In The Marine, The Lightsaber I Invented Slashed Kaido

Chapter 78 Zephyr Reborn With A Broken Arm! Akainu: With Fairy Beans, The Mere Four Emperors Are Not

Akainu's eyes, on the other hand, were full of fanaticism.

Don't look at this vine, there are only five fairy beans on it.

But the value that can be played is beyond imagination!

Not to mention the effect of the fairy beans themselves, they can come back to life when fighting, and the Jedi can turn over!

Even if you trade fairy beans, they can exert great value.

With just one fairy bean, Sengoku believes that it can make many pirate groups fall apart!

Of course, this option was taken out of Akainu's mind.

In Akainu's opinion, pirates are a bunch of guys who should be killed.

Ain was left with only worship.

The magical plant of life and death human flesh and bones, I am afraid that only this Roy can develop it.

This is no longer ordinary technology.

It's the power that only the Creator can have!

"Jarvis, pick the fairy beans." Roy continued.

So in the astonished eyes of everyone.

An autonomous robot with a robotic arm more than three meters long drove to the vine.

Seeing this high-tech product, Sengoku and others are full of benefits.

It looks like a box with a robotic arm, and how can you act when you hear Roy's commands.

It's also something they can understand.

But the thought that this was Roy's lab was a relief.

In this place, they are illiterate.

For those who do not understand something, it is better not to ask.

This also maintains a trace of the dignity of the Marine leadership.

So as not to understand anything, let Roy laugh.

Of course, Sengoku and others understand that Roy doesn't laugh at himself.

This is a pure man who has devoted himself to scientific research, a pure man who has detached himself from low-grade tastes.

Although the robotic arm looks large, it is unusually gentle when picking fairy beans.

Gently pinch off the stems and leaves connecting the vines and place the beans in the prepared small dish.

When all five fairy beans were picked, it took almost a minute.

Sengoku and the others did not look anxious at all, but felt that this was not too fast.

One by one, they showed a worried look.

This is a fairy bean! What to do if you hurt the vine.

No matter how careful you are, you can't be too careful.

However, when they saw Roy's relaxed expression, they didn't dare to say anything.

080 In areas that you are not familiar with, it is better to open as little as possible.

The autonomous robot drove to the window and brought the plates in through the small window below.

The five fairy beans really appeared in front of everyone.

In an instant, Sengoku and the others' breathing became heavy.

Zephyr and Ain, in particular, even had their eyes red.

In these days at Enies Lobby, they can be said to be looking forward to Xian Dou.

Every minute is fantasizing about the moment when Sendou appears.

Now when Xian Dou is really in front of him, it is more unreal.

But even with such expectations, no one reached out to touch the fairy beans.

Even Sengoku, who is a marshal, is waiting for Roy's arrangement.

After all, no one knows if there are some taboos in the fairy beans, such as just picking them and not touching them.

In case of violation of the taboo, the sendou is damaged.

That sin is great, and no one can afford it.

Roy smiled slightly, already seeing everyone's concerns.

"As long as the fairy beans are picked, they don't need to be so carefully cared for, as long as they are placed in a dry place, but they cannot be soaked in water or trampled on." Roy explained.

After all, fairy beans are still plants.

Even if it works wonderfully, it can still be damaged.

As for whether it has any effect after stepping on it, eating it.

Roy really didn't know that.

In the plot of Dragon Ball, there is a scene where the fairy beans are trampled up.

But that kind of crushing is completely different and completely becomes powder.

It usually becomes fragments and the like, maybe it can have some effect.

"What about how to use it?" Sengoku blurted out.

In a second, Sengoku realized how stupid he looked.

However, no one around felt anything wrong.

Because their attention had already been all on Sendou, they hadn't heard what Sengoku was saying at all.

"Just eat it, and it will work on the spot." Roy's expression was like a fake drug dealer walking the streets.

Selling his own vigorous pills to cure all diseases.

Sengoku and the others looked like they had been deceived.

Of course, the difference between Roy and counterfeit drug dealers is that Xian Dou is really effective.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have fascinated Sengoku and others so much.

"Mr. Zephyr, this is yours." Roy picked up a fairy bean and handed it to Zephyr.

Zephyr looked at Sendou and felt his breathing begin to accelerate.

For a moment, his eyes were red, and he was stunned.

"Master! Hurry up and take it!" Ain stomped his foot sharply next to him.

This is not the time to be in a daze or to be humble.

How valuable fairy beans are, there is no need to remind them at all.

Don't miss the opportunity, don't miss it!

If you don't get the fairy beans today, I don't know when the next time will be.

"Oooh, thank you Dr. Roy!"

Zephyr woke up and took Sendou with trembling hands.

Sengoku and others sighed when they had seen Zephyr look so gaffe.

In the past, Zephyr was known for its calm and composure.

But everybody can understand Zephyr's current state of mind.

In other words, if they encounter this kind of change, they don't know how much it will change.

Of course, Sengoku understands that it really changes Zephyr's personality.

Or family members and students were killed.

But that's not what Sengoku can help now.

After Zephyr took the fairy beans, he looked a little overwhelmed.

Seeing this, Roy could only smile bitterly, he had already introduced the use of fairy beans just now.

Now it seems that Zephyr is completely unlistening, or not knowing what to do.

The brain is now completely dead.

"Mr. Zephyr, you can take it now." Roy said.

"Eat it directly?" Zephyr asked again.

"Hmm." Roy nodded.

Zephyr took a deep breath and put the fairy bean in his mouth and swallowed it up.

I felt that after the fairy beans reached their throats, they changed into a warm current and entered the body.

A green light erupted from the room, which bloomed from the Dharma body.

"This is the light!" Sengoku's eyes widened, feeling incomparably familiar.

Before, when Fire Burning Mountain was cured after eating immortal beans, his body released this light.

Such abundant vitality, even bathing in it is a pleasure.

"That's right, that's right!" Akainu is equally excited.

Because this means that the cultivation of fairy beans is very successful.

Mass-producing fairy beans will bring a huge boost to Marine.

Aokiji was even more impressed that he was worth the trip.

In order to witness the miraculous effect of Sendou, Aokiji made an exception this time.

Take a boat with Akainu to Enies Lobby.

The four people, including Ain, stared at Zephyr nervously.

They are secretly praying that there will be no mistakes in this last moment.

Then they saw Zephyr's broken arm, and the wound that had already grown suddenly opened.

The white bones stretched out, and the nerves and flesh and blood followed closely behind.

The whole process is a blink of an eye and almost negligible.

An intact arm grows.

And Zephyr himself did not have the slightest expression of pain on his face, but swept away the old demeanor of the past.

The aura that erupted from his body was terrifyingly powerful.

Shocked everyone, especially Sengoku!

As an old comrade of Zephyr, Sengoku is very familiar with Zephyr.

This is a powerful aura that Zephyr possessed at its peak.

Could it be that fairy beans can not only restore the health of (BGEE) people, but also rejuvenate them?

"Zephyr, you seem to have regained the strength of your youth!" Sengoku couldn't help but ask.

"Hahaha, I feel great now! It's just a little bit different from the peak, about eighty percent. Zephyr burst out laughing rarely.

It seems that all the unpleasantness of the past has been temporarily forgotten by Zephyr.

It has the strength of eighty percent at its peak!

Hearing this, Sengoku was already amazed.

You must know that Sengoku's current strength has shrunk significantly.

Although it can still burst out super combat power for a short time.

But Sengoku himself knows very well that his age makes it impossible for him to maintain it for a long time.

The combat effectiveness is not as good as the average at the peak.

However, Zephyr was able to recover eighty percent, much to Sengoku's envy.

There was even an idea in Sengoku's mind, whether he should also eat a fairy bean to restore his body.

However, this idea only appeared, and then Sengoku left it behind.

After all, fairy beans are extremely precious and cannot be wasted on one's own body.

In addition, Xian Dou cannot recover its youth after all, and it cannot stop the garden.

It is only after treating various physical problems that it can improve combat effectiveness.

"Congratulations Mr. Zephyr!"

Aokiji et al. expressed congratulations.

"Mr. Zephyr, your arm has just recovered and should take a while to get used to it."

Although it was a bit annoying, Roy still spoke at this time.

After losing an arm for so many years, the body has long been used to it.

The arm suddenly grows, but it feels strange.

"Thank you, Dr. Roy!" Zephyr looked at Roy with a grateful expression.

Zephyr not only recovered his health after the fairy beans.

Even the spirit has improved a lot, and there is no longer the state of wood when I saw Xian Dou before.

"I believe that with Mr. Zephyr's ability, it will not take long to become familiar." Roy smiled slightly.

Zephyr stroked his newly grown arm and sighed.

This is smooth and fair skin like a baby, and you really have to get used to it yourself.

"Dr. Roy, my job here is to keep Enies Lobby and you safe, please allow me to be outside and guard first!" Zephyr said with a slight bow to Roy.

This gesture is already a subordinate to a superior.

Zephyr doesn't have a position today, but his credentials are here.

Not to mention Roy a Vice Admiral, even Admiral is not qualified to let Zephyr lower his posture.

However, none of the people present felt that there was anything wrong.

Sendou healed Zephyr's body, that is, he had kindness to Zephyr.

"Okay." Roy nodded.

Zephyr then left with Ain, who couldn't wait to adjust to his new arm.

In this room, there is still a little bit of unleashedness.

When Zephyr and Ain walked out of the lab and onto the platform.

Suddenly, a cheer sounded.

"Look at Mr. Zephyr's arm, it's really growing!"

"Sendou really is

That's awesome!"

"The rumors are true, Marine really has this technology!"

The marines on board cheered.

As early as before, when Zephyr ate the fairy beans, the light full of life shone outside the laboratory.

Everyone was excited, and many of them witnessed the recovery of the burning mountain.

I know exactly what green light means.

Now that I've seen Zephyr grow an arm, the atmosphere is even higher.

"Marine has such strong technology, what enemy can stop us!"

"Yes, even in the face of Whitebeard.

"Don't say Whitebeard, let the so-called Four Emperors go together!"

"Justice will triumph!"

Seeing the marines so excited was a momentary boost in morale.

Zephyr was also excited and raised his newly recovered arm.

This was accompanied by a tsunami-like cheer.

The sound even reached the lab.

The corners of Sengoku's mouth showed a wry smile.

I was thinking about how to carry out secrecy before, but now it seems that it has been completely wasted.

Such a big movement, let alone those ships at sea.

I'm afraid even the garrison of Enies Lobby knows what the situation is.

The deafening sound also made Roy in the laboratory unable to speak.

He plans to take advantage of Sengoku's arrival to request R&D funding.

But what Roy didn't expect was that it was Sengoku who spoke first.

” Roy! The World government approved tens of billions of dollars, and as a cost to Marine, I set aside five billion for you. Sengoku said.

Roy was slightly stunned, could it be that Sengoku already knew that he had new technology to study.

This can't be!

Could it be that Sengoku has been secretly spying on himself.

But about the super serum and the sentry robot, Roy didn't tell anyone.

No matter how good Sengoku is, it's impossible to know what's going on in your head.

Unless it's using some Devil Fruit ability that Roy doesn't know.

Thinking of this, Roy immediately shook his head, he was too sensitive.

But you can't blame yourself for this, after all, this is your biggest secret.

"Marshal, what is this money used for?" Roy simply asked directly.

"Because of the capture of Ace, the world government estimates that Whitebeard will not give up, and this money is for the mass production of bamboo dragonflies and lightsabers, as well as fairy beans." Sengoku eyebrows

Head locked.

Seeing Ace's things gave Sengoku a headache.

Roy looked surprised.

I didn't expect that before I knew it, I was about to participate in this big war.

Although there is no news yet.

It's just that I'm afraid that the World government's treatment of Ace should be exactly the same as in the plot.

That is a public execution!

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