In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 397: Ascension to Godhood is a Scam?

Is Poseidon really dead?

No matter from which angle you look at it, he is dead.

But some people still don't believe it.

After all, his death was a bit sloppy.

As a former God's Chosen One, he could certainly die, and even fail to win the resurrection match, but is it reasonable to ruin so many years of forbearance for a momentary dispute?

Tiya couldn't believe that this was Poseidon, but she was very sure that Poseidon was dead.

Although her incarnation was only 1% of her original power, her perception was not much weaker.

Unless Poseidon had the ability to deceive the perception of God.

Tiya denied this possibility without hesitation.

She would rather believe that there is justice in the world and love in the God Realm, and she didn't believe that Poseidon could deceive her perception.

She could clearly sense the sound of Poseidon's body being torn into pieces and the shock of his soul being shattered.

There is a chance of resurrection after physical death, and there is a chance of splicing after soul shattering, but soul shattering is completely over.

Unless the God of Creation who controls the Supreme Law takes action.

Tiya breathed a sigh of relief and no longer bothered about the person who was confirmed dead.

In fact, she had no time to waste. Just as she was thinking, the main angel under the seat of the Lord of Light, Kasomires, appeared at the door of the temple, and she quickly stood up to greet him.

The main angel had no combat power. Their duty was to sing praises and convey the will.

But they accompanied the Lord all day long, and the gods below the Lord God did not dare to offend them at all.

The main angel appeared in front of Tiya with an expressionless face, holding the golden invitation in both hands.

"The Supreme Lord of Light recently planned to host a banquet for other Lords. Among them, the Lord of Nothingness is very interested in the Theia plane, and specifically asked you to accompany him."

"It's your honor."

The Lord of Nothingness?

Tiya's face changed slightly, and her breathing was a little messy, but she didn't dare to speak, but just silently took the invitation.

This invitation was written in the most common form of seventy-two-line poems in the God Realm. Each paragraph was a seventy-two-line poem, with a fixed format and lengthy content, and the main theme was a lot of nonsense.

Even Tiya, who was used to singing and being praised, had a headache looking at it.

Because this is the invitation letter from the Lord, you can neither fast forward nor simply browse it, you must appreciate it word by word, and you must sing praises to the Lord's proudest parts.

Just reading this invitation letter consumed a whole afternoon.

The most formalistic bureaucrats would call this invitation letter an expert.

Tiya has become accustomed to expressing respect for the Lord in this way. She dare not show any dissatisfaction, even if she wants to.

Perhaps it was because she saw the Sea King for the last time, which made her think of some past events. She was particularly tired today.

It has been hundreds of millions of years since she came to the God's Domain. Time flies like a blink of an eye, as if it has passed without experiencing too many things.

The first thing she did when she arrived in the God's Domain was to accept the discipline.

At that time, a main angel announced the discipline to the god-ascending person with an expressionless face.

"There are not so many rules in the God's Domain. If you can't remember, just remember a little."

"The Lord is supreme, that is the rule."

Tiya listened carefully. Someone spoke quickly and asked questions impatiently before the main angel allowed it.

The result of the question was that the number of ten God Ascenders became nine.

The God Ascenders who were full of longing for the God Realm just now turned into a brilliant light and blended into the surrounding background.

"Remember, everything you have belongs to the Supreme Lord of Light, including your body and soul, completely!"

The main angel divided the territory and palace for the God Ascenders, assigned servants and serving angels, led them to claim the Kingdom of God, and let them register as Gods.

Except for the disrespectful ones who were killed, everyone else was very satisfied.

Although "everything belongs to the master" made them feel uncomfortable as slaves, the master was a busy man and usually didn't bother to pay attention to them.

Although they had to be respectful and sweaty in front of the master, they were the masters in their own Kingdom of God.

It's not shameful to be humble in front of the great master.

Even if they are slaves, they are at least slaves of the master who stands at the peak of power.

The God Ascenders finally reached the God Realm, and of course they would not ruin their future for a dispute of will.

They have a strong adaptive ability and soon began to brainwash themselves.

"I am the subordinate of the Lord! But I am the Lord of the Kingdom of God!"

As long as you are better than the inferior, your mentality will not collapse easily.

In the 9th millennium when Tiya came to the God's Domain, the Lord of Light called her and she was favored by him for a few days.

Good news: She felt particularly graceful when she was with the Lord, which made her feel that her previous life was wasted.

Bad news: The Lord only ordered her this time.

Maybe it was because she felt it was not to her taste after trying it, or maybe the Lord did not like to eat leftovers, anyway, it was just this time.

Tiya was so sad that she wanted to cry.

After all, being banished to the cold palace was really uncomfortable.

But she soon stopped crying.

Compared to being banished to the cold palace, being used as an entertainment prop was more embarrassing.

In the 31st millennium after entering the God's Domain, the card named by the Lord was sent to the Kingdom of God.

Tiya was so excited that she almost burst into tears, but the angel of the throne reminded her with a cold voice.

"You are responsible for accompanying the Shadow Lord. By the way, he likes to use the back door."

Tia was petrified for almost a whole day before she woke up from the shock.

She finally understood that she was neither the woman of the Great Lord nor his slave.

She was just an object, from the countryside, rare, a little pretty, and could be used to entertain guests.

Tia's mentality collapsed.

She finally understood what the so-called ascension to the gods was all about.

Just like an anteater sitting at the entrance of an ant hole, watching the little ants climb out of the burrow with great excitement, and then stretch out their long tongues to roll up the poor ants to satisfy their appetite.

Ascension is a scam.

That's all.

The order of the divine realm has long been established. The Supreme God exists in every corner of the universe in the form of rules, but he has no gender, no body or even soul consciousness.

Existence is his greatest meaning.

Under the Supreme God, the ruler is the core of the divine world.

The seat of dominance has long been determined and will not change, nor is it allowed to change.

This has always been the case for the billions of years that the God Realm has existed.

Casomires was born to be the master of light, and no one even thought there was anything wrong with it.

Challenge the great master?

The existence of this kind of thought is the biggest joke.

Dominance is the rule. Do you want to challenge the basic rules that keep the universe running?

They enjoy the world the way they want.

The intelligent beings in this world are not their people, nor their descendants, but just a part of their enjoyment.

Tiya realized it, but it was too late.

The Shadow Master expanded her body and expanded her knowledge.

She had never seen such pure evil and wildness.

The actions of the Shadow Lord could be executed countless times on any human being, but as he was the Shadow Lord, everything became so reasonable.

Tia made him go completely crazy and then kicked him away.

Of course, the great master would not waste his feelings on a woman of low birth.

Tia returned to the Kingdom of God again, covered with bruises.

That night, she came to the Kingdom of God and executed 3,195 people to vent her anger.

This is the total number of scars on her body.

The scars left by the Shadow Lord will heal, but they will never recover.

Her body was smeared with various shadow symbols, like a rune war god.

For a god who represents light, his body is covered in shadow symbols. This is not a blasphemy.

Of course, the Lord of Light doesn't care.

After all, Tia's status as a god is only valid in the material plane.

Those who ascend to the gods are gods in the material plane, but in the divine realm they are just the personal belongings of the master.

The Lord of Shadow did not play in vain, he paid enough reward to the Lord of Light.

The masters completed the transaction without notifying Tia. After all, no one respects the ball's right to know when playing with it.

It has been 700 million years since the last time his body was soiled by the Shadow Lord.

For these seven hundred million years, she lived like a forgotten person. The Lord of Light no longer touched her, and the Lord of Shadow no longer paid attention to her.

The forgotten Tia can fully enjoy the high status of being a goddess in her own kingdom of God, and take a peek at her hometown to see if there is anything interesting.

There are three billion subjects of the Kingdom of God, fanatically worshiping the flawless goddess in their hearts.

The great goddess, beautiful and holy, is the pillar of their faith.

They will never know how helpless the holy goddess in their hearts is as her throat trembles under the whip of the Shadow Lord.

Ignorance is sometimes a kind of happiness.

Tia's hands trembled as all the contents of the invitation emerged.

Seven hundred million years is a long time even for ordinary immortal gods.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Lord, 700 million years is just the interval between two gatherings, but to Tia, it is really a long time.

It was so long that she almost forgot her identity.

The memory of humiliation was awakened, and Tia's body trembled.

Tears rolled in the corners of his eyes, but did not fall.

If she was given the chance to choose again, would she choose to become a god or enjoy life with Poseidon?

She was a little confused.

Is ascension a scam? Yes and no.

Everything the divine messenger promised before ascending to the gods has been fulfilled.

"When you ascend to the divine realm, you will have unlimited life until the end of the universe."

This is true, although the precise meaning of this infinite life is difficult to say.

"When you ascend to the God's Realm, you can meet the great master and listen to the master's cultivation experience."

This is also true, but the great master will not take care of the candidates for the lower world. He uses the ancient divine language and is extraordinarily free when giving lectures. How much you can understand depends on your personal ability.

Tia’s gains were almost zero.

"When you ascend to God's Realm, you have a chance to be chosen by the Lord and become the Lord's woman."

It's true.

But the messenger from the divine domain did not say that there was only one master, nor did he say that the masters had a bad taste in exchanging playthings.

"When you ascend to God's Realm, you can have your own Kingdom of God and billions of devout and fanatical believers."

This is true, without any misleading, but the progress provided by this divine kingdom is far inferior to the casual cultivation of the natives of the divine realm.

The highest-level natives of the Divine Realm have a high status and do not need to practice at all. The future path has been arranged long ago.

Without telling a lie, we weave a beautiful net, allowing little insects to swoop in willingly.

Tia was sad but also a little angry.

She was just unlucky and had to go through all the trouble to get a ticket to be a slave.

No, not a slave, just a plaything.

If it were the Demon King, Poseidon and Winter, would they have done better?

They were also bewitched by the messengers from the divine realm and tried their best to ascend to the gods.

Sophia, why didn't you come?

A cold light flashed in Tiya's eyes, and she selectively forgot the past of the three sisters deliberately setting up a trap to make Winter fall behind.

People will always selectively delete memories, which is also a way of self-protection.

Tiya returned to the palace, opened the closet, and looked at the five treasured divine clothes with a dazed look.

On the first day of her ascension to the God Realm, she was shocked by the vastness and beauty of the God Realm. It was not until she was given her first God Clothes that she realized the gap between the human world and the God Realm.

God Clothes are seamless because they are natural, not cut and sewn.

God Clothes are spotless because the Lord has the right to define them, so they are naturally spotless.

God Clothes are invisible, after all, they have to adapt to the body shapes of all those who ascend to the God Realm.

It is both light and heavy, both bright and simple, both bold and restrained.

Many completely opposite attributes are perfectly unified in the God Clothes. The moment she put on the God Clothes, Tia's cheeks were stained with tears. She felt that although she had worn countless clothes in her life before, it was just running naked.

However, she later realized that wearing the God Clothes was really running naked.

Thinking of the various legends of the Lord of Nothingness and the shadow runes all over her body, she didn't even feel like choosing clothes.

She even thought of a terrible possibility.

When the Lord of Nothingness, who has no personality and does things based on feelings, sees her trampled body, will he turn her into nothingness in anger?

She was a little afraid, but she had no choice.

After a few days of worrying about gains and losses, the feast of the master began as scheduled.

The standard of this feast was very high, and the guests were not just the master of nothingness.

The banquet hall was on the top of the sea of ​​clouds, and the master's tall body was looming in the clouds, and only the general idea could be seen.

The prepared delicacies were just embellishments. No matter how good the food was, it was not as delicious as the food of people with wisdom.

As the entertainment programs continued, the interest of the masters was also aroused.

The master of light saw that the time was ripe and clapped his hands. The magnificent sound echoed in the kingdom of the gods, scattered on the ground in every corner of the divine domain, and ding-dong sounded.

The prepared main dishes came up by themselves.

Tia walked in with a calm face.

She chose the most concealing divine clothes.

She was the food of the master of nothingness, so naturally the scars inside the ingredients should not be seen by other diners.

She first assumed that this was her last day, and then tried her best to fight for her life.

Life is always difficult.

The same is true for the life of gods.

As long as you get through this hurdle today, you may be able to be a goddess who is high above for another 700 million years.

The food that came in one after another was guided to their masters.

The clouds gradually darkened.

The masters separated their own spaces and began to enjoy.

After they had enough food and wine, they might exchange delicacies, but now is the time to enjoy it alone.

The master of nothingness also closed the space. There was only him and Tia in the huge exclusive space.

Tia knelt down without hesitation, and the divine clothes fell off.

"Supreme master of nothingness, you may have seen my body a long time ago."

The voice of nothingness sounded in her ears. Tia did not understand any words, but she clearly understood the meaning of the master of nothingness.

"No need to say more."

Tia had to shut up, but she was surprised to find that her mouth could not be closed at all.

The delicate and tempting red lips were open like a fish jumping out of the water.

The humanoid palm of the master of nothingness pressed on her head.

The master touched the top of her head, but only pressed hard.

Although the whole body was covered with runes, the seductive lips were still clean.

The power of nothingness gathered from all corners of the world, gathered into a long whip, and waved it at will.

The shadow rune disappeared into the void.

The long whip danced, falling on every inch of Tia's skin. (End of this chapter)

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