In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 313 Friendship Begins with the Bell

"I'll be the commander?"

After receiving Roland's appointment, Christine was stunned and a little overwhelmed.

The appointment was followed by a framework document for the establishment of the coalition army.

According to this framework document, the future elite troops of the Sussex Empire and the Golden Kite Kingdom will be under her unified command.

In addition to those old-fashioned armies with a long history, at least millions of troops will be under her command.

This does not include the new army that is about to be formed.

Roland only put forward requirements and frameworks, and gave her the power to form an army and command.

Although she was very moved by this heavy trust, the pressure that came with it made her a little breathless.

What if Roland's requirements are not met?

Time waits for no one, and she has less than half a year left.

The main force of the Wende Empire has been defeated. Fortunately, it is winter now, and the coalition forces of Vladimir and other three countries are slow to act and cannot expand the results of the war. They can still hold on for a while.

When the heavy snow thaws, the existence of the Wende Empire will enter a countdown.

After solving the Wend Empire, the Holy Alliance with the Vladimir Empire, the Kingdom of Pruden, and the Kingdom of Tyrol as the core and the Free Alliance with Sussex and Golden Kite as the core will have the final battle.

Even if the material dispatch and the army's rest time are added, she has less than six months left.

Fortunately, Roland did not give her the complicated matters of logistics and equipment support, otherwise she would refuse on the spot.

Roland's implication is very simple, military affairs are handed over to Christine, and he will handle the internal affairs, diplomacy, logistics and other support work.

Christine was silent for a long time, hesitated again and again, and finally wrote a reply to Roland.

"Yes, sir."

She did not put forward any additional conditions, did not complain about the tight time and heavy tasks, but just accepted the order calmly.

After accepting the order, Christine hurriedly left the combat command room and went to the conference room. She would immediately summon senior officers near Val City to convey the order to them and state her determination.

The combat effectiveness of the army must consider many factors such as the number of troops, organizational ability, equipment and logistics, but the ability of the commander is also very important.

The same army, in the hands of a famous general and a mediocre one, has a combat effectiveness difference of more than dozens of times.

A true famous general can make soldiers clearly understand why they are fighting, can obey orders, can use combat power accurately, and win at the lowest cost.

She is the famous general in Roland's heart, the only famous general.

This trust touched Christine and put a heavy pressure on her shoulders like a mountain.

She originally just wanted to train an army to prepare for the restoration of the Wende Empire with the momentum of Roland's victory, but she didn't expect to have the opportunity to command the army to defeat Sophia head-on.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!

Christine thought silently, her blood boiling, and her pretty and fair face flushed.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility?

Roland did not agree.

He believed more in another saying, the greater the power, the greater the responsibility.

When he was still a post office clerk, what responsibilities did he have? It was nothing more than writing letters to guests, helping them report safety to their families, and telling their lovers about their feelings.

After being appointed by Sif, he became the earl's personal advisor in just a few days.

In just a few days, how could his ability change? However, he had to guide the empress, who was still unaware of her identity at the time, to flee overseas and regain power as the earl's personal adviser.

Unfortunately, he is now in a high position with power no less than that of the emperor, and his ability has not changed qualitatively from a few years ago.

As his responsibilities grow, he needs someone to share the pressure.

He is not a weightlifting champion, and he cannot bear the expectations of more than 200 million people in dozens of provinces of two major countries.

He did not hesitate to share power with professionals.

Legal matters were handed over to Alban, governance to William, and military affairs to Christine.

What did he do?

Of course, he made important speeches, put forward guiding opinions, and maintained an unpredictable attitude.

What else could he do? Would he be found out to be an amateur if he guided specific matters?

Roland knew himself.

No matter which industry, there were professionals who were better than him. His lead was the cognition beyond the times and the knowledge from two worlds, several eras and many races.

If his team is a giant ship, he is only responsible for steering the ship, and other things

Roland thinks that it is better to let professionals do professional things than to command the machine gun to move in which direction.

He does not micro-manage.

He prefers to draw a line and push forward after winning the operation.

If micro-management is required to win, then isn't it a waste of operation?

Lying on the soft velvet cushion of the Palace of Cité, Roland enjoyed the massage service of the maid and casually flipped through the revised version of the Civil Code sent by De Sanders.

This version of the Civil Code was patched up on the basis of the Civil Code designated by Carlo.

De Sanders' amendments, while highlighting his solid legal foundation, also exposed his lack of creativity and the fact that he was far away from the masses.

Roland sighed lightly, put the long and stinky revised version of the Civil Code aside, and closed his eyes.

Just as he was lost in thought, the strength of the massage suddenly increased a few points.

You don't need to look back to know that Alina is here.

Roland did not open his eyes.

Since Alina was going to play a maid, he immediately found that it was a bit impolite?

Roland suddenly realized what was going on and lay on the soft thighs of the Liberator Alina, enjoying the powerful massage service, which was as comfortable as skiing on the top of a snowy mountain.

Alina frowned slightly, not knowing what to do for a moment, and her hands moved a little slower.

"Serve with all your heart, or I'll have Miss Alina replace you!"

Roland was like a man who was calling the clock at the bath center, and ordered rudely.

Alina: "."

Complain to Alina? I am Alina!

Although she couldn't help complaining in her heart, she still resumed her service obediently.

She invited Roland to help her, and he delayed the happy time with his newlywed wife to help her.

Although she was the eldest daughter of a noble family, she didn't have too much arrogance of the nobles.

Even if she had, the refugee life in the past few years had worn it all away.

She knew the priorities.

Don't say that Roland just wanted a massage service. Even if Roland wanted a few beauties to fill the gap of not being able to sleep well without his wife, she would fully support him.

Even if

No matter what he wanted, she would satisfy him.

This was her way of hospitality.

Roland enjoyed Alina's gentle and fierce service, and the fatigue accumulated during the day gradually dissipated.

Massage does require some strength, and those maids were reluctant to use it. In other words, there was no advantage except for the faint fragrance on their bodies.

Alina's massage service can be given full marks, but it's a pity that she can't enjoy it every day.

After all, she is the ruler of a country. It's fun to play a maid occasionally, but it's humiliating to play it every day.

As Alina gently massaged his temples, Roland felt tired and fell asleep.

Before he fell asleep, he couldn't help but speak his true feelings in a daze.

"There are so many such services every day."

Alina's movements suddenly froze.

She did learn massage techniques from a professional therapist. In addition to practicing astrology, she also practiced physical skills and needed this technique.

She just didn't expect Roland to fall asleep like this.

It seems that he was really sleepy. Not only did he fall asleep, but he didn't even recognize her.

A soft sigh slipped from the corner of her lips and scattered all over the floor.

Seeing that Roland was sleeping very deeply, she really couldn't bear to wake him up, so she simply kept kneeling and let Roland use her tight and smooth thighs as a pillow.

She was a superhuman, and she wouldn't feel sleepy even if she kept this tiring posture for three days.

Compared with ordinary people, superhumans have extremely strong physical strength, and they will hardly feel tired unless they are exhausted from fighting hard.

Roland was so tired, of course, not because of physical exhaustion, but because of mental exhaustion.

Mental strength is difficult to quantify in the current power system, but it does exist.

When you are mentally exhausted, even if you eat well, drink well, sleep well, and have full physical strength, you will still be haggard.

Roland looks like he is laughing and joking every day, but in fact he has to consider a lot of things.

He carries Sussex on his left shoulder and Jin Yuan on his right shoulder, and he has to find a balance between the two countries. He is really tired.

Alina stroked Roland's handsome face with some heartache, and her eyes gradually softened.

She didn't dare to disturb Roland's deep sleep, so she simply picked up the revised version of the Civil Code next to her and focused on the marked comparison part with the old code.

The old code was promoted by her father and was his important political achievement.

Alina didn't want the old code to be changed beyond recognition, which meant that her father's work was completely overturned.

Her father had been overturned once by Marco from a physical level, and she really couldn't bear her father to be overturned again in the field of thought.

If the person who proposed to revise the law was not Roland, she would refuse without hesitation.

The reasons are ready.

The country has just ended the turmoil and is about to recuperate, and it needs relatively loose and stable laws.

But the practice law was proposed by Roland, and he must have his reasons for doing so.

Although she didn't quite understand, Alina still chose to respect it.

She flipped through De Sanders's revisions, looking at the dozen revised articles and the newly added twenty-one articles, her stern face relaxed a little.

As expected of an expert in law, these revisions and additions did not overturn her father's framework, but also made effective improvements.

Although Roland did not express his opinion, he should support it, right?

Alina breathed a sigh of relief, put down the Civil Code, rubbed her eyes, and looked at the wall clock. It was already four o'clock in the morning.

It was dark outside the window, and only the blue moon was emitting a soft light.

No, since 1795, the light of the blue moon has become dimmer and dimmer, but the red moon, which was originally the companion moon, has become brighter and brighter.

The blue moon and the red moon have special geological structures, and the reflected light colors are completely different.

Compared with the soft and peaceful blue, the red of the companion moon always looks a little hideous.

Looking up along the red moonlight, Alina frowned more tightly.

She is an astrologer and has the habit of stargazing every night.

While watching the stars, the astrologer's eyes will not ignore the moon.

She knows the changes between the companion moon and the blue moon best.

As time goes by, the half moon is getting bigger and bigger, from only one-tenth of the blue moon to almost one-fifth of the blue moon now. The speed of change is simply expanding.

The changes of the two moons make her more worried.

These two moons are not dead things. There are judges sent down from the gods on the moons.

Along with the return day comes not only the opportunity to break through the sixth level, but also these arrogant judges.

Alina doesn't like these judges.

They are stubborn and inflexible, but they have strong strength and are not easy to mess with.

Thinking of the approaching decisive battle day that will determine her and Roland's life and death, Alina finds it difficult to calm down.

Her chaotic heartbeat alerted Roland.

Roland suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Alina.

Of course he knew that he had slept on Alina's thigh.

The elastic and tight texture made him sleep extremely comfortable. This kind of qualitative touch brought about by super strength could not be provided by ordinary maids.

Roland knew that this kind of enjoyment only happened occasionally. He sat up with some reluctance and laughed "self-deprecatingly", "The dream is so real. Miss Liberator provided me with a knee pillow service."

"It's not just a knee pillow, it's also a massage."

Alina smiled slightly, rubbed her knees, and sat down on the sofa next to her.

Roland's performance just now was very good, but she has a pair of insightful eyes that although she doesn't understand the art of insight, she still has excellent insight.

Roland was just faking it.

Maybe he really didn't recognize it at first, but when he woke up he definitely knew it wasn't a dream.

He just used this statement so that neither party would be too embarrassed.

Alina picked up the tea cup and took a sip. The tea had cooled down and it felt refreshing when she drank it.


"Of course it is an unparalleled enjoyment. It not only made me completely relaxed, but even temporarily forgot the direction of home for a moment."

Perhaps influenced by the romantic atmosphere of Jin Yuan Kingdom, Roland also became a little slippery when he spoke.

Alina just smiled.

What a true compliment.

I miss the Queen's palace, but only for a moment.

If this kind of "sincere" compliment is given to a boyfriend and girlfriend who are passionately in love, the girl will probably stand up angrily and walk away.

Fortunately they are not.

They are just friends, which is a very appropriate compliment.

Alina did not continue this topic, but she decided to come to Roland's bedroom every night to check and supervise the maids to provide quality services. She also demonstrated herself when she found that the maids' services were not good enough.

Of course, this is just mutual concern between friends.

Just enjoying the lap pillow and not doing anything extraordinary, this is pure friendship.

Perhaps she found that the atmosphere in the house was a little uneasy, or perhaps she felt that the magic light was still on and should not be wasted. Alina picked up the Civil Code placed next to her and shook it in her hand.

"I have read Mr. DeSanders' revised version, and I think"

Alina, who was about to express her opinion, suddenly remembered that this was a job Roland insisted on and shut up decisively.

"Roland, what do you think of De Sanders' suggestion?"

"It looks very much like the foot wraps that the female knight removed from her feet after taking off her iron boots after chasing the enemy for three days."

"What's the meaning?"

"It's smelly and long." Roland explained with a smile.

Alina bit her lip and her voice was slightly cold, "I'm asking you why you emphasize the female knight. Don't the foot wraps of male knights smell bad?"

"Then you have to ask why people in the past created these witticisms. Maybe ancient writers liked the feet of female knights."

Perhaps because she felt that the topic was a bit ambiguous, Alina subconsciously retracted her feet to the hem of her skirt and coughed slightly to bring the topic back on track.

"So, what's your opinion?"

"My advice is"

Not as good as the Civil Code of Emperor Napoleon.

Roland was thinking silently in his heart, but he did not rush to refute, but asked with a smile: "You changed your surname to Bonaparte, do you want to pay tribute to Bonaparte, the great star spirit emperor?"


"What do you think of his country's legal construction?"

"According to historical records, the Protoss clan lived a happy life at that time. It can be inferred that the laws at that time were excellent. Unfortunately, those codes have not survived." Alina's tone was full of regret.


Roland took out the Civil Code of Bonaparte the Great from another world and placed it on the table.

"This is the Civil Code of the Star Spirit Emperor, and it is also the most suitable code for our country."

He lied, but not completely.

Because this really comes from Bonaparte and it really fits.

Just a Bonaparte from another world.

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