The sergeants crowded on the wall and looked at the cavalry galloping past, their eyes full of envy and jealousy.

"This lucky boy!"

"I have herded cattle for the lord before. I will try with Knight Hans later. I also want to become that... winged cavalry?"

"It's the Hussars!"

"I just discovered that Ulm's riding skills are so good. Look, the shining armor is just like the mirror used by the noble lady."

On the city wall, Mallus watched this scene silently, with a somewhat nostalgic look on his face.

Once upon a time, he also made many armors for hussars, each of which was more sophisticated than what this cavalry wore, but that was after all.

Ever since Grand Duke Jagiellon VIII was killed in battle and he was expelled from the borders of the Bolivian Federation, he has never seen the hussars again.

The once powerful Polish Federation was gone forever, replaced by a weak country that was attacked from both sides by Tsarist Russia and Prussia, retreated steadily, and its territory shrank year by year.


A heavily weathered wall tile fell to the ground and broke into two pieces with a click.

Mallus was shocked to find that the wall tile loosened and fell off due to his "touching".

He looked around subconsciously and met Lothar's eyes.

"I promise, sir, I really didn't use any force."

Lothar reluctantly twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled: "I believe you, this castle does need repairs. It's only the inner castle at the moment, but sooner or later the outer walls will be brand new."

Pull him down quickly!

If it weren't for your terrifying power, which is equivalent to five times that of an ordinary person, who could forcefully pull out a brick from the wall?

Mallus was silent for a moment and then said, "Sir, I can build a blast furnace for ironmaking today, and then I can start forging armor for you."

"Although limited by materials and tools, I can only build a half-plate armor for you, but I guarantee that it will be the most exquisite armor in Jerusalem."


If it is not a hussar barracks, only "natives" can spend gold coins and use the armor and weapons placed inside, and each person is limited to one set.

Lothar also wanted to collect this wool.

Because the Hussars' full armament and combat skills are obviously not comparable to 50 Souledes.

The half-plate armor could only be forged by the top craftsmen in Milan at this time, and the quality was no better than the half-plate armor of the Hussars.

At this time, Ulm had already completed a full circle around Juggersburg and galloped towards the castle gate.

"Call everyone here!"

Lothar ordered.

"Lord Holy Son!"

As soon as Ulm entered the city gate, he leaped off his horse and knelt down on one knee.

"Thank you Heavenly Father for your gift. You have made me feel the meaning of life again. I will repay your generous gift with the sword and spear in my hand."

Lothar signaled Ulm to stand up, and then said: "Everyone, I hope you don't call me the Holy Son. Pagans and evil forces will not sit back and watch a Holy Son come to the world. They will try their best to To strangle, to hinder, to threaten him—just like you did to Jesus.”

"There are indeed miracles around me. Maybe Heavenly Father does prefer me, but please never call me the Son. I am a secular lord, now and in the future!"

"Dedicate your loyalty to me with peace of mind. I promise that all loyalty will be rewarded!"

The sergeants immediately cheered.

"Long live, the noble one favored by God, our loyal lord!"

"I'm willing to give everything for you, whether it's blood or bones!"

Lothar turned around and returned to the inner castle.

Fringilla stood by the window and looked at these excited people, and said with some pride: "Look, they respect you so much. I guarantee that even if you ask them to assassinate the Pope now, they will not hesitate. . In my opinion, your lord will become a king soon."

Prajna glanced at her coldly.

He let out a soft "heh".

"what are you laughing at?"

Fringilla frowned, her face full of displeasure.

Prajna rarely opened his mouth and replied: "I am laughing at someone's unrealistic dream of being a queen."

Two days later.

Velvet curtains blocked the windows.

Lothar was leaning in front of the desk, moving the quill rapidly.

He is writing a letter.

One was addressed to Count Leopold of Austria, asking when he would depart for the Holy Land, and included some greetings and concerns about the current situation in the Holy Land.

Of course this is not the point.

The focus is on seeking funding, whether it is money, or talents such as "bakers", "tailors", "merchants", and "masons" who can build canals, dig wells, and repair city walls.

One letter was addressed to Count Werner of Allgäu, giving him daily greetings and explaining his current situation.

He knew that Earl Werner was not rich and it would be difficult to come up with money to support him, so he did not mention that Yogurtsburg was a poor place.

The last letter was addressed to Lord Godfrey.

The purpose is still to seek funding.

Although he has a lot of savings, he is currently in a state of negative income.

With the tax revenue from the six nearby villages, it is impossible to maintain the huge army Lothar plans to organize. It is enough to have enough food, but not enough to pay wages.

Moreover, he also had to pay a vassal tax to his lord, Baldwin IV. Although the money was not much, it was still an expense.

"I'm afraid His Majesty the King has no intention of letting me tidy up this territory, nor does he have any intention of letting me support an army."

Lothar had a headache as she calculated the bills.

Baldwin IV probably wanted him to serve as an officer in Jerusalem to command the royal army.

But he did not intend to follow Baldwin IV's plan completely.

Although Yogurtsburg is not a good place for farming, it has neither special products nor commerce.

But he must at least set up a framework first, have a framework that can operate independently and continuously develop the territory, instead of blindly exploiting everything.

Among the six villages under the jurisdiction of Yogurtsburg, there is also a village where half of the population is Zoroastrian.

In previous years, they would have been heavily taxed.

But Lothar didn't plan to do this, because they were too poor, and many of them had to go to the castle to rent even iron farm tools.

Even if you impose heavy taxes, you won't be able to collect much money. It's better to treat them better and make them more peaceful.

Leonard stood on the steps outside the Lord's Hall, knocked the dust off his shoes, straightened his clothes, and then walked into the inner castle tremblingly.

He looked at this familiar yet unfamiliar inner castle, his gray eyes full of restraint and nervousness.

There are various exquisite reliefs on the walls.

The originally narrow prayer room has now been expanded into a formal church. Behind the cross in the center, there is an icon made of mosaic bricks.

If you worship in such a church, your Heavenly Father will be more willing to listen, right?

The entire inner fort seemed emptier than before.

All the junk-like old furniture has been cleared away, but except for the less furniture, this inner fortress is much cleaner than before.

There were no mice, no dust, and even a hint of fragrance in the air.

"Heavenly Father!"

Leonard was amazed again and again. This was the first time in three days that he mustered up the courage to step into the Lord's Hall, which was regarded as a sacred place by the people of Yogurtsburg.

In their hearts, this is a miraculous place that cannot be compared to the Cathedral of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.

He walked all the way to Lothar's administrative hall on the second floor.

He looked at Lothar who was writing quickly at the table.

Leonard immediately showed a flattering smile: "Sir, do you still lack some beautiful girls as maids in your castle? It's really too empty here, and there's not even anyone to dress you. I know a few nearby villages. The little water-spirited girls, let me bring them here for you, they will definitely be happy to serve as saints, no, they will serve the master!"

Although they didn't say it, the people of Jorgesburg still regarded him as their holy son.

It is conceivable that the lords who have witches working for them also use the "miracles" of witches to brag and enhance their status.

"No need, I didn't come to the Holy Land for personal enjoyment."

Lothar refused decisively.

In this era, there were not even many pampered ladies whose looks could catch his eye, let alone ordinary women who had to face exposure and hard work every day.

"Leonard, how did you do what I told you?"

Lothar looked at Leonard's unwillingness to move his buttocks for a long time, frowned, and asked.

Leonard's face looked a little ugly, and he hesitated: "I'm sorry, sir, the money you gave me to buy the war horse was taken away by a group of desert bandits who came and went like the wind. The mule I'm riding on can't outrun them."

Lothar's face turned ugly. I'm worried about money. Why are you throwing money at me?

He forced himself to calm down quickly: "Your Excellency, Guard Officer, I am very disappointed in your incompetence. Tell me, what is going on with this group of desert bandits? I will decide whether to hold you accountable."

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