In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 49 Are you also a royalist?

October 26, 1791, New Calendar of the Magic Era, a seemingly ordinary day.

The sunshine in Sussex was as stingy as ever, refusing to come out to see people.

The gloomy mist urged people to rest early.

As night fell, the imperial capital quickly hid in the dark night.

However, where there is darkness, there is light.

The main banquet hall of Sheffield Castle was brightly lit, just like daytime.

The darkness outside had nothing to do with this place.

As night fell, carriages drove into Sheffield Castle to join the feast.

In this world with clear hierarchy, even the way to enter the castle is showing the difference in hierarchy.

The royal family members first entered the back garden of Sheffield Castle, and then took the palace carriage to enter the banquet hall from the back door.

Officials, nobles and special guests from all walks of life entered the palace from the main gate, and then entered in order from low to high according to their identity and status.

The order of entry for each person is very particular.

If the Duke entered the banquet before the Earl, it would be a serious organizational mistake, and it would even be considered a malicious offense.

Fortunately, the palace steward was well-informed and had arranged countless high-end dinners with only two or three hundred people, so he would not make mistakes.

Roland was different from them.

He was neither a member of the royal family nor an ordinary guest, so he did not go through the front door or the back door, but entered from the side.

Not many people could enter and exit the side door of Sheffield Castle, but Earl Sif was among them.

Roland took her carriage, so he had no obstacles.

The palace guards opened the door for him very respectfully.

They did not know Roland, but they did it for Earl Sif's sake.

Roland lifted the curtain of the car window and took a look, and sighed: "What a pity."

"What a pity?" Lisa, who was so nervous that her fingertips were sweating, did not even dare to look out the window. She was trembling and embarrassed for fear of being caught by the guards as a thief.

Listening to Lisa's slight tremor, Roland casually leaned over and whispered in her ear:

"I've read a lot of novels. The plot at this time should be that the guard looks down on people, stops the protagonist from talking nonsense, and then gets slapped in the face."

Although she was still nervous, Lisa was amused by Roland and laughed.

"Nonsense, how can there be such a stupid person? People who can work in Sheffield Castle have been selected through layers of selection and have good eyesight. Besides, who would use an arrogant fool to guard the gate?"

Roland smiled, held Lisa's hand with his backhand, and whispered: "Not nervous anymore?"

"Nervous? Nonsense! Me, when was I nervous?"

"Your left eyelashes are shaking very badly." Roland didn't look back, but just said lightly.

"Okay, I admit that I'm a little nervous. Do you have any way to control your nervousness?" Lisa bit her lip and gave up the idea of ​​being stubborn.

Roland exerted a little force and covered her soft palm with his other palm.

Lisa understood instantly that Roland was also nervous, and his palms were sweating.

Of course he would not tell Lisa that he was nervous not because of the salon itself, but because of the accidents that might happen in the salon.

Alina's note was written clearly, but the content was very vague.

"Dear author, there are more people who like tragedy, don't forget."

Damn riddle man, what does this mean?

This sentence can be interpreted in many ways.

First of all, the literal meaning can be directly ruled out. Alina is not so boring.

Since it is not a literal meaning, it must be a hint.

People who like tragedy?

Most of the guests attending the dinner tonight have a happy life. They probably like to read some tragic novels in their spare time.

Alina is an astrologer and likes to be a riddle man.

But she is not so bored that she sent intelligence personnel to sneak into his house and leave this note.

Although the handwriting is different, the spelling error that Jin Yuan is prone to make reveals his identity.

So much trouble, naturally to pass on important information to him.

Unfortunately, there was too little useful information, and the only information that could be extracted was that someone wanted to deal with him.

If it weren't for this note, he wouldn't be so nervous.

He decided to have a good chat with Alina after the banquet, at least he knew her style of codewords, so as not to be confused again when receiving a note next time.

In any case, this dinner was destined to be not peaceful.

This was the only thing he knew.

Since he didn't know what would happen, Roland didn't bother to think too much.

Holding Lisa's hands together, feeling each other's wetness, the tension of the two people was relieved a lot.

Although Roland was nervous, he was not panicked.

After all, this was a literary salon hosted by the Queen, and even if someone picked a fight, it would be a literary battle.

You can't take out a pistol and duel with him at the imperial banquet.

Lisa's trembling hand was held by Roland, and her nervousness was relieved a lot.

She suddenly remembered what teacher Margaret taught, "If you really don't know what to do, do nothing. Not doing anything will never be wrong."

She thought it over.

Just find a corner to bloom shyly.

Or just focus on all kinds of exquisitely made food.

The cuisine of Sussex can be called dark cuisine, but the royal cuisine of Sheffield Castle is a must.

The most ideal career direction for the top Golden Kite chefs is the upper class of Sussex.

Nothing is more upper class than the palace, so here are the best Golden Kite chefs in the world.

Lisa made up her mind to shut her mouth with food and not to talk too much.

Count Sif's carriage entered the backyard of the palace from the side door, and a guard immediately came to guide them to wait in the back garden.

Roland was the protagonist tonight, so he naturally couldn't appear too early.

Waiting was boring, so Roland simply got off the car to get some fresh air.

Lisa was wearing an evening dress, so it was inconvenient for her to get off the car to accompany him.

Shortly after Roland got off the car, another carriage slowly drove in.

Roland looked over with some curiosity and recognized the emblem of the Plantagenet family.

He didn't want to meet someone from the Plantagenet family on such an occasion, but before he could return to the carriage, someone in the carriage window had already reached out and waved to him.

The other party had already made an invitation, and it would be a bit impolite to pretend not to see it, so Roland simply got on the Plantagenet family's carriage.

Before he could say hello, the passenger in the carriage had taken off his hat and bowed slightly to him.

"Mr. Roland, although you are a long-term writer of our newspaper, this is the first time we meet. Let me introduce myself, my name is Rupert, the current president of The Sun."

"It turns out that you are Earl Preston, I am sorry."

Meeting in the carriage, there is no need for complicated etiquette.

Roland bowed slightly as a greeting.

He was a little scared. Was it Rupert's arrangement to meet in the carriage? Meeting in such a small space can invisibly bring people closer.

"Relax, my friend, I have no ill intentions."

Rupert smiled and said, "You are Earl Sif's friend, and you will be the leader of the Royal Knights after tonight. Naturally, you are a member of the Royalist Party. We are on the same path."

Roland narrowed his eyes and thought about how to respond.

Seeing Roland's alert expression, Rupert teased indifferently: "You should have read the content of the Sun. I have a complete intelligence network to obtain so much first-hand information."

"You know, there is no intelligence network in Sussex that is more incompetent than the Military Intelligence Agency. It's not surprising that I know some inside information."

Roland breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "I just think that the term royalist is a bit strange. After all, the Royal Knights exist because of the Queen."

"You reject this title in your heart?"

Rupert snorted lightly, and his voice turned cold. "The imperial power of the Sussex Empire is supreme, but now it has reached the point where the royalists dare not admit their identity loudly. It's really sad."

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