In The Marine, The Lightsaber I Invented Slashed Kaido

Chapter 49: Kaido Was Seriously Injured And The Sea Shook! The Four Emperors Are Excited!

Because he had not heard of the news until it was reported.

Mingo prides himself on being the ruler of the dark underground forces, but none of this information is known.

At this moment, the rest of the family members also poured into the room.

They were also shocked by the news in the newspapers.

"Boss, we're in Marine's intelligence network..."

In the words, there were doubts about Virgo.

Such important information was not detected at all.

Is it a dereliction of duty, or is there another reason?

Virgo, like Torrepol, was one of the first partners to become Mingo.

After meeting Mingo as a child, he showed Conqueror's Haki.

Just decide that the other party will become the king of the world and establish the Donquixote Pirates together.

And obedience to Brother Ming, the relationship between the two is good.

Virgo also called Mingo Dover.

Apparently Torrebol also did not believe that Virgo would betray, he was worried that something would go wrong with Virgo.

Mingo nodded silently and took out the phone worm that specifically contacted Virgo from his arms.

Bulu Bru.

The phone worm rang for a long time, but the other side did not answer.

A sense of foreboding hangs over everyone's heart.

"Virgo, nothing will happen to him!" Jola, one of the family leaders, asked worriedly.

As the most caring aunt in the family, Jorah is worried about Virgo.

Hearing Jorah say this, the others became equally worried.

The cadres of the Donquixote Pirates have at least ten years of affection.

Most of them are orphans and have long regarded family members as unrelated relatives.

Bulu Bru.

The phone worm in Mingo's hand rang, and it was Virgo calling.

"What's going on! Why didn't you answer the phone just now!" Minggo questioned.

"Sorry Dover! I have been under surveillance during this time, and this is how I have the opportunity to contact you. On the other end of the line, Virgo explained.


After hearing this word, the family members all became nervous.

Could it be that Virgo's recent attempts to probe Marine secrets have made people suspicious of him?

"Have you been discovered?" Brother Ming asked directly.

"It's not! Just because I witnessed everything that happened at the port of Marine headquarters, I was treated as a witness, and all witnesses were in an environment of mutual supervision, and any individual action would be regarded as a leak!" Virgo explained.

There were many soldiers who witnessed the healing of the burning mountain on the pier.

The best way to make sure these people can't leak secrets is to monitor each other!

So after leaving the dock, Marine developed a four-person group plan of action.

At all times, four people must supervise each other, even if they are taking a shower or going to the toilet.

Under these circumstances, Virgo was unable to pass on the information to Mingo for a while.

But as newspapers come to light, the plan of mutual supervision makes no sense.

Virgo had the opportunity to contact Mingo.

"So it is." Brother Ming nodded and already understood.

It's not that Virgo doesn't try, it's that Marine's blockade is impeccable.

This made Brother Ming even more curious about what kind of people could get this information.

"It's my fault for not communicating this important information!" Virgo's side is very aggrieved.

Virgo is also always looking for opportunities, which is the intelligence that shakes the world.

It's just that without waiting for him to succeed, someone has already poked it out in advance.

"Nothing! You have also done your best, and not revealing your identity is the most important thing. ”

Mingo chose to forgive Virgo and then hung up.

Virgo is thriving in Marine and his position is sure to go further.

If you expose it now, the gain is not worth the loss!

"Sendou! Another amazing product that will have a huge impact on Marine and the world!" Mingo muttered.

With Brother Ming's insight, he understood how powerful the little immortal bean contained.

"Boss! So are we going to tell Kaido about that?" Torrebol asked.

Brother Ming waved his hand and said, "There is no need for this, it is estimated that Wanokuni has already seen the newspaper!"

Wanokuni is now controlled by Kaido, not the country that used to be closed.


After dozens of tests, the exhausted Quinn was pulled out of the lab by Jack.

The scars on this body make it difficult to connect him with the famous three plagues.

The reason is that two days ago, the lightsaber could not withstand Quinn's toss.

I don't know where it touched, and the energy of the lightsaber exploded itself.

The powerful impact destroyed most of the laboratory, and even Quinn almost accounted for it in the laboratory.

Fortunately, the remaining energy of the lightsaber itself is not much, and Quinn is forced to bear it with his strong body.

Even so, he insisted on conducting research in the laboratory with injuries and illnesses for the past two days.

"What are you taking me out for! What's more important than studying lightsabers and bamboo dragonflies!" Quinn yelled at Jack in a rageous manner.

There was little progress in the research, and Quinn was inevitably angry.

"There are more important things! Everyone is waiting for you!" Jack looked solemn.

Quinn was stunned, knowing that something big must have happened.

When Quinn arrives at the room, he finds that more than just Ember and Kaido are present.

Even Rokuko Volley and Yamato were present.

At this time, among the volley six, there is no Drake, but another pirate.

It was replaced by Drake at a later date.

Everyone was holding a newspaper in their hands, and their expressions were very dull.

Even seeing Quinn and Jack walk in, no one reacted.

Quinn saw that there was still a large pile of newspapers on the table, so he stepped forward and picked up one.

Next, Quinn's expression was the same as everyone else's.

The news of Kaido's serious injury was reported!

What's going on, there are traitors inside Wanokuni?

It was still a surviving soldier of the G6 branch who saw Kaido's wounded appearance.

What is fairy bean, you can even be reborn with severed limbs, and you can be resurrected in one breath!

Could it be that the person who developed the fairy bean has cracked the secret of the bloodline factor.

Only by fully developing the ability of the bleeding factor can we make such a magical item in a targeted manner.

Even more important is the person who developed it all, Roy!

How young it would be! How much wisdom is in his head.

For a while, feelings such as jealousy, envy, and hatred came to mind.

Quinn had to admit that Roy's intelligence was hard to match.

Not to mention the more magical fairy beans.

Even the secrets of bamboo dragonflies and lightsabers have no clue until now.

On the other hand, Kaido stared at Roy in the newspaper, gritting his teeth with hatred.

The wounds on the body that had not yet healed were filled with a painful sensation.

In the face of the powerful destructive power of the lightsaber, Kaido's proud recovery ability and physique seem to have lost its effect.

Now if Roy appears in front of Kaido, Kaido can smash Luo Yi Si into pieces.

Especially after learning that Huoyao Shan had eaten fairy beans and had fully recovered, Kaido was even more angry.

The guy who thought he had been pinched to death is now happy.

But he still had to endure the pain of the wound.

The atmosphere is eerily quiet.

Faced with sudden shocking news, they are confused about the future.

"Roy is amazing! It's so handsome! Truly a genius scientist at Marine!"

A sudden exclamation woke everyone up.

Looking towards the person who spoke, he was stunned to see that it was Yamato.

At this time, Yamato had an excited smile on his face, and he was staring at the Roy photo in the newspaper with fascinated eyes.

He has completely regarded Roy as his idol.

Yamato feels that Roy will be Wanokuni's savior.

This is something that even Kozuki Oden has not done!

Everyone glared angrily at Yamato, who took filial piety.

With today's newspaper news coming to light, Wanokuni's situation will become difficult.

Now everyone knows that Kaido was seriously injured, and Marine has weapons to deal with many!

Yamato was able to find out with a smile.

Also admire the marine scientist Roy who made the lightsaber?

"Captain! Yamato's anti-bone boy can't stay! Please don't waste your mind on her. Run, one of the six sons of the volley, couldn't stand it and said.

Frightened, Peggy Wan next to him quickly covered Ratty's mouth.

"Leave Kaido-sama's family affairs alone!" Peggy Wan whispered.

Although the others did not say anything, their expressions and eyes showed their inner thoughts.

They also wondered why Kaido kept Yamato around.

Could it be that he is really scrupulous, the so-called family affection?

However, Kaido has long been out of sight.

"Ignore her." Kaido waved his hand and said.

Yamato stared at the newspaper with an obsessive giggle, and he didn't care about what was happening.

"How credible is the fairy bean developed by Marine?" Kaido looked at Quinn and shifted the conversation to the newspaper.

That's why I found Quinn.

Hearing this, the crowd did not chase Yamato again.

Things in the newspapers, the regiment is their main concern.

Quinn shook his head in denial, but nodded the next second.

Everyone was very strange when they saw Quinn's reaction.

......... Ask for flowers.........

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Ember said at this time.

Now that the situation is urgent, any opinion is important.

"At my level of science, I don't know." Quinn looked complicated.

To put it bluntly, Quinn doesn't understand.

Don't look at him in front of everyone, he is a very powerful scientist.

But in front of Roy, Quinn feels illiterate.

Whether it is a lightsaber or a bamboo dragonfly, the technology contained in it plays beyond the times.

Without waiting for questions from everyone, Quinn then added another sentence to explain his words.

"What I'm sure of is that Vegapunk can't make these scientific products from Roy either."

Even Vegapunk can't be made!

Everyone looked at each other and realized the seriousness of the matter.

Vegapunk is already known to have 500 years of technology that has led the world.

So Roy is even better than Vegapunk, what does that mean!

Those present no longer dared to think about it.

My worldview is collapsing step by step.

Powerful as Kaido, you will be seriously injured by an inconspicuous weapon.

A big thing can make a person fly at high speed.

Fava bean-like beans can be reborn with severed limbs and snatch people from Shinigami's hands.

What will happen in the future, no one present has confidence.

Perhaps the incredibly powerful Beasts Pirates will be eliminated by history in the blink of an eye.

Ironically, Beasts Pirates is also using the power of technology to build itself.

Trying to use the artificial Devil Fruit to create an army of Zoan abilities

If it ends up losing to stronger technology, it becomes a joke.

"The appearance of fairy beans is very unfavorable to us!" Ember said slowly.

This sentence is equivalent to having tacitly acknowledged that the existence of fairy beans is a fact.

News even Kaido was seriously injured, and this intelligence came to light.

That fairy bean must also be real.

There were examples of bamboo dragonflies and lightsabers in front of him, and Ember had to believe it.

Marine had another miraculous invention that shook the world.

"Once Xiandou popularizes equipment on a large scale, Marine will definitely take action." Among the six sons, Futz, who was once a member of CP9, looked worried.

Foz knew very well that Marine was very efficient when he got serious.

"So what to do! Are we going to sit still?"

"Now is not the time to strike, how many pairs of eyes are watching us."

"That's right, especially since Lord Kaido is still recuperating, Wanokuni can't be empty."

Everyone was anxiously talking.

Right now, their enemies aren't just Marine, but other Four Emperors.

Beware of even other ambitious pirates who want to replace Kaido as the new Four Emperors.

"The troublesome guy is this Roy, can't you just kill it?" Runmei pointed to Roy's photo in the newspaper and said what she thought.

Although everyone knows that Runtian is a straight-talking guy.

But the words that came out so brainless that they left everyone speechless.

"What's wrong? Don't you think that's a good idea? This Roy looks very weak. "Run is very puzzled.

Hearing this, everyone looked at the photos in the newspaper again.

Roy, wearing a white coat, is surrounded by a group of Marine bigwigs, like stars holding the moon, which is difficult to ignore.

But it also highlights Roy's characteristics even more, and from the outside, it doesn't look like a perennial cultivation.

On the contrary, the skin is very fair, which should be the reason for always staying in the laboratory.

Human energy is limited.

It is impossible to be a scientific genius on the one hand, and at the same time a physical master.

"Maybe, we really have a chance!" Foz agreed cautiously.

"yes, just kill this guy."

"Killing Roy will definitely cost less than going to war with Marine!"

"This is the easiest way at the moment!"

Everyone agreed.

Even Kaido nodded, then picked up the stick next to him and put it in the newspaper.

By the time the stick was removed, Roy's face in the newspaper was shattered.

"Strangle this genius scientist in the cradle!" Kaido said slowly.

Roy can't continue to grow, or the consequences will be unimaginable.

"To ensure the success rate of the mission, we should first collect all of Roy's intelligence!" Ember suggested.

They still knew too little about Roy.

And if you want to assassinate a person, you must at least find out where the other party lives, as well as the usual security level.

"That's right, all the intelligence!" Kaido nodded, his eyes flashing with a little anger.


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