In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 406 How much is your life worth?

The real land of annihilation is nothing.

It is easy to move in any direction, but it is meaningless. It seems to move a lot, but it is almost the same as standing still.

This is the Sea of ​​Annihilation.

No one knows where it comes from, how it is formed, or where its boundary is.

In the Sea of ​​Annihilation, the energy consumption rate is very slow, but no energy will be generated. The creatures trapped here will gradually annihilate in endless despair.

Sif easily gathered all the soul fragments, and her body and soul were completely restored to their peak state.

This is indeed something to be happy about, if she can leave.

But she can't see any hope of leaving.

Although the situation was already bad enough before entering the Sea of ​​Annihilation, this real land of nothingness still made Roland and Sif understand what despair is.

There is no matter, no energy, and naturally no enemies here.

Sticking to Sif, Roland communicated with her consciousness through his soul, and the energy consumption was almost zero.

As long as they can accept being motionless and dazed, they can exist here until the end of time and the collapse of the world.

They even escaped the end of the Theia plane here.

If you don't care about the quality of life after immortality, this is even a kind of immortality.

But is it still a human being if you don't move?

People pursue immortality because they hope to explore the world and enjoy life with eternal life, rather than standing like a stone.

At least Roland doesn't want this kind of immortality.

"What should we do?" Sif couldn't help asking Roland.

Although she didn't want to add pressure to Roland or affect his thinking, this kind of loneliness and emptiness was really uncomfortable.


Roland was very calm.

"Wait for Sophia to come to the Hell, we will have a chance to sense her location and escape from here."

Sif was silent.

Roland was right. Just a few days ago, she had sensed Roland's location when she was confused.

She thought it was an illusion of concern and didn't care too much.

Although she believed that Roland's love for her was unreserved, she was not sure whether this love was strong enough to make Roland give up his life and face triple death.

If Roland didn't come, she would only regret it, not resent it.

After all, Roland's world is not just her, but also the entire plane.

Putting down everything to come to her, although romantic, is somewhat confused about the importance of things.

With Roland's rationality and reality, he would definitely feel sad for her, but he would definitely not come.

However, Roland came.

All the calculations of interests seemed so pale and powerless in the face of "Sif in distress".

With the company of a lover, even if she was torn to pieces, this life was worth it.

But she really couldn't bear to die, and couldn't bear to leave this beautiful world full of regrets.

When Roland appeared, the sea of ​​annihilation without light had sunshine, flowers and laughter.

This is the power of love.

Surpass everything, transcend

Unfortunately, love can surpass everything, but it can't replace everything. Sif, who returned to reality, had to face a cruel problem.

Die vigorously and exhaust energy, live like a turtle, or continue to look for a way out?

Neither option seems to be the best choice.

So she gave the choice to Roland.

However, she never dreamed that Roland would bet on Sophia.

"You and her"

Sif's heartbeat was a little chaotic.

Although she could accept that Roland had another woman, she did not want her first position to be shaken.

Lisa and Alina were both excellent women, but she came early and had already taken the lead.

The only one who could make her feel threatened was Sophia.

Her strong hard power and glacier-like queen temperament were enough to conquer any man.

Could it be that...

Sif did not want to lose her composure in front of Roland, but in the Sea of ​​Annihilation, her consciousness was connected to Roland, and all of each other's thoughts could be clearly perceived.

Her wild thoughts almost made Roland laugh.

"Don't think about it. Sophia is indeed very attractive, but not as a woman, but as a strong person."

"Appreciating her strong posture does not mean that you have to think about it in that direction."

"She is a goddess, and I am just a mortal, so it is impossible."

Sif was a little embarrassed.

Because the soul and consciousness are connected, she can certainly feel Roland's sincerity.

But she was still a little unconvinced.

"Are goddesses so great? Our goal is to defeat three goddesses and replace them. If we don't even have the ambition to marry one goddess, what's the point of challenging them?"

Roland was infected by Sif's confidence and responded with a smile: "I have married goddesses, exactly three, that's enough."

He was talking about Sif, Lisa and Alina.

Although only Sif had a formal wedding, Alina was his lover and Lisa was his sister, in fact they were all his lovers.

For some reason, when saying this, Roland and Sif thought of another person almost at the same time.


Then they breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Fortunately, she is a devout believer, her life has been dedicated to light, and she will not have any other ideas.

After the random thoughts, there was endless silence.

Roland and Sif quietly relaxed their spirits and waited patiently.

What if Sophia can't be waited for? Then burn the last bit of life here. As long as there is a loved one to accompany you, annihilation is not a bad ending.

The flow of time in the underworld is very slow, but compared to Hell, time flies like an arrow.

The time in the prison is almost fixed, and you can hardly feel the passage of time here.

In the largest bar in the city of freedom, a beautiful woman with a stern face sat there, with a glass of water in front of her, and no one around.

When she was here, other customers in the bar did not dare to make loud noises or sit at the table next to her.

Every time he saw her, the bar owner would feel a toothache.

This stinky woman would make his business difficult every time she came.

Not everyone is willing to feel the atmosphere of the library in the bar. Most people come to the bar to enjoy the hustle and bustle and the hot atmosphere.

You have to be quiet in the library, and you have to be quiet in the bar. Isn't it a waste of time?

As the boss thought, when the stern woman appeared, several customers who were still drinking were bored and left.

The boss smiled and sent the guests away helplessly. When he turned his back to the stern woman, his expression was simply gnashing his teeth, but when he turned around, he was smiling like a flower.

Three days, three whole days!

When the woman entered the bar, she asked him the price of various drinks. He answered truthfully. He thought he had met a big customer, but she asked if he wanted to pay for water.

The boss thought, I am not running a black shop, can I charge for a glass of water? He calmly said no money.

The cold woman sat down generously, ordered a glass of water, and then sat in a daze.

After all, he opened a bar in Youyu. What kind of people has the boss not seen? There are too many people who are more abnormal than her.

Although he didn't consume, he didn't feel bad for a glass of water.

The boss unilaterally believed that the cold woman just didn't have money on her and was embarrassed to ask, so he asked for a glass of water to moisten her throat, and left after drinking.

Just think of it as a good deed, let her go.

After all, women are beautiful, and it's also a good deal to appreciate them a few more times.

However, the boss soon regretted it.

After the woman sat down, she asked the people around her not to make noise.

What is a bar? A place to have fun and vent emotions. People who come here to consume can't stand this anger, and they directly come forward to argue.

As a result, the cold-blooded woman completely ignored the people who came to reason with her. She would attack anyone who dared to make a noise.

She didn't hit anyone, but just froze the wine into ice and threw it into their mouths to block their throats when others were talking.

This provocative behavior naturally aroused public anger. Several drinkers rushed forward and were thrown out of the bar and fell hard on the road.

Most of those who can survive in the Nether Prison have good fighting ability. Those who dare to fight in the bar have some unique skills. However, these guys who usually show off their power have no power to fight back in front of the woman.

The woman threw them out like throwing garbage.

The people who were thrown out were not injured, but they couldn't get up.

After a while, everyone knew that this woman was not a good person, and they didn't dare to disobey her.

If you can't afford to provoke me, you can afford to hide. Since they come to the bar to find trouble, they simply don't come.

The boss stared at the cold-blooded woman, slowly walked behind the bar, and touched the heavy sword under the bar with his broad hands.

He squinted his eyes, and his eyes turned from black to red.

His figure grew bigger, and he instantly turned from a middle-aged greasy man into a furious maniac.

The adventures of his youth echoed in his mind, and the glorious past of turning the Kalia plane upside down and being sent to the Netherworld made him look heroic instantly.

Damn, I have never been insulted like this in my life. If I endure it, then...

The boss' pupils suddenly expanded, his thick hands trembled slightly, his red eyes returned to black, and he turned from a heroic berserker back to a middle-aged greasy man.

He saw the cold woman cut off half a cup of water with her slender fingers, and gently picked it up, and the clear water was obediently sent to her mouth like jelly.

He took a breath of cold air, and all his heroic spirit disappeared.

It is well known that if the knife is fast enough, it can cut off the flow of water in a short time, and even create an amazing visual effect of the river flowing backwards.

When the boss himself was young, he could swing the heavy sword like a fan, and water could not be splashed in.

He once cut off an entire river with a sword, causing the river water to separate for several seconds.

The Sword Saint of Cutting Water is not just a name.

But all this is based on the fact that the sword is very fast.

The cold woman used very gentle movements to split a glass of water, and even the basic properties of the water changed. He had never heard of such power.

This control of power was beyond his understanding, and it also made him wisely give up resistance.

He looked down dejectedly, but just happened to see the remaining half glass of water floating into the woman's palm and burning.

The crystal clear water danced in the palm of the palm like a flame.

The waves of hot air rushed to his face, proving that this was not an illusion.

The boss's legs softened and he almost knelt on the spot.

If cutting off half a glass of water was barely within his cognitive range, igniting the clear water completely overturned his perception of the world.

He slumped in the chair in frustration, his eyes dull.

At least she had no intention of killing him. At most, he would pay some money, just as the appearance fee for this wonderful performance.

The boss gritted his teeth and was about to go over to admit defeat and surrender, when the woman waved to him.

The boss trembled and moved to the woman as if he was being tortured, and carefully showed a flattering expression.

"Dear lady, what do you want?"

"Name?" The woman's calm voice was indescribably cold.

"Cook Harris." The boss dared not neglect and answered immediately.

"Sophia, I want to discuss a business with you."

"You say."

"I need money and information."

Money? The boss breathed a sigh of relief.

A problem that can be solved with money is still a small problem no matter how big it is. Isn't it just being blackmailed? Admit it.

He patted his chest and expressed his boldness to Sophia, "Dear Ms. Sophia, just tell me how much you want. As long as you don't let me go bankrupt, I will give it to you."

Sophia's expression suddenly turned cold. The water flame in her palm froze on the spot and shattered on the ground.

Boss Cook was so frightened that he had no idea what words to offend the female murderer in front of him, and his body was shaking like chaff.

"Do I look like a beggar?" Sophia asked indifferently.

The boss almost cried. Of course you are not a beggar, you are a robber.

Sophia did not embarrass him, but said calmly: "I can kill you."

Cook lowered his head in frustration and was speechless. He could not refute.

"If you want to live, spend money to redeem your life."

Cook was completely speechless. This was the first time he had seen someone package a robbery in such a fresh and refined way.

He was sweating profusely and calculated for a long time. He took out the check from his arms tremblingly. He hesitated for a long time and wrote down a number. He held it in both hands and presented it to him.

Sophia didn't embarrass him, she just added a zero at the end and accepted the check.

Cook's expression fell instantly. He wanted to speak, but couldn't say a word.

Sophia said calmly: "After you have thought about it carefully for so long, the price you offered should be about the same. So I accept it."

Cook's lips trembled with anger.

What is the absurdity of multiplying it by ten even if it is approved?

"You sent someone to tip off the news and wanted to arrest me?"

Cook was sweating profusely, and the fat all over his body and the strong muscles hidden under the fat were trembling.

He didn't dare to deny or admit it, he just wanted to faint.

"This kind of behavior deserves to be killed ten times. Is it reasonable to charge ten times the fine?"

What else could Cook say? If you bargain further, you may have to pay more.

He just doesn't understand. The Judge is the most powerful person in the Free City. Does he really not care if someone makes trouble here?

Sophia saw through Cook's little thoughts at a glance, and teased with a bit of ridicule: "Why do you think he doesn't dare to come?"

How dare Cook speak.

Needless to say, he must have thought it was a trivial matter and was too lazy to take care of it.

However, what Sophia said next made him unbearable.

"Because he didn't want to die."

Cook finally couldn't hold back his laughter and said, "Ms. Sophia, I admit that you are extremely powerful, but Mr. Judge is an invincible superpower in the divine realm. You are too arrogant."

Sophia chuckled, stretched out her hand to grab the void, and the account book and pen on the bar flew over.

Sophia tore off a page from the account book, wrote an astronomical number, and threw it to Cook.

Filling the water cup with water again, Sophia turned the cup upside down in the air. The water dripped like sand in an hourglass. The water droplets formed lines and fell slowly.

"If you don't redeem your life before the water drips, you don't have to come."

Cook looked at the "hourglass" of water suspended in the air in horror, sweating like rain.

Obviously, this woman is here to cause trouble.

Something big is happening in Hell. (End of chapter)

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