In The Marine, The Lightsaber I Invented Slashed Kaido

Chapter 53 Planting Fairy Beans! Enies Lobby Is Not As Important As Roy!

The warship gradually moved away from the Marine headquarters and entered the Gate of Justice.

Impel down, Marine headquarters and Enies Lobby, three important places of government connected by a huge vortex that has changed shape.

Only by passing through the gate of justice can you take the right Marine and reach your destination.

Otherwise, it will be swallowed by the vortex.

This is a fast track that belongs to Marine and ensures that the three agencies can support each other.

The huge gate of justice slowly opened, allowing warships to pass.

This is when the Burning Mountain contacts in advance before the gate is opened.

Warships alone cannot open the door of justice.

If a ship accidentally strays into the current inside the Gate of Justice, unless the World Government opens the Gate of Justice.

Otherwise, you will drift forever in the whirlpool ocean.

"How exactly was such a magnificent wall built in the first place!" Roy said.

See the Gate of Justice up close, as well as the surrounding walls.

Only then can you experience the suffocating sense of oppression.

and the shock of its craftsmanship.

On the outside, this is beyond the technology available to humans.

"I don't know, anyway, this is definitely one of the most amazing buildings in the world!" Jumping Rabbit exclaimed.

After passing through the gate of justice, two huge iron gates slowly closed.

Roy clearly sensed that the speed of the ship had increased a lot.

"We're now in the ocean vortex, so it's a lot faster." Fire Mountain is introduced on the side.

"Will the ship go straight to Enies Lobby, or will it go through Impel down?" Roy was a little curious.

He's interested in Impel down.

Especially the legendary pirates inside.

Roy couldn't help but think of Crocodile.

If Crocodile knew about the existence of fairy beans, would he want to eat a broken hand to repair himself?

Considering that Lao Sha is now in LV6, there should be no information passed on.

Otherwise, this Qixiong, after learning the news of Xiandou, will not sit still.

In the plot, Lao Sha is imprisoned, not to beat himself up.

Instead, after the failure of the Pluton plan, he has been thinking about what to do next.

Roy understands that Lao Sha's strength is not just this.

Lao Sha's tricks and ambitions are equally threatening.

Unfortunately, this time there was no chance.

The existence of the ocean vortex makes the current appear as a triangle. 410

Impel down is not directly accessible from Marine headquarters, so you can only head to Enies Lobby.

On one side of Impel down is the Vortex Ocean, and on the other side is the Calm Belt.

Make sure that the prisoners of Impel Down never want to escape.

The fact that such an amazing structure can be built on the sea is a testament to the unfathomable power of the World government.

Far from what it seems.

Along the way, Roy has a lot of respect for Roy, just like a little henchman.

Let unfamiliar people see it, and think that the two people are superior-subordinate relations.

The enthusiasm was a little excessive, which embarrassed Roy.

Fortunately, soon they reached another gate of justice.

After passing through the Gate of Justice, Enies Lobby comes into view.

Only a few days have passed, and the planting base of fairy beans has been arranged.

Right between the Tower of Justice and the Bridge of Might, an island-like platform has been established.

The area is about two football fields, with dirt and vegetation.

Choosing this location shows that the world government attaches great importance to fairy beans and ensures the cultivation and safety of fairy beans.

If you want to approach from the front, you must pass the Justice Tower on Maedima Island, which is very difficult.

And enter from behind, unless the enemy can open the door of justice.

Otherwise, Roy can't be approached here anyway.

The warship landed, and the burning mountain ordered the soldiers to start preparing.

"What are you going to do?" Roy asked strangely.

"Of course, it's moving equipment and materials!" Burning Mountain spared his head and replied.

This is the Enies Lobby, and their warships can't stay for long, and they have to leave after the material is moved.

"No need. Roy waved his hand.

Not needed?

Burning Mountain was stunned, could it be that Roy was not satisfied with the environment of Enies Lobby.

Or are there other requirements that you haven't prepared to complete?

Then Burning Mountain heard Roy's voice.

"Jarvis, start moving supplies."

When the words fell, small robots pulled the packed boxes and came out of the cabin.

This scene made the burning mountain and the soldiers on the ship completely dumbfounded.

What are these iron boxes with lots of arms and legs!

The robots made by Jarvis are not in human form.

In order to maximize efficiency, it is equipped with multiple robotic arms.

Naturally, there are no heads and the like east (bged) west.

So the appearance looks like an iron box with legs.

However, although the shape is not good-looking, they are carried quickly.

Five times more than manual handling!

"Lord Roy..." Burning Mountain leaned over curiously, intending to ask what these things were.

But as soon as he thought that this might be related to scientific research secrets, Huo Yanshan immediately closed his mouth.

Don't ask if you shouldn't!

Once Roy's technology is leaked, the consequences are unimaginable.

"Oh, these are autonomous robots, and the production in the arsenal depends on them, of course, I developed them. Roy explained generously.

There are already quite a few people who know about this.

Before that, they would definitely question how there could be such a robot.

As Roy's status in the eyes of everyone increased, there were fewer and fewer doubts about Roy.

When I see something I don't understand, I only suspect that my IQ can't understand it.

I believe that no matter what scientific research products Roy comes up with, no one will question the ability of the product like he questioned the lightsaber bamboo dragonfly before.

"So it was, so it was." Huo Yanshan nodded quickly, not daring to say more than half a word.

Many times, there is no benefit in knowing too many secrets.

The port is busy.

At the top of the Justice Tower in the distance, a figure walked back and forth indignantly.

"Cut! This bastard is still coming! A small person!" Spandam cursed as he spun in circles.

Enies Lobby is his territory, and he was forced to carve out an area for Marine!

Giving it to a Vice Admiral named Roy was a shame on himself!

He also said that he would fully cooperate with Roy.

It was even more contempt for Enies Lobby, which Spandam couldn't stand to bear.

Now seeing Roy start assembling the lab, the dissatisfaction is even stronger.

"Sir, this Roy is not a small person, the recent newspapers are all his news!" Next to Jabra said cautiously.

Except for Lu Qi and the others in the Water Capital, the other members of CP9 are by Spandam's side, waiting to be dispatched at any time.

"Newspapers? What's important news on that! It's just some gimmicks. Spandam made a disdainful sound.

CP9 members looked at each other with amazement in their eyes.

Spandam didn't even read the recent newspaper!

Although they all knew that this arrogant chief had always thought he was in charge of everything.

Intelligence sources rely on CP9 to search.

For news and the like, come back and don't pay attention.

However, CP9 did not know much about Roy's intelligence, and directly sandwiched newspapers and other intelligence in Spandam's office.

Now it seems that Spandam simply ignored the newspaper.

Little did I know that Roy is as important to Marine as Vegapunk is to the World government.

"Sir, if you read the recent newspaper, you won't complain, this Roy is not simple!" Jabra coughed dryly.

I'd love to explain to Spandam who Roy really is.

Lightsabers, bamboo dragonflies and fairy beans!

But the hottest topic in the world today.

"I don't care who he is! Laozi is about to become a hero of the world! As long as Luqi they caught Nico Robin! and found the Pluton blueprints!" Spandam looked back and laughed maniacally.


Ancient Weapon, back!

One cannon can sink an island and has the power to destroy the world.

If Spandam finds Pluton's blueprints, he captures Nico Robin, the sinner who interprets the historical text, into Impel down.

Then he is the only hero of this era.

At that time, any Roy will be just an inconspicuous wave.

Thinking of this, Spandam laughed narcissistically.

Jabra and the others looked at each other and understood that this was Spandam again engaged in unrealistic fantasies.

"By the way, Luqi, how are they now, and what is the progress of the operation!" After narcissism, Spandam remembered the situation in the capital of water.

"Lucki has captured Nico Robin, and now all that is left is Pluton's blueprints, and there are clues! Once found, you'll take the sea train back to Enies Lobby. Jabra reported.

"Very good! Looks like I don't have to wait too long, haha!" Spandam couldn't help but laugh maniacally again.

Offshore platforms.

The lab has been assembled and occupies most of the football field.

In addition to the laboratory, there are dormitories and warehouses next to it.

Suddenly, Roy tilted his head slightly, looked in the direction of the Justice Tower, and seemed, faintly, heard bursts of maniacal laughter.

Jian raised his eyebrows, and his face raised with a meaningful indifference.

"That disgusting laugh should be Spandam, the CP9 chief in charge of Enies Lobby, who is only responsible to the World government and has the right to kill people who hinder the mission and are detrimental to the World government."

Momousagi noticed Roy's expression and thought it was Roy's confusion about Enies Lobby.

So I explained Enies Lobby to Roy.

"The right to execute anyone, this is called legal killing." Roy shook his head.

Of course he knew that the owner of that laughter was Spandam!

Roy is not too impressed by this scumbag with a dark personality.

As long as he didn't offend himself, he didn't bother to care.

Momousagi's expression was equally uncomfortable.

Momousagi also complained about the enormous power that CP9 wields.

It is even more believed that the existence of lawful killing itself undermines the name of justice!

However, with Momousagi's identity and influence, there is nothing to be done about it.

"One day, these injustices will come to an end." Momousagi looked determined.

That's why Momousagi chose to join Marine!

To this, Roy just smiled and did not speak.

The most important fairy bean at the moment does not need to pay attention to Spandam.

So Roy diverted from the subject, chatted with Momousagi, and then turned around and returned to the lab.

Momousagi sits cross-legged on the edge of the platform, silently guarding Roy.

There was a hint of excitement in his expression.

Enies Lobby, after all, unlike Marineford, the garrison is not on the same level.

This is where Roy needs his own protection!

This makes Momousagi feel that the bond between himself and Roy has increased.

Inside the lab.

"Jarvis, how is the test field?"

Roy asked into the virtual light curtain.

It is divided into two parts, one side is the operation room, and the other side is the test field.

Roy only needs to enter the operation room and give instructions for Jarvis to do everything.

"Everything is ready." Jarvis's side rang in his ears.

"The humidity is still a little low, turn it up by two degrees." There was a big screen in front of Roy.

The data inside the test field is displayed.

Roy's voice fell, and the controls were activated.

The pipes around the test field began to spray a light mist.

After ten seconds, the humidity reached a level that Roy was satisfied with.

"Start seed cultivation."

The seeds of the bean are synthetic, not naturally cultivated.

The required process is very tedious, and a large number of special nutrient solutions are soaked.

Together with the extraction of ingredients from other plants, the seeds of fairy beans can be synthesized.

Huge financial expenditure, all spent in this place.

There are some parts that even Jarvis can't help with, so Roy can do it himself.

In the end, Jarvis is a convenient and fast assistant for Roy, and it is Roy himself who really masters the core technology.

Even without Jarvis, Roy could do all this.

It's just more time-consuming.

A lot of the work doesn't want to reveal secrets, and Roy has to do it himself.

Two robots came to the center of the test field, dug a ten-centimeter pit with precision, and then threw a green seed the size of a walnut into it.

This is the cultivated fairy bean seed.

Much larger than the finished fairy beans.

It also means that the finished fairy beans can only be eaten and cannot be carried out as seeds.

Otherwise, Roy wouldn't have to spend a huge amount of money to synthesize artificially.

Then the robot slowly covers the soil and watered the nutrient solution again.

"Jarvis, analyze the growth environment of fairy beans and measure the growth time." Roy has long entered the growth formula of fairy beans into Jarvis' data Curry noodles.

"In the calculations," replied Jarvis's mechanical voice.

Even Jarvis's computing power probably waited for nearly half a minute.

"I can't give a specific time, but the sunshine here is very special and may allow the fairy beans to ripen early!"

Mature early!

This discovery made Roy very happy.

After all, the geography of Enies Lobby is different from the rest of the world.

"Real-time monitoring to ensure that the temperature and humidity are within the optimal range."

Roy was engrossed, staring at the data on the console.

After only a few hours, the seeds took root and broke through the soil.

Grows at a speed visible to the naked eye.

(Fifth more on the shelf!) There are five more to come! Please order first! Subscribe please! Please!).

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