In The Marine, The Lightsaber I Invented Slashed Kaido

Chapter 38 Roy: The Beans Can Save Him

The Vice Admiral around was when I met Roy.

It's also a high mood, and now it's a feeling with Sengoku.

Burning Mountain doesn't know if it will swallow in the next second, sadness is in everyone's heart,

Roy didn't notice the burning mountain figure on the deck, blocked by the generals, and he unhurriedly reported his research.

"Marshal, it's what I mentioned to you before, the matter of fairy beans."

While speaking, Roy repeated the magical effect of fairy beans again.

Hearing the effect of Sendou, everyone present was dumbfounded except Sengoku.

Heal your injuries quickly, recover your strength and energy instantly, and adjust your body to your best?

Sounds incredible!

Is there really such a miracle medicine in the world?

It is similar to the effect of elixirs and the like in some island legends.

More like some scammers, the usual means, specifically to deceive those cornered patients.

But the person in front of you is Roy!

He is a magical scientist who made bamboo dragonflies and lightsabers.

With the first two successful inventions, no one would question that Roy was a liar.

“ Roy! You came to me, is it that Xian Dou has been successfully developed! Sengoku suddenly thought of something and couldn't wait to ask.

It has not been a month since the development of the lightsaber.

It is unimaginable that new scientific research results will emerge again.

But now that the situation is critical, Sengoku can only hope that Roy has the finished product.

When Sengoku said this, everyone who was originally sad also raised their heads one after another, and their eyes showed fanaticism.

They were all waiting for Roy's answer, and they didn't even dare to come out.

Even Akainu and Kizaru stared at Roy closely.

"It has already been successfully developed, so I came to the marshal." Roy smiled and nodded.

Seeing Sengoku like this, Roy estimates that Sengoku is also looking forward to the successful development of Sendou.

Then the problem of their own funds should be settled.

"Great! The Burning Mountain is saved! ”

"Hurry up and take it out and let Burning Mountain try it, he can't do it anymore."

"Sendou can definitely do miracles, this is a product developed by Colonel Roy."

On the deck, the crowd erupted in cheers.

The sad atmosphere just now was swept away, and even the soldiers in the distance were dumbfounded.

What happened, why the Marine executives were so excited, they were scratching their heads for a while.

"Take it out, Roy! Burning Mountain desperately needs this. Sengoku was also pleasantly surprised, urging Roy to take it out quickly.

Roy now understood that everyone had gathered here because the Burning Mountain was seriously injured.

No wonder there are several military doctors on the deck, all of whom should be here to treat.

But the injuries are too serious to be something that a military doctor can do.

Under everyone's expectant gaze, Roy took out a bean from his pocket.

Right between Roy's two fingers.

Seeing this bean-sized thing, everyone was stunned at once.

They stared at each other wide-eyed and looked at each other.

This is the fairy bean that can instantly heal all injuries and have the effect of bringing the dead back to life?

It may seem too fake.

Such a small thing, can play such a big role?

However, seeing Roy's confident face, everyone did not doubt Roy.

After all, the success stories of previous inventions are here.

Whether it is a lightsaber or a bamboo dragonfly, the appearance is very strange.

That fairy bean looks like this, but it can be said.

The worldview of the crowd has been greatly challenged.

Now I have fallen into self-doubt, whether my own insight is too shallow.

I know too little about the world, and high-tech products are in front of me, and I don't know it.

That's right, it must be!

"Roy, this is Sendou? Did you take it wrong. Akainu hadn't experienced the shock before, all he saw was the finished product.

So it is inevitable to feel curious, this little thing is a fairy bean?

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but nod their heads.

Roy also has the possibility of taking the wrong thing, perhaps without noticing it himself.

People who feel that their worldview is misplaced are pulled back a little.

"That's right, this thing can heal the Burning Mountain." Roy nodded affirmatively.

The deck was plunged into an eerie atmosphere.

Roy admitted, this is really Sendou! Didn't take it wrong.

Everyone was silent in their hearts, and they really couldn't understand the world!

"Major Roy, this little bean has healing powers? I think it's just a legume, not a medicine. ”

"I'm not doubting your R&D capabilities, but technology and biotechnology are different."

"Medical science, in particular, is another discipline."

Among the doctors, the oldest one spoke.

The tone is neither humble nor arrogant, and he does not appear arrogant because of his age.

But anyone can hear that this is questioning whether the beans in Roy's hands have a therapeutic effect.

When the others heard this, they all nodded secretly.

When it comes to weapons development, they absolutely trust Roy.

Even the next time Roy takes out a blank piece of paper and says that this white paper is called two-way foil and has the ability to destroy the world, they are all convinced.

However, now that the Burning Mountain is dying, the best doctors of the Marine headquarters have gathered here.

Even these professionals can't do anything, and Roy doesn't know what medicine can do.

Maybe he also saw that the life of the burning mountain was in danger, so Roy was a little anxious.

Everyone can understand Roy's feelings, and they are the same now!

The so-called rush to the hospital is like this.

"Roy I trust you, but there are many things that don't have to be forced." Sengoku came up to Roy and patted him on the shoulder.

This is a sign of encouragement to Roy.

"I really don't know how to heal." Roy nodded, acknowledging it.

Everyone cast comforting eyes, presumably Roy was too anxious.

No one will blame him.

"But I know technology, and since my product has been developed, let's give it a try." Roy said with a change of tone.

"Then give it a try." Sengoku sighed.

Everyone also watched in silence, although they were expecting a miracle to happen.

But I also know that this is impossible, and the mood is very complicated.

The crowd took the initiative to get out of the way, and Roy came to the Burning Mountain.

Seeing the injuries of the burning mountain, Roy also felt heartache.

You can imagine what kind of battle Burning Mountain went through to be so badly injured.

Everything is for justice, for the preservation of peace on the sea.

The burning mountain was confused, and his heartbeat was even weaker.

Roy didn't say a word, and directly asked Fire Burning Mountain to take the fairy beans.

As soon as the immortal bean entered the mouth of the Burning Mountain, a green light erupted.

As bright as a small sun.

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