiers hurried by.

"What the hell happened, why are you so anxious." Roy caught one of the inquiries.

Stopped by a man in a large white coat, the soldier looked angry.

"What are you doing! Delay things, you want military law to engage ... It turned out to be Colonel Roy, what is the matter with you. ”

But halfway through the sentence, the soldier recognized Roy and became very respectful.

"Why are you in such a hurry, do you know where Marshal Sengoku went?" Roy was just thinking of giving it a try.

After all, even the soldiers at the door of Sengoku's office didn't know where Sengoku had gone.

Unexpectedly, the soldiers who stopped him casually knew.

"There were a lot of people gathered on the pier, Marshal Sengoku probably went over there! We are also on guard to prevent accidents! The soldier immediately replied.

The soldier only knows a general situation, and is still very uncertain.

After Roy let the soldier go, he also hesitated for a moment.

Finally decided to also head towards the Crescent Bay pier, he wanted to see what happened.

Crescent Bay Pier, which at this time has been blocked by water.

The Marine present was all sad and gritting their teeth.

At the front are Sengoku and other Marine executives.

Even Kizaru and Akainu were here, except for Aokiji outside.

They, like the rest of Marine, had scowl on their faces.

Akainu, in particular, almost spewed fire in his eyes.

What everyone is waiting for now is the warship carrying the burning mountain.

The news of the attack on the G6 branch was also the first time that Marine headquarters knew about it.

Shock, anger, and concern for the burning mountain are the portrayal of the hearts of everyone.

"Kaido that scoundrel, we're going to make him pay!"

"Dare to make a move against the G6 branch, he will usually be angry with Marine."

"Marshal, let's attack Wanokuni!"

Vice Admiral was full of discussion and desperate to immediately lead the fleet to Wanokuni.

Marine went all out to avenge Marine in the G6 branch.

Marine's dignity cannot be allowed to be trampled on by Kaido.

Hearing the voices of Vice Admiral, Sengoku's face sank like water.

Sengoku also wants revenge and shows the power of Marine.

But without personally understanding the situation, he knew he had to be calm.

After all, even Marine Admiral Akainu, who was known as the most bloody next to him, was waiting for the warship carrying the burning mountain to return.

A warship gradually appeared on the sea in the distance, making the personnel who were already chattering suddenly agitated.

They all knew very well that it was the warship that escorted the Burning Mountain back.

When the warship passed through the G1 branch, in order to prevent any more accidents on the way.

Vice Admiral boarded the warship and personally escorted Burning Mountain back to Marine headquarters.

As the ship approached, there was gradually no sound on the dock.

Now is not the time to be noisy.

As soon as the warship landed, the military doctors, who had long been ready, came on board one after another to carry out rescue work.

They learned that Burning Mountain was dead of injuries and could no longer move.

Marshal and other high-ranking officers also followed closely to board the ship, and the soldiers in the distance did not dare to come out.

You can only carry out orders and be responsible for your own vigilance work.

During the treatment of military doctors, the squirrel came with the elite soldiers of the G6 branch.

Tell all about the encounter process in the base.

Kaido's surprise attack from the sky caused the branch soldiers to resist.

Burning Mountain was even more desperate to strike, and at the cost of serious injuries, Kaido was also injured.

When the elite soldiers said this, their eyes were a little moist.

For these soldiers, the G6 branch is like their home.

Now that the home is destroyed, how can you not be heartbroken.

Sengoku and the others looked at each other, and they all saw anger and shock in their eyes.

Angry, Kaido chose to do something to Marine.

Shockingly, the lightsaber can hurt Kaido and make the other party suffer.

But the loss of a Vice Admiral-level combat power made everyone feel very uncomfortable.

Not long after, the medics carried the badly wounded fire out of the mountain and put it on the deck.

Sengoku and the others immediately stepped forward to check, and their hearts were very sad.

The right arm was shattered and fluffy, and the arm bone was completely shattered.

The chest cavity has collapsed for more than half, and the internal organs have been injured.

He was covered in bandages, and there was not a single intact place.

The most terrifying thing is the face of the Burning Mountain, pale without the slightest bit of blood.

It can be seen that even if the Burning Mountain can survive this time, I am afraid that it will not be able to return to its full glory.

Many people think of Marine's predecessor, Admiral Black Arm Zephyr.

The right arm was also hit hard, and even if it was transformed, it was not as strong as it used to be.

Not to mention that the current situation of Burning Mountain is more serious than Zephyr.

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