There were bonfires burning in the open-air camp.

The Kurdish cavalry sat on the ground with a relaxed expression, replenishing water and food. Sometimes someone smiled and showed off how many enemies he had killed during the day.

This time, each of them gained a lot.

If they were in a feudal country, each of them could buy a manor in their hometown and become the owner of the manor.

But unfortunately, the Kurds are a nomadic tribe.

A single person, even with wealth, cannot survive.

They must huddle together for warmth.

Lothar sat on the sand covered with wool carpets, holding a clay pot filled with broth in her hands and sipping.

"I wonder if the news of Kokeb's death has spread? I don't know if we will be attacked by Savoddin and his Mamluks if we return the same way."

Mamluk refers to slave soldiers, similar to the "Ghulam" that has been popular for hundreds of years, but more elite.

The king has the Mamluks of the king, and the governor has the Mamluks of the governor.

Saladin's Kasaji Guards were the best among the Mamluks and a rare elite force among the Zoroastrian forces that could fight against the Crusader Knights.

Crusader Knights, with the same number of combat capabilities, are definitely among the best in this era.

Princess Anna Komnenos of the Eastern Empire once described it in a book: The knights in the Crusaders were able to poke a hole in the wall of Babylon.

It can be seen how powerful Saladin's Kasaji guards are.

"The news of Kaukeb's death would not have reached Ayyub so quickly unless they could rely on the eagle in the sky to carry the message."

Abdullah held a Damascus scimitar with silver patterns in his hand, cut a grilled lamb chop from the grill on the campfire, and stuffed it into his mouth to chew.

The grease fell on his thick beard, and he said vaguely:

"But the other lords who are loyal to the Sasanian king will definitely respond immediately. They will be more vigilant and more difficult to deal with."

Lothar took a grilled lamb chop, chewed it, and nodded slightly: "I know, I don't plan to attack other targets anymore, our harvest is rich enough."

In terms of status, Kokob, a feudal lord active in the Sasanian and Ayyubid borders, was actually not much worse than Savoddin, the governor of Syria.

If you look at it on a map, in terms of size alone, the territory of Kokob is even greater than that of Savoddin.

Although the former's territory is mostly a meaningless pile of sand, the people under his command are chiefdoms that live in pursuit of water and grass.

But this did not affect the death of Kockob, which caused an uproar in the entire border area.

In particular, the murderer claimed to be Saladin, a king who occupied Egypt, which was rich in products and was once known as the granary of the empire.

Abdullah glanced slightly sideways: "I was worried that you would get hot-headed and be carried away by this easy victory."

Lothar said helplessly: "I thought my performance these days has been approved by you."

"Of course, but because of this, I'm worried that you are too young and energetic."

Abdullah chuckled and said: "Among young people, you are the best I have ever seen, bar none."

"Thanks for the compliment."

Lothar was chewing grilled lamb chops, and from the corner of her eyes she glanced at Fringilla, who was sitting on the blanket next to her and chattering in Prajna's ear.

This journey was extremely boring for her.

Prajna held an old book with yellowed pages and silently flipped through it, completely ignoring Fringilla's chatter.

"Yes, there is more"

Abdullah hesitated to speak.

Lothar said helplessly: "If you have anything you want to ask, just say it. Ever since I left the wooden castle in Kokobu, everyone has looked at me as if they were looking at a monster."

"Everyone said that you signed a contract with the devil and sacrificed the wealth that the soldiers could not take away to the demons in hell."

Lothar asked: "Do you believe it?"

Abdullah shook his head: "I don't believe it. Devils never lack wealth. On the contrary, they like to use wealth to lure people into corruption."

"You are a kind man, Lothar. You respect our beliefs and generously give us the right to choose the spoils first. It is our honor to fight for you."

"Ha, there is no need to flatter me so much, Abdullah."

The corners of Lothar's mouth raised slightly: "But I don't believe that Baron Godfrey didn't tell you the truth."

Abdullah was slightly startled and admitted: "Yes, that's the case."

"You have the allegiance of two witches. They have mysterious power, but does their power come from the heavenly father you believe in? If so, why are your priests not given such great power by God? ?”

Lothar was silent for a moment. Of course he knew that the witch's power did not come from God, but he could not say so.

"Heavenly Father bestows witches with otherworldly powers, and at the same time they also carry a sacred mission. Some carry out this mission and support the Ming Lord, while others live in a corner and indulge in lust."

Lothar paused slightly and continued: "Just like among those clergy, there are archbishops who are willing to live in poverty and donate all their money to the Knights, and there are also those who are so stingy that they wear gemstone rings on each of their ten fingers. A greedy person who wants to drain the blood and sweat of every serf."

Thinking of the clerics in his hometown, Abdullah deeply agreed: "You have the allegiance of two witches, so what you are saying is that you are the favorite of your heavenly father?"

"Maybe, I can't guess God's will."

Lothar frowned: "But I think I should do something. Unlike other Crusader nobles, this is my mission."

"To do what? To become a lord of Jerusalem, a baron, a count, even a grand duke, a king?"

Lothar shook his head: "That's just a process. What I really hope to do is to end the frequent wars here, so that people with different languages, beliefs, and even skin colors can live here equally."

Lothar emphasized his tone: "Establish a powerful empire that will unify the Levant and bring peace to this land that is always shrouded in war."

"This is impossible!"

Abdullah shook his head violently: "This is absolutely impossible!"

Of course Lothar knew this was difficult.

A pluralistic nation without a dominant nation will either split apart or be in the process of splitting apart in later generations.

Not to mention there are acute religious issues.

This is not a game. If you open religion and humanities, the rebellion level will return to zero.

But precisely because of its high difficulty, it can be called an ambition.

With his system, he never doubted that in the future, he would gradually obtain a higher lord, and even become a king with royal power.

What's more, the national concept of this era is extremely weak, and it is not impossible to "wash culture".

"Why is it impossible? What the Eastern Empire has done before, why can't I do it?"

Lothar asked back.

Abdullah was silent for a moment.

He instinctively wanted to say that the Eastern Empire had failed, but in the end, he just said:

"Losa, perhaps a person favored by God like you should have ambitions that ordinary people cannot imagine. May the Holy Fire protect you and achieve your wishes."


"When we enter Camont, we will be within the Crusaders' sphere of influence. We part ways there."

Lothar was a little surprised: "You no longer serve Baron Godfrey?"

"Not for the time being."

Abdullah hesitated for a moment and then said: "King Nur al-Din's son is gathering his old troops. We plan to assist him and regroup the forces to resist Saladin in Aleppo."

"After we take out Kockab, the frontier will fall into chaos. This is our chance."

Lothar was silent.

"You should know how slim your chances of success are. No matter how merciful Saladin is, he will not forgive rebels like you."

Abdullah said solemnly: "The Lord has called me, and I will never look back."

Lothar didn't persuade her.

Although this Kurdish cavalry team made him extremely envious, the other party had a firm belief that he could not persuade with just a few words.

Lothar glanced at Hans.

This own "attendant" was setting up the camp and was sweating profusely from exhaustion.

This is the only "cavalry" under Lothar.

In this era when cavalry is king, it would be too expensive to organize a cavalry force as elite as the Kurdish cavalry team in front of us.

"Perhaps, I should also join, or establish a knighthood."

"Anyway, I don't plan to get married in the short term. When I become stronger in the future, I will quit the Knights or secularize it."

These days, some people pretend to convert, and regret it every day.

Naturally, there are also those who pretend to vow to marry again in the future.

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