In The Marine, The Lightsaber I Invented Slashed Kaido

Chapter 96 Treat Super Vegapunk! Sentinel Mass Production! The Largest Research Investment In Histor

As a killing weapon, how could a sentry use such a clumsy way of fighting with his fist.

It must be to pursue one-hit kill! It will attack with full force at the beginning.

So Roy got that punch and did a series of performances afterward.

And, take 10,000 steps back.

Does the Five Elders really want Roy's life, and Roy will pee and be captured?

Apparently not.

But in order for this farce to seem real, it is necessary to suffer a little hurt, at least for now, everyone seems to show sympathy and injustice for Roy's suffering

Now it seems that this performance is a success, and I bet on the right one!

Sure enough, in the next second, the originally murderous Five Elders turned into smiling faces.

"Worthy of Dr. Roy! The invention is always so stable that there will be no problems.

"Just to test the performance of the Sentinel, we have no ill will towards you."

"That's right, this test is arguably the most important, no one wants weapons not to follow orders."

"Dr. Roy, you should understand us."

Hearing these words, many people were blinded, what the hell does this mean.

They don't understand why.

But Sengoku and other executives reacted.

Knowing that this is still a test, a test for Roy and Sentinel.

The first thing is to make sure that the sentries are really able to carry out their orders without any problems.

The second is to see whether Roy's loyalty has unreservedly dedicated his scientific power to the world government.

At least in terms of results, the test was successful.

I am afraid that the Five Elders took advantage of the time when everyone was shocked after launching the order to kill Roy, and gave the order to just pretend to kill.

Everyone didn't notice, so they couldn't find anything unusual.

"It looks like Roy has passed the level." After figuring out the cause and effect, Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's just that Roy's heart may have been hurt a lot, and I may have to wash him." Tsuru Vice Admiral is thinking about it.

"If Roy is really killed, it will be a huge loss for Marine." 16 Sengoku is equally rejoicing.

"Hmph! If Roy dies, it's the collapse of Marine!" Zephyr was still dissatisfied.

In any case, Roy's credit should not be treated that way.

Zephyr is also a little more dissatisfied with the actions of the World government.

Sengoku nodded, agreeing with Tufa.

But as a marshal, Sengoku's job is to carry out the directives of the world government and to reconcile the relationships.

"It's too dangerous, and Roy isn't a dedicated combatant to do this." Sengoku officially filed a complaint with Five Elders.

However, Sengoku knew in his heart that if the Sentinel had not followed Five Elders' orders just now.

That proves that Roy didn't really hand over control of the Sentinels to Five Elders.

For World government, Roy is an uncontrolled scientist.

Then in the name of justice, killing Roy is also a valid reason.

Sengoku had to admit that Five Elders worked brilliantly.

"It's just a test, we have a sense of proportion, there will be no danger." The bald old man waved his hand, not wanting to continue on this topic.

Whether there is actually danger depends entirely on whether Roy has just told the truth.

"Dr. Roy, we all have a lot of trust in you, you are the future of Marine." The scarred old man even smiled sincerely at Roy.

Roy wanted to laugh in his heart, he was thinking of himself as a child.

Think that the powerful relationship will not understand it?

But Roy still looks indignant, and he has to make Five Elders think he's a scheming man.

"If you test control, there is no need to attack me, can't you change to other stronger people." Roy clenched his fists, very dissatisfied.

Sengoku and the others were stunned and looked at Roy with a wry smile.

Marine's genius scientist doesn't seem to understand what Five Elders is doing.

The goal has to be Roy!

It's not a test of control, it's a test of loyalty to Roy.

But since Roy had a misunderstanding, it couldn't be better.

"Roy, we are very satisfied with the invention of Sentinel and Super Serum, I believe that your research and development funds will not be less next!" Sengoku took the opportunity to say.

"That's right, and it's going to be in place very quickly." Akainu echoed.

Aokiji showed a look of disdain and did not participate in the conversation.

"Roy, we do intend to invest more in your research and development." The scarred old man nodded even more.

Sengoku and others let out a long breath, with the words of the scarred old man, at least Roy's R&D funds will definitely rise.

Even to make up for the distrust of Roy just now.

"Hmph! I don't care about R&D funding........." Roy snorted coldly, and wanted to pretend to be high and refuse.

After all, he also has a temper, how can he show it to everyone.

Anyway, the mass production progress of scientific research products is not in place, and the loss is still Marine's.

"One hundred billion Bailey." The scarred old man stretched out a finger.

"What!" Roy mouthed in surprise.

Sengoku didn't hear clearly at first, only to see the scarred old man stretching out a finger.

"This is also too shabby, only a hundred lemberry? Previously, I transferred more from Marine's military budget than that. ”| Sengoku made a disdainful sound.

Five Elders, so stingy.

Even he, the Marine Marshal, felt very humiliated.

"Sengoku, not ten billion." Tsuru Vice Admiral's tone trembled a little.

"Not ten billion? A billion ah, don't say this number, it's too shameful. Sengoku shook his head and sighed, he still underestimated the shamelessness of Five Elders.

A billion is also embarrassing to say it in front of everyone.

Especially those present are Marine executives, so don't lose face.

"It's 100 billion!" Tsuru Vice Admiral immediately said in a loud voice.

One hundred billion!

Sengoku, like Roy, immediately grew his mouth.

Only then did I find that the entire martial arts training ground was silent, and everyone was in an uproar.

When in the long history of the world government has there been such a large amount of research and development funding?

This would be a record amount of money that even Vegapunk did not have.

But none of those present objected.

Because of the value shown by Sentinels and Super Serum, even if you invest more money, it is not exaggerated.

And even if there are no of these two things.

With three items alone, bamboo dragonflies, lightsabers and fairy beans, Marine is worth investing heavily in mass production.

"Congratulations Roy, you will become an unprecedented and important player in the history of Marine research!" After Sengoku reacted, he held Roy's hands with excitement and kept shaking them.

From the look in Sengoku's eyes, you can tell that he is really happy for Roy.

"Yes, Dr. Roy, congratulations!" Vice Admiral said.

"Dr. Roy, you will change the world!" Dauberman marveled.

"Great, Dr. Roy! You deserve it!" Burning Mountain was excited.

Even Admiral Akainu said to Roy sincerely.

"I, Admiral, am nowhere near as important as Dr. Roy!"

Although Aokiji didn't say anything, the look on his face was also happy for Roy.

Not to mention Ain and Momousagi, they are still standing by Roy's side.

They were still indignant at Five Elders' previous methods.

But the two of them couldn't do anything but stay by Roy's side to prevent any more accidents.

"Okay, I accept the money." Roy nodded and accepted Five Elders' offer.

Originally, Roy wanted to pretend to be angry and vent his anger.

Let the Five Elders also know that they are not soft persimmons.

Five Elders gave too much, 100 billion Bailey.

I'm afraid I'll never see so much money in my lifetime.

It can also speed up itself to light up the technology tree and unlock more technology.

And this opportunity may only be once, if you still refuse.

I'm afraid Five Elders will change their minds and lose themselves.

Of course, Roy would be a little embarrassed to succumb to the power of money like this.

But as long as Roy himself is not embarrassed, it is someone else who is embarrassed.

None of the people in the room felt that there was anything wrong with Roy doing this.

Going against Five Elders wasn't a smart choice.

"How long will it take to mass-produce twenty Sentinels?" The Five Elders were pleased with Roy's attitude, and the bald old man asked with a smile.

After seeing the power of the Sentinel, they already liked the fighting machine.

What pacifists, the Five Elders can't look at.

"About half a month, close to the second ripening period of fairy beans." Roy simply told Five Elders about the situation of Xiandou.

Anyway, Five Elders will definitely ask.

"For half a month, can you guarantee the same performance as these two sentinels?" When the bald old man heard this time, he felt unbelievable.

Usually half a month, it is difficult to build a warship.

Not to mention the more technologically advanced Sentinel robots.

"It must be exactly the same performance, as long as the sample is manufactured, the next speed will be fast." Roy explained.

After receiving Roy's affirmation, the Five Elders smiled.

What they admire most about Roy is not the miracle that Roy's scientific products can bring, and this miracle can also be seen in Vegapunk.

It's efficiency!

Every penny invested in Roy pays off in a very short time.

Unlike Vegapunk, it usually takes years to see results.

After Roy appeared, Five Elders couldn't stand the speed.

"If you need anything, contact Sengoku and we'll have everything you need." The curly-haired old man also showed a smile.

Sengoku was relieved to see the gap between Five Elders and Roy dissolved.

Sure enough, although money is not omnipotent, it can do many things.

"If nothing happens, let's go first." Sengoku was also afraid that Five Elders would regret the matter of 100 billion funds, so he spoke.

"Well, Marine is also very busy now, hard work for you." The curly-haired old man nodded and agreed to Sengoku's request.

Without hesitation, Sengoku left immediately with everyone.

After Marine left the training ground, several people walked in.

They all have one thing in common, which is to wear neat suits.

One of them is the man in black who was in the harbor before, embarrassing Roy!

At this time, the man in black was also following a woman who looked very young.

In front of this woman, the man in black is just a small role.

Stussy, CPO became 577.

And she has an even louder identity, one of the emperors of the underground world.

Known as the Queen of the Pleasure District.

The underground world is arguably another real place where anything you want can be found.

Weapons, poison gas, Devil Fruit, slaves, etc., can be found in the underground world as long as they exist in this world.

The underworld will very carefully identify the people who come to trade.

No one from the World government is allowed to enter the deal.

Stussy's ability to break into the underworld is a testament to her abilities.

Seeing Stussy and the others coming, Five Elders couldn't help but frown slightly.

They all knew that Stussy and the others were here on orders from the Celestial Dragons.

Marine serves the World government, and the World government serves the Celestial Dragons, and Five Elders is the elected manager of the Celestial Dragons.

So in terms of status, Five Elders and Celestial Dragons are equal.

But Five Elders have their own responsibilities that the Celestial Dragons can't match.

What's more, the real loyalty of the Five Elders is Im, the leader of the Celestial Dragons.

Five Elders are not going to allow CPOs who execute general Celestial Dragons commands to disrupt their affairs.

Especially since the Man in Black went to Roy, Five Elders now knows.

That's why they called Stussy and the others to come.

"Your recent job has something to do with Roy." The curly-haired old man asked.

"That's right, it's Lord Celestial Dragons' order." Sure enough, Stussy nodded and admitted it directly.

There's actually nothing to hide, Stussy only takes orders from the Five Elders and the Kailong.

"Roy is important to the world government, and we'll talk to the person who gave you the order." The curly-haired old man said in a deep voice.

"That's best." Stussy breathed a sigh of relief.

At the end of the day, they're just tools of the Celestial Dragons, acting exactly as they are told.

But at this time, Stussy and others noticed the soldiers on the training ground.

There are pacifists next to it and in pieces, and parts of them are charred.

All of them had surprised looks on their faces, they all knew that pacifists existed.

For many Marines, pacifists may be a secret.

But as CPs who themselves are collecting intelligence, they have long known such a very important thing.

Of course, I don't understand how powerful pacifists are.

"These two combat machines called Sentinels are Roy's latest products, who easily defeated pacifists in training just now, and now you understand how important Roy is." The bald old man snorted coldly.

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