In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 44 How did I get into the department? !

The Queen received Roland and Sif in the palace, which surprised Roland.

But Sif knew that the magic mirror had just gained control of the puppet and was not yet flexible enough to sit on the bed as a stake.

Seeing Roland's embarrassed look, Sif smiled and said, "Since His Majesty doesn't mind, you don't need to think too much. She must have a reason for doing this."

Entering the bedroom, Roland immediately knew the reason.

Her Majesty the Queen was feeling unwell and was sitting in front of the bed wrapped in a thin blanket, her face a little pale.

The moment he saw the Queen, Roland's first feeling was shock.

It cannot be said that Sylph and Sif look very close, they can only be said to be exactly the same.

But they are similar only in appearance, and their temperaments are completely different.

Sif is a young girl full of energy, but there is no trace of life in Sif.

Beautiful and pale, not like a living person, but more like a physical doll.

Roland complained silently.

Sif and the magic mirror had a connected mind and exchanged all information instantly.

Although Sif's decision was a bit strange, the magic mirror did not have any emotional fluctuations, or it could be said that human emotions were still too high-end for the artifact.

Sif handed "The Queen" the "In the Name of the Queen" written by Roland.

The queen transformed into a magic mirror sat quietly on the bedside, coughing occasionally and flipping through books at will.

I can understand every word, but the combination gives it a bit of a headache.

Almost all of its human thinking comes from imitating Sylph.

From about four or five years old, Sylph's mother passed away and her father remarried his wife, but did not make the new wife the queen.

If she is not a queen, she is not legally Sylph's stepmother, so there will naturally be no conflict.

The late Emperor Edward was a man who knew the difference.

His wife passed away early. As an emperor, he needs someone who can warm his bed and be considerate, but he is just a tool and cannot replace his wife.

This bloody plot of a stepmother persecuting her little daughter has never been staged.

But Sylph, who lost her mother, could only rest alone every night.

She would talk to herself every lonely night, and even have empty conversations with her mother.

Finally, after she cried for the 575th time because she missed her mother, Magic Mirror, who was disturbed to suspect Jingsheng, couldn't bear it anymore and jumped out to tell Sylph to shut up.

In this way, Magic Mirror went from despising Little Trouble to taking care of Little Trouble step by step, and finally entered into a master-slave soul contract with Sylph.

Accompanied by the magic mirror, Sylph is far away from the lonely night, and the magic mirror has become the existence that understands her best from her nagging brainwashing.

The magic mirror disguises Sylph without any flaws.

Although it was the first time to meet the Queen in person, Roland and the Queen had already been in contact through Sif's microphone. After being polite, Roland began to teach.

Since the Queen was ill today, he simply explained the content of the first story.

Seeing that Sylph was listening with interest and nodding her head frequently, Roland decided to strike while the iron was hot and have on-site teaching and interaction on the hour.

He gave an example on the spot, using the various treacherous and powerful ministers seen in history books before time travel as prototypes, simulating a court where the emperor was ignored, and setting up many difficulties for the emperor.

He asked tentatively: "Your Majesty, if it were you, how would you break the situation?"

This question is not easy, but fortunately Roland's expectations are not high.

As long as Sylph can realize that someone must be eliminated and someone can be used, even if all the screenings are wrong, it will be considered a pass.

The Mirror Queen thought for a moment and said slowly:

"Roland, none of the ministers you mentioned seem to be good people?"

Although it is childish to use simple labels of good and bad to describe political figures, it is a good thing that the Queen at least clearly distinguishes the elements of these people.

Roland cast an approving glance and nodded in affirmation.

Sylph wrapped herself in a blanket and said calmly:

"These people are in important positions and it's not easy to deal with them all at the same time."

Roland's eyes lit up and the corners of his lips raised slightly.

Yes, although her foundation is zero, Sylph has made rapid progress.

Compared with the last operation of sending Albon away directly, it has grown a lot.

The Queen pondered for a moment, coughed a few times, and said slowly: "I thought of it. When the emperor has a birthday, he invites these ministers to celebrate together, and then he ambush hundreds of guardsmen, break the cup as a sign, and kill them all!"

She blinked her cute big eyes and looked at Roland with a hint of pride.

This was Sif's level just a few days ago.

Perfect reproduction.

The corners of Sif's mouth twitched slightly, not knowing what to say.

Roland: "."

He now somewhat sympathized with Walder.

Sylph has a good attitude towards learning and persists even when she is sick.

But her political ability is really low.

But Roland had no expectations for the Queen, so he couldn't be said to be disappointed, and he was not stunned.

He just sighed and asked: "Your Majesty, how do you plan to bypass the commander of the Guards and mobilize the Guards to ambush and kill the general in charge of the Guards?"

"Set up the time gap. Before all the ministers enter the palace, summon and kill the commander of the imperial guards. Then announce that the imperial guards will follow the rebellion and ennoble the officials. Then they will ambush in the main hall and kill all the traitorous ministers."

Hearty and hearty, as expected of you, Sylph!

Roland tried to organize his words, but found that he didn't know where to complain.

In theory, it was a seamless plan.

Only when all links are executed perfectly and the enemy keeps making mistakes can there be a glimmer of hope.

The chance of success is much lower than that of Gaogui Township's comeback against Sima Zhao, but it is not completely impossible.

Roland didn't know whether to praise Silver for her bravery or to call her stupid.

If you say this plan is not going to work, at least there is a chance on paper.

If you say this plan is going to work, he doesn't dare to follow it anyway.

Just when Roland couldn't say a word, Sif looked at the queen and said calmly:

"I don't think it will work."

Roland finally recovered and cast a nervous look at Sif.

Although he didn't expect too much, he still waited for Sif's answer.

Sif's brain was working fast.

Thanks to Sif, she had ruled out a wrong option.

When Sif's brain was about to smoke, she suddenly shuddered and thought of what Roland said after rejecting Alban.

"There are so many treacherous ministers, it's impossible to catch them all. But these treacherous ministers are not necessarily all in the same group."

"As an emperor, you should stay out of it and let the treacherous ministers fight each other!" Sif bit her lip and said.

"What if these treacherous ministers collude to undermine the emperor first and then divide the power?"

Roland stood up suddenly and continued to ask.

Sif was frightened by Roland's aggressive momentum and subconsciously took a half step back.

But she quickly stopped.

"I don't believe there is no loyal minister. When the emperor is in trouble, where are the loyal ministers? Save him."

"Of course there are loyal ministers, but how do you distinguish them?" Seeing that Sif had normal thinking, Roland took the opportunity to ask a new question.

He had a little more expectation.

He even ignored that the shivering queen wrapped in a blanket was the main teaching target.

Sif stopped and raised her head with confidence and said: "Of course I know, you are a loyal minister!"

"Roland, the queen is in trouble, can you stand idly by?"

Ah? How did this happen to him?

Isn't this a simulated utopian country?

But he couldn't deny it, so he simply followed Sif's words and said: "Although it's a bit tricky, you really guessed the answer right."

The queen wrapped in a thin blanket finally found a chance to speak.

She nodded, cleared her throat, and said softly:

"Lord Roland, I already know your ability and loyalty. In recognition of everything you have done, I appoint you as the head of the Royal Knights. The Royal Knights are the royal guards, and the appointment of officials does not need to go through the cabinet. I will inform the Heraldry Academy later and it will take effect immediately."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Roland restrained his expression and responded with a serious face with a knight's salute.

Haha, he is so efficient, and the title of Royal Knight is in hand

Wait, wasn't it agreed to be a Royal Knight? How did he become the head?

Although the head of the Royal Knights is not in the establishment sequence, his status is basically equivalent to that of a ministerial official.

He just wanted to make a little progress, how did he get promoted directly to the ministry?

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