The two of them were so angry that they were almost dead.


Yujiro disappeared, leaving behind some bloody broken threads floating in the air.

The next second, Yujiro appeared again and came to Doflamingo.

"Five-color thread!"

Although Doflamingo was very angry and his emotions were completely out of control, he still had the fighting consciousness he should have.

So he retreated and controlled the thread to attack again.

"It's useless, I've seen through your trick!"

Yujiro smiled grimly, with his red eyes like a devil, and he moved his feet slightly sideways to avoid the attack of the five-color thread, and then punched down heavily.

"White wire shield!"

Doflamingo's eyes widened, and he quickly moved the silk thread to try to resist.

But he was obviously a step too slow. Before the wire shield could condense, Yujiro was already standing in front of him.

With a loud bang, the fist landed directly on Doflamingo's head, breaking his sunglasses for a moment. He spat out a mouthful of blood and flew out.

Then he fell to the ground with a bang, and the huge force caused cracks in the ground.


Another mouthful of blood was spit out, and Doflamingo stood up from the ground with difficulty.

"Impossible, you just now, obviously don't have such strength."

"It's thanks to you that my strength has increased so much."

After saying that, Yujiro's hideous smile appeared on his face again.

It's common for him to improve his strength in battle. After all, it has been like this since he was a child.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so crazy looking for strong people to fight, and even train strong people to fight with him.

Although fighting against strong men gave him great pleasure, a large part of the reason was that fighting against strong men could continue to improve his own strength.

And just now, under the beating of Doflamingo's awakened fruit, he certainly was not just being beaten, but his own strength was also rapidly increasing while being beaten.

"The blood of the Fanma family is really terrifying."

On the other side, Lu Ming couldn't help but marvel in his heart when he heard what Yongjiro said.

Others may believe it, but he knows clearly that the people of the Fanma family can really improve their strength quickly in battle.

I can only say that this alien blood is so PT.


Back to Doflamingo.

He didn't believe what Yongjiro said in his heart. After all, strength is improved by long-term training, not by fighting.

But for some reason, he didn't believe it at first, but when he saw Yongjiro's expression, he began to believe it in his heart.

After all, in his opinion, Yongjiro should not be the kind of person who would tease him with this matter.

And if it wasn't like this, there would be no need for Yujiro to be beaten by him unilaterally for a while.

"Damn it, let's die together."

Thinking about it, Doflamingo controlled the silk thread and leaped into the air step by step, roaring and mobilizing the power of the Thread-Thread Fruit.

As he moved, the birdcage wrapped around the city accelerated its shrinking speed.

And it was not just a little bit faster, it was shrinking rapidly and visible to the naked eye.

"No, stop him quickly, the power of the birdcage can easily destroy an island, once the shrinkage is completed, we will all die here."

Baby5, who was next to Lu Ming, looked at Doflamingo's actions and said worriedly.

She saw Doflamingo use this trick to kill the people of an entire island.

"Did you hear that, Yujiro? If it doesn't work, I'll let Sylfa do it."

Lu Ming also urged.

He was still a little worried about the birdcage, after all, this trick could even trap a general.

Moreover, as the contraction continues, he doesn't know how many people outside will die, which he doesn't want to see.

After all, in his opinion, those people will be his people in the future, and their death will be a loss to him.

"I know, stop nagging."

Yujiro replied, looking up at Doflamingo in the air.

"You're urging me, so let's end the battle quickly!"

After saying that, Yujiro jumped and quickly approached Doflamingo in the air.

But Doflamingo, who looked at Yujiro's movements, showed a disdainful expression.

After all, he had discovered before that Yujiro didn't have the ability to fly, nor did he have physical skills like Moon Step.

And he was in the air, how could he attack him with a simple jump.


But before he waited

Doflamingo was happy for a second, but Yujiro's action made him drop his jaw.

"This, this is? Is he using my silk thread to exert his strength?"

Looking at Yujiro who kept jumping and getting closer and closer to him, Doflamingo began to doubt his life.

As he watched carefully, he found that Yujiro was actually using his silk thread to jump.

You should know that the silk thread you use to fly is extremely thin, and most people can't find it at all.

And even if you find it, this silk thread can't support the weight of others except yourself.

But Yujiro in front of him not only found the silk thread, but also used it to jump continuously?

"Doflamingo, it's over!"

Just when Doflamingo was doubting his life, Yujiro had already appeared in front of him, fully mobilized his armed color domineering, and punched hard.

"Spider's Nest!"

Seeing that the attack was getting closer and closer to him, Doflamingo also quickly activated his ability to resist.

Silk threads spurted out of his hands and turned into a large spider web in the blink of an eye.


The next second, Yujiro's fist fell and collided with the spider web with a sound.


Seeing that the spider web actually blocked his attack, Yujiro shouted, and then his muscles bulged, and his expression became ferocious because of the force.


Fortunately, the force was not without effect. Soon, the spider web showed signs of breaking, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

After a while, the spider web completely dissipated, and in Doflamingo's surprised eyes, the fist fell on his head again.

Then there was a bang, and Doflamingo's body fell rapidly and hit the ground heavily.

"Huh? Is it solved?"

On the other side, Lu Ming saw the bird cage covering the sky began to dissipate, and muttered to himself.

Looking forward, as the smoke slowly dissipated, as expected, Doflamingo fell into a pit and fainted.

"Master Lu Ming, do we need to kill him?"

Sylfa, who was standing next to him, asked after seeing that Doflamingo was not dead but just unconscious.

She knew that she came here to get rid of Doflamingo.

"Keep him for now."

After thinking for a while, Lu Ming replied.

It would be unwise and wasteful to kill Doflamingo now.

With his former Celestial Dragon status, he might be able to make a deal with the World Government, so after thinking for a while, he decided to keep him for now.

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