In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 280 The Sun performs steadily

"That woman is coming back, what should we do?"

In the small reception room of Finance Minister Smith's house, several cabinet members gathered here to discuss how to deal with the empress's return to the imperial capital.

They were full of worries on their faces, and no one wanted to speak first.

After a suffocating silence, Smith couldn't help looking at Alban and complained softly:

"Alben, didn't you say that it was illegal for her to ascend the throne overseas? Now she is coming back, and even bringing back the missing Fourth Fleet, what should we do?"

The remnants of the Fourth Fleet returned to the overseas provinces, and there was clear news about the whereabouts of the old emperor.

Sif did not hide these things, but announced them publicly.

She is the emperor, not a thief, so there is no need to hide.

With the old emperor's handwritten letter, abdication edict and personal seal, plus the death of Prince Fino, her succession to the throne is undisputed.

She just wants to make the information public and build momentum for her return.

She doesn't want to fight a civil war, so she wants to let the army know who is the orthodox.

It is more difficult for the cabinet to mobilize the army to stop her.

They have no reason.

Sif is the legitimate queen. Even if ascending the throne overseas is indeed contrary to the laws of the ancestors, it is what the founding emperor did, and he can find excuses.

Even if they insist that ascending the throne overseas does not count, at most they can hold the coronation ceremony in the imperial capital.

It is not worth it to break up with the queen for such a small matter.

Seeing that Alben did not speak, Winston could not help but answer.

"Everyone, people who often go on voyages know that ships need to take advantage of the wind, and the same is true for politics. Her Majesty is legitimate, and we can't stop her."

"Since we can't stop it, let go of our prejudices and welcome the queen home."

Alben sneered and sneered: "Mr. Winston, do you think we can all continue to stay in office and continue to share power? As far as I know, Roland's overseas governor's office basically sets up officials according to the cabinet standards. Guess who these officials are prepared for?"

Alben's words made Winston's face fall instantly.

They are the old ministers of Emperor Edward, and the officials of the governor's office are the ministers of the new emperor.

A new emperor appoints his own ministers. This principle is the same everywhere.

Military Intelligence Director Rice nodded and said softly: "Alben is right. Roland's Governor's Mansion is the new cabinet of the future."

He didn't need to say it. The ministers present were all smart people. How could they not understand it?

Sif brought these people back just to get them out.

Since no one supports her ascending the throne overseas, then leave.

The Minister of Culture and Education was calm. He smiled and teased: "I am 61 years old this year and I am about to retire. Your Majesty, since you have a candidate, it is not impossible to go home early to enjoy your old age."

"Enjoy your old age?"

Alben seemed to have heard the most ridiculous thing in the world and couldn't help laughing.

He pointed to Smith first and sneered: "Mr. Smith, you should know that Shanina's father Norton is now Roland's most respected alchemist. Do you think Roland will help him avenge his daughter's murder?"

Smith's face was as ugly as braised pork liver.

He stammered, unable to say a word for a long time.

Alben's words were very impolite, but they were true.

Anyone could land safely, except him.

Since he had started, Alben was too lazy to talk nonsense. He named the ministers one by one, listed what they had done, and ridiculed them.

As the person in charge of the legal field, he knew the dark history of these colleagues very well, but he never said it because of his face.

Now he has no scruples.

Some people are angry, and some are lucky. Although some people seek personal gain, they have not crossed the bottom line, and even began to fantasize about actively showing goodwill to the queen.

Seeing these people wavering, Alben took out a piece of paper from the lining of his underwear and slapped it on the table.

This is a list.

The list of new cabinet members drafted by Sif.

Only Wald was retained in the old cabinet, and all the others were abandoned.

Not only that, except for Wald, William and a few others, the names of other people were marked in red.

"Everyone, is there anyone who is good at identifying handwriting and see if this is written by the Queen herself?"

Hilph has a lot of signatures and comments, and her handwriting is easy to identify.

The list was handed to Rice. After the professional intelligence officer carefully observed it, his face was grim, but he just nodded silently.

Alban lowered his head slightly, fearing that he couldn't help laughing.

This is of course true, because this list was written by Sif herself and sent to him.

This is a trap.

The content of this list is different from the real list.

This is also Sif's last chance for the cabinet ministers.

If you take risks after seeing the list, don't blame her for being rude.

If you repent and surrender after seeing the list, you can give them a chance to land safely, just like giving Athos and others a chance in the three overseas provinces.

This is politics.

Of course, there are two people who can never be forgiven.

Smith and Winston.

These two people are extremely evil and must pay the price.

Smith holds the financial power, madly amasses wealth, is domineering, and shields crimes. Winston's personal morality is not so bad, but he appointed the incompetent Planck as a general and destroyed half of the fleet.

Personally, Winston must die to avenge Prince Finau.

Publicly, he must die to ensure the combat effectiveness of the Imperial Navy.

Except for these two people, everyone else has a chance to go ashore.

Seeing this list, the cabinet ministers finally died.

Under the intentional or unintentional instigation of Alban, they decided to give it a try.

Since the Queen won't let them live, they can only seek death.

If the Queen has an accident, the Empire cannot live without the Emperor, so everyone can only invite the old Emperor back.


Failure is rebellion, success is called rectifying the chaos!

That night, the party at Smith's house lasted until very late, and the dim candlelight reflected on the window, sometimes bright and sometimes dim, just like the mood of the secret meeting.

The Fourth Fleet is coming back!

Her Majesty is coming back!

In the past two months, the people of the imperial capital have discussed this topic the most.

All major newspapers are scrambling to report related hot news.

The old emperor?

No one cares about the old guy, except the Sun.

Just a few days ago, the Sun performed normally as usual and published a special issue, telling the story of the old emperor Edward who loves beauty more than the country and sinks into the gentle land of the sea witch.

This special issue is very explosive, and even presents the whole process of the old emperor and Adina knowing and falling in love in detail.

Not only that, even the scene of the wedding scene was drawn.

The old emperor was vigorous and the sea witch was shy. After reading the story, everyone didn't know who to envy.

The story was very exciting and the sales were very hot, but everyone just read the story and didn't believe it.

The author didn't even dare to sign his name, and it was published in the Sun. Do you believe it?

No serious person believed it.

No matter how much they didn't believe it, everyone still loved to read it.

Even if the price of the special edition was six times that of the ordinary edition, it was still sold out.

Under the strong request of readers, the machines in the Sun's printing factory worked 24 hours a day until they were smoking and printed crazily.

Rupert, who was happy to count the money, laughed from ear to ear in the office on the top floor of the Sun.

"These unruly people would never have thought that the writer was Her Majesty the Queen."

It must be said that Sif was very good at describing love, and she wrote the old cow chewing the young grass into a crazy love affair.

Not only readers like it, but Rupert also likes it.

He stood up, walked to the window, and looked at the mouth of the Thames River.

Countless ships come in and out here every day. It is the busiest port in the world.

His eyes widened instantly, and the cigar in his mouth fell to the ground.

Goddess, what did he see?

Surrounded by countless warships, a huge, armored warship slowly and firmly sailed towards the dock.

What's going on?

Rupert is not an unlearned playboy. He often discusses cutting-edge science with academicians of the Academy of Sciences. He has a good understanding and a little knowledge of physics.

The density of steel is greater than that of water, so it will sink to the bottom of the water.

The density of wood is less than that of water, so it will float on the water.

This is common sense, and even more physical knowledge.

How can a warship built of steel float on the water?

Even if it can float, where are the sails? How does this ship move?

Is physics dead?

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