In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 225 How do I pay back the territory I owe you?

Athos's residence.

In the small restaurant in the backyard, as the host, he entertained his old friends Porthos and Aramis, whom he had not seen for a while.

The three of them took office as high officials in the three overseas provinces at about the same time, and worked for three or four years.

Their situations in the officialdom were different, and they were good at different fields, but they were all frustrated.

High officials are the pinnacle of local officials, and the most feared thing for local officials is that they work for nothing and their leaders don't see them.

Except for a few provinces around the imperial capital, being a high official in other places basically means the end of a political career.

Except for getting more benefits, all you can see is despair, and there is no future at all.

They thought of countless ways to get closer to the emperor, but they all failed.

They started as administrative officials in small towns. Although they also conducted off-the-board operations and used some unspeakable means to advance to key positions, they were all capable officials with real talents.

However, the empire is full of talents, and the most abundant thing is people who can work.

If you don't do it, there are plenty of people who will do it.

Their normal ending is to struggle between the desire for progress and pessimism, grow old, and be replaced by new people.

Until the governor and the queen came.

For them, the great goddess is far away in the sky, and the queen is right in front of them.

Long live the queen!

Governor Roland is two years older than the queen.

Since the queen came to the three overseas provinces, their world has suddenly become bright.

In the past six months, they have burst out with the momentum they had when they first entered the officialdom twenty years ago, and tried their best.

Although there were some twists and turns, they got what they wanted.

A ticket to the upper class.

At the moment when the report on the title was rejected by the House of Lords, they were disheartened. They thought that the light that illuminated the world had disappeared, but the queen was the queen, and soon let them know what light is.

Their baron was retained.

It was just changed from the Suwig Province to the Earldom of Tyrone.

That is a royal territory less than 100 kilometers away from the imperial capital. They are now vassals of the queen!


The three old friends clinked their glasses and drank happily, their faces flushed.

The table was filled with the best appetizers from the three overseas provinces, golden crispy elbows and carefully cooked blood sausage, plus fresh cod and lobster, which were high-end appetizers of this era.

To be precise, the appetizers for the three old friends were not the dishes on the table, but the newly obtained barons.

The changes in titles within the royal family and the Grand Duke's territory do not need to be approved by the House of Lords as long as they comply with conventions.

This is a royal privilege granted by the Heraldry Law.

The Queen activated the privilege and divided her territory among them.

Porthos, who was half drunk and half awake, asked the other two old friends with a big tongue and a smile:

"What do you think our new baronies can earn in a year?"

Listening to Porthos' words, Aramis sighed lightly, put down his glass, and reminded softly:

"My friend, if you don't want to stop at the baron in this life, you shouldn't ask such stupid questions."

Porthos was stunned.

Just when he was puzzled, Athos smiled and teased: "The Queen gave you face, not to let you step on her face."

"Although the Earldom of Tyrone is rich, it is only an earldom after all, and the tax revenue it can provide is only 80,000 or 90,000 pounds a year. The share that each of us can get is probably a few thousand pounds."

Porthos was a little disappointed, picked up the wine glass and took another big sip.

The three of them have accumulated more than 500,000 pounds in the past few years.

Last time, they cut meat to save their lives under Roland's suggestion. Fortunately, the Queen was kind and forgave them, and returned part of the property to them.

"Forget it, a few thousand pounds is a few thousand pounds, it's better than nothing." Porthos muttered softly.

Athos and Aramis looked at each other, both a little confused.

Is this guy really thinking about this little money?

Aramis sighed lightly, picked up the wine glass, and the sharp mockery made Porthos blush instantly.

"My old friend, after all these years, your barren brain is still only capable of bragging and speeches."

"I don't care about you, but I will never go to the Earldom of Tyrone in my life, nor will I take even a penny from the territory."

Porthos was stunned.

He understood the meaning behind Aramis' words.

Don't be shameless. The queen did not give them the royal territory, but gave them a way out by being the Count of Sif, which does not mean that she is willing to divide the traditional royal territory.

This barony is just a transition, and they will be transferred to a higher title after the queen takes power.

If you don't know what's good for you and really go to the queen's territory to show off your power, it is a standard way of not knowing how to raise your head.

Porthos drank another glass of wine and said with some frustration: "That's still a hollow baron."

"Idiot, do others know that you are a hollow baron?"

Aramis mocked unhappily:

"The emperor in the capital only knows that you are a hereditary baron under the Earl of Tyrone and a direct vassal of the royal family's inherent territory. How many people want this honor but can't get it."

Porthos laughed and used the action of drinking to cover up his embarrassment.

He really didn't understand the difference between the titles.

"Athos, you once mentioned that your ancestors were also rich. Is this guy right?"

Hearing Porthos' words, Athos's face was slightly gloomy.

He picked up the wine glass and paused for a long time before taking a sip.

"Porthos, remember, don't go to the Earl of Tyrone, never."


Athos rarely spoke in such a cold tone. Porthos shuddered and was mostly awake from the wine. He muttered in a low voice: "If you don't want to go, don't go. Let's not talk about this and drink!"

Athos took a deep breath, picked up the wine glass, clinked it with the two old men, and drank it all in one gulp.

He cast his gaze to the northwest.

That's the direction of the empire's homeland.

Porthos just couldn't go to the Earl of Tyrone, but he couldn't even return to his homeland.

Sometimes I really envy these simple-minded guys.

He looked curiously at the square where the Queen's Palace and the Governor's Palace were located.

What are Her Majesty the Queen and Governor Roland doing now?

Everyone was compensated except Governor Roland.

No matter how generous the Queen was, it would be impossible for her to package up all her private territory and give it to Roland.

Wait, it seems possible.

There was a smile on Athos's lips, and he filled himself up with wine.

"For the glory of the empire, for Her Majesty the Queen and the Governor, let's have another drink."

Aramis and Porthos looked at each other and almost burst into laughter.

This guy Athos, who is he speaking these high-sounding words to at this time?

No matter what, drink!

Have fun tonight, get drunk before you stop!

Tonight, many people went home and opened champagne to celebrate, but Roland and Sif were not included.

After enjoying a fairly sumptuous dinner, Sif and Roland went to the best spot on the top floor of the Queen's Palace to enjoy the night view.

In the late autumn night, the cool breeze blows, which is particularly refreshing.

Sif was in a good mood, and today's meeting was completely expected.

Everyone's reaction was similar to what she and Roland had deduced.

Sitting in the main seat of the conference hall, she looked down at the audience, as if she controlled the entire world.

However, this is an illusion, there are only two people she cannot control.

Roland and Sophia.

Looking at Roland's calm expression, Sif sighed softly: "Although I already knew the result, I am still disappointed by the rejection by the House of Lords."

"Why?" Roland asked softly.

"They didn't think much of me."

Sif narrowed her eyes and sighed in confusion: "We opened up a new province for the empire in just over seven months in three overseas provinces. Isn't this achievement not outstanding enough?"

"Enough is not enough."

"Qing Luolan, please use a language I can understand." Sif's tone was somewhat dissatisfied. Of course, it was not directed at Roland, but at the old nobles.

"It's very simple. Your achievements exceed those of the recent emperors, especially your father. There is no doubt about it. But the power of the cabinet is getting bigger and bigger now. Even if you officially ascend the throne, how much power can you get back?"

"There is a special term for this phenomenon, called a lame emperor. No matter how outstanding your ability is, it cannot change the trend of cabinet power becoming more and more powerful and imperial power declining in the past hundred years. In the face of the general trend, the strength of personal ability has nothing to do with it. unimportant."

Sif fell into a long silence.

In fact, Roland was taking care of her face, and there were still words left unsaid.

The old nobles did not believe how many years she would live.

Being Sophia's enemy was her greatest misfortune.

If Sif takes the initiative to abdicate, then she will only be Earl Tyrone. Is it necessary for the old nobles to curry favor with an earl who has no real power?

Those who can exercise voting rights in the House of Lords are all top nobles. Whose family did not start as an earl?

Sif's little pink fist clenched and unclenched.

She didn't feel red or depressed, and her expression was very calm.

This world is always so cruel and real.

But this world is not without good things.

Looking at Roland's gentle gaze, Sif's lips raised slightly and she said with a smile:

"Time will tell. Come have a drink with me."

Sif's reaction surprised Roland. He smiled and teased: "Is there any reason? I lost a count and I am not in the mood to drink at all."

"Don't worry, the earl who owes you will definitely pay back double the amount."

Sif's voice was full of confidence.

Although it was unclear why Sif was so confident, Roland still raised his glass.

Cheers to this confidence!

Of course he didn't know that Sif had just thought of transferring the Earldom of Tyrone to Roland.

She wants to win everything.

If she couldn't win, she would owe everyone in the world, except Roland.

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