In The Marine, The Lightsaber I Invented Slashed Kaido

Chapter 62: The Door Of Justice Opens! Momousagi's Terrifying Strength, The Straw Hat Group Is

"Since you feel troublesome, how about we take people away? So that we will not have any casualties. Ace smiled slightly.

"Although I am not the garrison of the Tower of Justice, if I want to take people out of Enies Lobby, I have to pass this level!" Momousagi flatly refused.

As Marine, she has long dedicated her life to justice.

No matter what happens, the pirates will not be allowed to insult the banner of justice in front of themselves.

"Don't think that if Luffy the Straw Hat breaks in, you can take Robin and Lucie!" Kaku spoke.

"That's right, with Lucie there, your captain is not Lucie's opponent at all, and Luki easily defeated Straw Hat Luffy before." Kalifa also shouted immediately.

When Momousagi heard this, he relaxed slightly.

She had also heard the name Luqi.

It is said that he is the most powerful genius in CP9 in eight hundred years, even in Marine, he is also a top powerhouse.

Since Lucy has already defeated Straw Hat Luffy once, there should be no problem.

In addition, Luffy's goal should be just a companion, and he will not rashly attack the offshore platform.

"Oh, you underestimate my brother! In order to rescue his companion, the power that erupted from his body should not be underestimated!" Ace has faith in Luffy.

But to avoid accidents, Ace turned to Zoro and others.

Let them go and help Luffy first, and leave it to him.

"I'll deal with this guy!" Ace's eyes danced with flames.

In the face of strong enemies, he was aroused to fight.

"It seems that I have always been underestimated by you, why do you think you can stop me!" Momousagi was exasperated.

The enraged Momousagi appeared in front of Ace in an instant.

The long sword in his hand was as fast as lightning, and each blow was attached to Haki.

Although Ace dodged one after another, he was also very embarrassed.

"Just by virtue of this!" However, Ace would not give up, and he took a few steps back.

Hands slashed behind his back.

"Yan Shanggang!"

Majestic flames erupted from Ace's arm like a torrent.

Along the ground, a wall of flames is constructed, separating Ace from Zoro and others.

At the same time, wrap yourself in Taojiao and CP9 people.

"Go catch up with Luffy and take back your companions!" Ace shouted sharply.

"Be careful yourself!" Zoro and the others gritted their teeth and launched an impact.

The opportunity that Ace created for them cannot be allowed to go to waste.

As soon as he moved his footsteps, a great battle broke out in the circle of flames.

Haki intertwined and collided, causing Zoro and others to shake.

Even if you are not in the center of the flame circle, you can still feel the strong wind.

This is Haki, this is the strength of the strong.

Although they were shocked in their hearts, their steps did not stop in the slightest.

This is not the time for hesitation and hesitation, and a little time cannot be wasted.

Go find Luffy and Robin, then come back and meet Ace!

"Not good! Just now, the Tower of Justice collapsed, burying the passage downward!" Nami exclaimed.

They found that they had no way to advance through the underground passage.

"Over there! There's a ship over there!" Sanji shouted, pointing into the distance.

That ship was the transport ship that Momousagi came here just now.

It's not big, as long as it's to deliver supplies to and from Enies Lobby.

"Ship? Aren't we going to rescue Robin? What to do by boat. Chopper didn't understand.

"Stupid! If they want to escort Robin to the Marine headquarters, they will definitely open the door of justice, we just need to stop in front of the gate of justice in advance!" Sanji cursed and ran towards the transport.

Seeing this scene, no one else hesitated.

In the blink of an eye, everyone had already boarded the transport ship.

However, just when they had just left the shore and were not far away.

As soon as it was found that in the direction of the Justice Tower, a huge circle of flames had been extinguished.

Momousagi actually appeared on the shore, glaring angrily at them.

"Ace, Ace won't be defeated~||!" Nami couldn't help but cover her mouth.

If Ace died for them, Nami wouldn't forgive herself.

"How is it possible! That's Ace!" Zoro frowned.

"It is estimated that it was dragged down by the CP9 people, Whitebeard's right-hand man, will not fall so easily!" Sanji nodded as well.

"That's right, it must be!" The Sniper King even waved his fist to convince himself to believe.

But they soon discovered that it wasn't just Ace that they had to worry about now.

They themselves are in danger.

Momousagi's eyes on the shore looked as if he could kill.

"This! That one will be able to jump up. Joe couldn't help but say.

"It's impossible, it's already hundreds of meters away." The Sniper King immediately comforted.

"That Marine, move!" Nami shivered.

Under the gaze of the Straw Hat Pirates, Momousagi slowly raised his arm and raised his long knife.

Haki wanton!

Even the air around him began to twist because of this.


Momousagi wielded a long knife and slashed down.

A sword slashed through the air, as violent as a hurricane.

Straight for their ships.

Frightened, Nami and others were shocked.

Once they are struck by this sword, they will definitely die and die together with this transport ship.

"You guys are hiding behind my back!" Zoro roared and swooped out, standing at the bow of the boat.

"Hey! Green algae head, don't force it! Let me come!" Sanji shouted anxiously.

In Sanji's view, this is almost an act of sending death.

This kind of thing, how can Zoro be preempted.

"Shut up! This is a decisive battle between swordsmen!" Zoro didn't mean to get out of the way in the slightest.

Duel between swordsmen!

This is a duel of which doors, the other party did not put them in their eyes at all.

But since Zoro is already blocking here, he will definitely not give in.

"Ghost Qi: Nine Swords Flow · Asura Magic Nine Flash!"

As soon as Zoro made a move, he went all out.

Only in this way can there be hope of protecting all.

An aura from the Asura hell permeated from Zoro's body, making his whole person look like three heads and six arms.

A whirlwind-like slashing wind blade was emitted from the middle of the nine knives.



The collision between the swords turned out to be even more violent than the collision of the swords.

Zoro's all-out blow did not neutralize Momousagi's attack.

But it also deviated from the direction of Jian Mang, and did not let Jian Mang hit the transport directly head-on, but offset to the side.


Everyone just felt the boat shake violently and almost capsize.

"Well done, Zoro!" Nami shouted excitedly.

"I knew you could! Worthy of being a friend of USOPP. The Sniper King also nodded quickly.

"Zoro, you are the number one swordsman in the world!" Chopper burst into tears.

Being able to survive such a fierce attack makes them all feel like the aftermath of the disaster.

Zoro fell down with a bang, fell backwards violently, and had lost consciousness.

At the critical moment, Sanji stepped forward and held Zoro up.

"Chopper! Sanji looked anxious.

Everyone then discovered that Zoro had been seriously injured.

Despite his best efforts, he still failed to completely resist Momousagi's blow.

From his chest to his abdomen, there was a huge wound in Zoro, and blood burst out.

"Zoro, you're so badly injured again!" Chopper wept while treating Zoro.

On the other side, Usopp and others even found that the ship began to leak after the blow just now.

I can't take care of Zoro, and I'm all doing tight repairs.

Otherwise, they won't be able to reach the Bridge of Resistance and stop Spandam from taking Robin in advance.

"There's a platform there! We're docking there now!" Nami noticed the offshore platform.

"Why is there a platform there? Forget it, let's go over!" Sanji felt strange.

But now there is not much time left for them.

Just as they were approaching the offshore platform.


A huge boom sounded.

At the far end, the door of justice, which had been closed, slowly opened a gap.

The magnificent atmosphere from the paving made everyone on the transport ship sluggish.

"Is this the gate of justice? It's too high!"

"It's hard to imagine how it was built in the first place."

"If you enter this door, you will never come back."

The Straw Hats muttered.

All were struck by the grandeur of the Gate of Justice.

It wasn't until this moment that they realized what kind of behemoth they were challenging.

"Wait! The door of justice is open, it won't be Robin who has been taken away!" Nami's eyes trembled.

Once brought to the gate of justice, it means never to return.

"Impossible! I kept looking at the bridge of hesitation, no one passed by, something else must have happened!" Sanji frowned.

On the other side, on the Tower of Justice.

Ace and the others, who were fighting fiercely, also looked at the gate of justice.

"Someone coming from Marine headquarters?" Momousagi was a little surprised.

Now Spandam has not yet appeared at the Bridge of Shock.

But the door of justice opens, which only means that the support of Marine headquarters has come.

This made Momo unexpected.

She also thought that Spandam, a good-faced fool, would not ask for help.

"Che, is it Marine reinforcements?"

Ace is a little embarrassed and has multiple wounds on his body.

After all, the opponent's strength is second only to Admiral, and he alone is difficult to parry.

While Momousagi unleashes a slash at the transport, Ace defeats the rest of the crew except Kuchi and Jabra.

However, by the time Momousagi joins the fray, Ace has fallen behind.

"It's Buster Call!" Jabra couldn't help but shout.

Buster Call!

Momousagi remembered that Spandam had accidentally touched the golden phone bug before.

Now the door of justice opens the cracks, and it is the army of Buster Call.

"Nope! They must be stopped!" Momousagi looked anxious.

On Enies Lobby, most of them were Marine soldiers.

The only enemies that invaded were the Straw Hat Pirates and Ace, plus dozens of people from the Water Capital.

In this case, bombing with Buster Call is self-destruction!

The voice just fell.

The ten warships that came through the gate of justice had already begun shelling.

Countless shells rained down from the sky and smashed into all parts of Enies Lobby.


The sound of explosions came and went.

The first to wail were the marines on the Enies Lobby.

"Where did the attack come from!

"It's a warship from the Gate of Justice, why did it attack us!"

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, we are also Marine."

"It's useless to say anything now, hurry up and get more."

Marine fled in search of hiding

Where to hide.

Under such intensive artillery fire, continuing to fight is tantamount to a dead end.

When everyone in the water capital saw this, they were all incomprehensible.

Because they saw Marine with their own eyes, they were shot away directly by shells.

If this fire is against them, it shouldn't even affect Marine.

Unable to care so much, now they also hurried to dodge in the direction of Qianjima.

Nami and the others on the sea are also blindfolded.

What's going on, Marine is attacking Marine?

Infighting, or something else?

"It's Buster Call! Sanji immediately shouted.

During the previous battle between Sanji and CP9's Blueno, the other party told Sanji that Buster Call existed.

Ten warships plus five Vice Admirals form a nation-class combat force.

It was the fear of Buster Call that Robin succumbed to CP9.

Make an agreement with the other party to exchange his life for Luffy and the others to leave safely.

"This is Buster Call! The Sniper King held his head and screamed.

How can this small transport ship be an opponent of ten warships.

Not to mention that Luffy is not on board now, and Zoro is also seriously injured and unconscious.

"Nope! Make it clear that their target seems to be Enies Lobby, not us!" Sanji remained calm in this situation.

Everyone was puzzled.

Could it be that Buster Call is going to destroy Ace on the island?

"Don't care so much! Let's go to the platform first! Marine doesn't appear to be attacking there. Nami looked anxious.

The ship was attacked and leaked badly, and it had to be corrected first.

Otherwise, don't wait for Buster Call's giant ships to come and smash them to pieces.

They themselves will first sink to the bottom of the sea.

The transport ship accelerated and finally stepped on the offshore platform.

Chopper and Sniper King took the lead in carrying the seriously injured Zoro on the platform, only to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Saved!" Chopper wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Yes, but why does this place have a platform, and it seems that there are plants planted here." The Sniper King noticed the fairy beans in the greenhouse.

Although the appearance of the fairy bean is peculiar, it does not let Usopp take a few more looks.

After all, in this world, "there are so many weird plants."

Usopp only noticed the existence of fairy beans because he was more concerned about plants.

The eyes of the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates were on the houses on the platform.

If there is a house, it means that there are people living here.

My heart is praying that I don't get caught in a monster like Momousagi.

Fortunately, until now, Marine has not appeared.

Just as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Roy's distressed voice came.

"I didn't expect to be approached by you, how to say, this is probably the son of the plane with the aura."

There are indeed people on the platform!

(Chapter 14 today!!) I'll sleep in another chapter later! The liver is not moving! More tomorrow! Subscribe please! Please!).

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