In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 425 I told you not to open champagne randomly (free)

The longer you stand at the top, the harder it is to keep your mind normal.

The fragile human body and the life span destined to carry wisdom in the form of group continuation, destined that humans can stand at the top but individuals are difficult.

That's why there is the God's Domain.

Only the body of God can carry more powerful power and obsession.

Ascend to the God's Domain?

This is a fatal temptation for every extraordinary person.

Ascend to the God's Domain, you can accompany the master and become a powerful god.

God is omnipotent, God knows everything, God dominates everything, God is immortal.

This is the legend of God.

People envy Tia and are more eager to become Tia.

The legend of the four places makes every extraordinary person eager to move.

Since it is to select the lucky ones, they must be alive.

The living are not necessarily lucky, and the dead are destined to be unfortunate.

The weak are still thinking about how to get lucky, and the strong have already taken action.

As long as I kill everyone, I will definitely be the luckiest, isn't it?

At least in the eyes of other extraordinary people, the Holy Judge Roland and his women think so.

Roland and his companions attacked from all sides, and captured the extraordinary people with ulterior motives with lightning speed.

Under the horrified and uncomfortable complex gazes of other extraordinary people, Roland and his companions obtained information from the corpses and soul fragments of these disloyal people, and learned the decree from the God Realm.

Select four lucky people to become the new gods.

So that's it, this reason can fully explain the unusual behavior of these people.

Faced with this kind of beggarly treatment, Roland certainly would not accept it.

At present, he still can't find any evidence to prove that life in the God Realm is not good, and in the minds of most people, becoming a god is the pinnacle of life, and they don't seem to think much about what will happen after the pinnacle.

But Roland has a hurdle in his heart that he can't get over.

What was the Theia plane like in the last era?

Was there a glorious civilization and outstanding strong people?

Roland believed that there should be. The Theia plane is suitable for the reproduction of life. Since there is civilization in this era, why do you think there was no civilization in the last era?

Don't be so arrogant.

Roland often wondered, if civilization existed in the last era, how did it disappear in the apocalypse?

He had no answer and fell into deep thought.

Unlike decades ago, Roland now liked to stand on the top of the White Mountain and think about life more and more.

He no longer had the interest to impart knowledge everywhere, and he and his wives were rarely together.

They thought very simply that Roland must have his reasons no matter what he did, and they all chose to believe him.

Looking at the white snow, he inexplicably thought of the old friend who had passed away many years ago.


Roland's transformation from hating Sophia, submitting to Sophia, understanding Sophia to becoming Sophia now was not overnight.

He always thought Sophia was a tyrant before, but now he retracted his prejudice.

Compared with the power she possessed and the gentleness of her rule, she was too kind.

After the group of extraordinary people with two minds was killed, Roland's pity in his heart was also killed.

He was too tolerant, so that someone really dared to challenge his authority.

From that day on, any important person who dared to question or oppose him would become part of the atmosphere.

On the second day after the Yixin team was destroyed, he announced to all the strong men that if anyone believed that there were four quotas, they should move within the scope he designated and wait patiently for the God's Domain to select people, but they must not leave the designated area, otherwise they would be killed.

If you don't believe it, then follow him and take up arms to prepare for resistance.

"Let the Theia people lead the entire process of annihilation restart themselves, and let us be the masters of the new era."

Roland's action program is simple and crude.

The material plane has its own protection layer, and the master cannot enter. Only the lower gods can enter, and they must be born locally.

In simple terms, it is the Tia trio.

As long as they are killed and the annihilation restart process is controlled, they can naturally become the masters of the human world in the new era.

It is better to be the boss in the small world than to be a servant in the God's Domain.

Although the situation inside the God's Domain is not very clear, the authority of the master is unshakable, and the life of ordinary gods is not necessarily much better than that of ordinary people in the ordinary world.

Because of their almost infinite lifespan, this kind of pain is even the pain of eternal life.

Roland doesn't want this kind of immortality.

Before rebirth, someone was suppressing me. After rebirth, there is still someone suppressing me. Then, isn't my rebirth in vain?

Standing at the peak of both strength and power, Roland has long disdained the enjoyment of the world, and does not want to go to the God's Domain to become a part of the master's enjoyment.

If he cannot lead the annihilation to restart, it would be nice to turn into a brilliant spark.

Of course, before turning into fireworks, he has to let these three deserters stay to replenish nutrients for Theia who has lost too much blood.

Enjoying the resources of his hometown and being a superior person in a big city is good.

But never thinking about giving back to his hometown, or even thinking about how to make more money, this is not appropriate.

Time passed quickly. When Roland stood on the top of the White Mountain and felt his life, the world below the mountain seemed to have changed.

Hundreds of years are just a blink of an eye for super strong people, but for mortals, it is a huge change.

In the past few hundred years, the speed of human technological development is simply astonishing.

They landed on the companion moon in the shortest time possible, established forward bases on the Red Moon and the Blue Moon, and ambitiously formulated a plan to march into space and explore the forbidden zone of life.

In the field of life sciences, human scientists kicked the alchemists off the altar and brazenly broke into the absolute forbidden zone of human genetic experiments.

The executive officer of the Rodinia Alliance at that time did not dare to make a decision on his own and could only ask Roland the Judge.

He asked Roland whether it was "yes" or "no", and Roland's answer was "yes".

Roland did not give a clear answer, which made both the supporters and the opposition feel justified.

The supporters' opinion was that since Roland the Judge did not say no, then it was okay.

The reason given by the opposition was that Roland the Judge just did not want to oppose directly. If he really supported him, why didn't he nod?

Facing the quarrel between the two factions, the executive officer gave a very simple answer.

"If you think it is possible, do it. If you think it is not possible, stop it, but please think about the consequences before doing it."

Think about the consequences?

The crazy scientists don't care about the consequences the most.

Those who support genetic modification quickly received support from big capital.

Their slogan is so moving, "Let ordinary people have the opportunity to be on par with the masters or even gods!"

It's just short of saying why the extraordinary are the best, and we ordinary people have our own way, genetic modification!

This is how human beings are, they are not worried about the scarcity but the inequality.

In the past, everyone would enter reincarnation when they were dozens to a hundred years old, and no matter how glorious their lives were, it would not change.

Death is the greatest kindness of the great universe to the poor.

Genetic modification is to change all this.

The rational voices of the opposition were quickly drowned out, and some people even evaporated from the face of the earth and disappeared physically.

Standing on the top of the White Mountain, Roland watched all this indifferently.

He neither opposed nor supported, but just watched.

He was also a little curious about what kind of monsters humans could make.

Let these crazy scientists toss hard, maybe they can really create miracles. Break through the fragile shell of humans.

While the genetic modification experiments were going on, many bolder and crazier plans were proposed.

As long as there was some scientific basis, Roland acquiesced, and even went to visit secretly.

He understood the path of the extraordinary, and the other path could only rely on the wisdom of these people.

They really did not disappoint Roland, and all kinds of amazing research results emerged one after another.

Genetic modification produced super monsters, attacking cities and laboratories, causing damage comparable to that of extraordinary people. In the end, Roland came in person to quell the chaos.

The opposition took the opportunity to launch an attack, hoping to ban the genetic modification experiment, but Roland's answer was only a smile.

Of course, he couldn't support it openly, but the monster created by this experiment surprised him a little.

At least it made him sweat.

He looked forward to the new works of these Frankensteins.

When genetic science was developing wildly, nuclear-powered spacecraft were built and humans began to explore space.

Roland stood up again with great expectations, and even went to the launch site to attend the ignition ceremony in person.

He was in a superior position, and his status in the hearts of mortals was comparable to that of gods. His appearance made all the crew members on the spacecraft excited.

The spacecraft ignited and took off. With the continuous transmission of signals such as "Val City is normal", "Pruden is normal", and "Sophia City is normal", everything seemed normal.

After the spacecraft passed the companion moon, the staff of the launch center opened the champagne unscrupulously.

Milan champagne, a special supply of the Magic Empire, was specially used to celebrate victory.

The staff brought the champagne to Roland before drinking it.

Although he took the champagne, Roland's brows were still furrowed, and his eyes were fixed on the sky.

A staff member asked tentatively: "What is your majesty looking at?"

"To see if they can fly to their destination smoothly."

Roland's eyes were deep.

The staff was stunned. How could your majesty see such a distant spaceship?

Roland couldn't see it, but he could sense the existence of the spaceship.

The spaceship was flying rapidly to the plane barrier.

The protective wall that protected the Theia plane from the invasion of foreign demons.

The barrier that even the master couldn't break, can the spaceship get out?

Roland ignored the others and waited nervously.

Shortly after the celebration party began, a shrill alarm sounded.

"The Endless Deep Space has lost contact!"

A crying voice sounded.

The people who were still drinking champagne were stunned.

They kept sending signals to deep space, trying to find the trace of the spaceship, but still found nothing.

After countless attempts, a weak signal came back.

It was the terrified roar of the spaceship crew.

"How is it possible? We are blocked by the air! There is nothing here, but we just can't move forward, ah ah!"

A scream became the last swan song.

Then there were explosions and beeping and popping burning sounds.

Everyone in the launch center stopped their work, took off their hats, and saluted the endless starry sky.

This is a great loss for exploring the starry sky, but the history of human exploration of space will not stop!

This thought lingered in everyone's mind.

The staff who recovered from the grief turned their eyes to Roland's direction.

The Holy Judge will definitely understand them, and he will definitely support them!

After all, he even supports crazy genetic modification experiments.

But they were soon stunned.

There was no Holy Judge. There was only a glass of undrunk Milan champagne on the empty seat, and a trace of cool air was rising with the white mist. (End of this chapter)

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