In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 83 Roland was touched, but then chose to refuse

What a big mouth.

Roland almost laughed out loud.

Magic power is indeed very powerful, but is it really the way out for mankind?

If magic power is really as awesome as the book boasts, how did the Magic Empire end?

He prefers to believe that technology changes mankind.

He turned to the second page of the book, which was blank.

Ah, what is this?

Roland continued to turn the pages of the book with some doubts, and the third and fourth pages were blank.

He was a little puzzled, is the old guy playing tricks on him?

He looked up suddenly, and when he was about to complain to Anthony, the library in front of him had disappeared.

He was surprised to find that he was in a virtual three-dimensional space.

It was like wearing an AR helmet to watch a virtual scene movie.

Here, he saw the scene of the heyday of the Magic Empire.

From the records about the Tower of Babel in the book, you can only see boring records, and you can't understand how shocking the Tower of Babel with no end in sight is.

That is not a building that can be completed by human power, but it is like a mountain that goes straight into the sky.

Is this the peak that human civilization has ever touched?

There are various teleportation arrays and magic airships connecting the magic tower and the ground. They are extremely fast and are not inferior to airplanes at all.

There are also many humans wearing magic costumes, flying freely in the sky.

Millions of people live in prosperous big cities.

In rural areas, the magic of stimulating crops has greatly shortened the maturity period of crops. Rice, corn and wheat are constantly harvested and turned into delicious food.

Roland observed carefully and made a strange discovery.

Magic civilization has no petrochemical products, but it has other technological products.

To be precise, there is no trace of oil and natural gas.

The huge machines are mainly powered by magic crystals, supplemented by electricity and steam power, and there is no trace of internal combustion engines.

If it is a normal technology tree, oil is the pillar of industry, but it is obviously not here.

Just as Roland was thinking, the situation suddenly changed, the golden portal opened, and countless warriors wearing special armor appeared.

God's punishment has come.

The armor of these warriors is not too strong, but it has specialized defense against magic.

The terrifying magic hit them like a stone sinking into the sea, with no effect at all.

The magic army that the magic empire was proud of was helpless in the face of the lawbreakers.

Cities were destroyed one after another, and magic towers were flattened one after another.

The lawbreakers treated the army and civilians of the magic empire equally and killed them indiscriminately.

Seeing this scene, Roland frowned and felt very uncomfortable.

Although it was just a phantom and a past history, he was still angry.

He could accept that countries used various means to compete for interests, but he came from the civilized world after all, and he resisted indiscriminate slaughter in his heart.

Watching the human magic empire being slaughtered by the weird-looking lawbreakers, Roland's chest surged with anger.

The magic empire is a fellow human being, but the lawbreakers are a foreign race.

Who wants to see their compatriots being slaughtered by foreign races?

The magic empire was forced to retreat to the last defense circle.

Just when Roland thought that the magic empire was bound to fail, a special warrior appeared on the side of the magic empire.

Roland opened his eyes wide in surprise.

Extraordinary? !

The Lawbreakers crushed the magicians, but were clearly powerless against the army of the Transcendents.

The Transcendents tore through the Lawbreakers' defenses, and the Magic Army was finally able to play a role.

Counterattack, start now!

Roland was so excited.

Even if the Magic Empire was wrong and deserved to perish, it should be cleaned up by humans from within, and it was not the turn of the aliens who came from nowhere to kill indiscriminately.

The passionate counterattack awakened people's will to resist. The Supreme Archon of the Empire started the awakening program of the ancient remnants at the cost of his life.

Titans, elves, earth spirits, dragons.

Countless races returned to the earth, and the war became more and more chaotic.

After an unknown amount of time, the invading Lawbreakers were finally repelled.

They passed through the golden portal to the Theia plane, but were sent to purgatory by the black portal.

Good death.

This was Roland's evaluation of them.

If the Magic Empire won the war of resistance, it should be able to continue, but history is not like this.

As the power left by the Supreme Archon dissipated, the ancient survivors who were forcibly awakened also fell asleep again.

The whole world was left with only the declining magic empire and the barbarians who grew stronger in the war.

The magic empire was like a beautiful, weak but naked woman, licking her wounds and trying to struggle to stand up.

She even had to look for help from the greedy men around her.

However, she did not get help, only howling and biting.

The magic empire ended.

The old calendar of the magic era ended.

For more than a thousand years, the descendants of the magic empire tried to restore the country and tried to take revenge, but ultimately failed.

The only remaining descendants also accepted the reality.

The era of the magic empire is really over.

What they have to do now is to survive.

The magic association and the barbarians reconciled.

In the history books of the magic association, the despicable barbarians betrayed the magic empire.

In the history books of modern countries, the Magic Empire conducted cruel and greedy terrible experiments, trying to touch the forbidden area of ​​creation that only gods can touch, and its destruction was its own fault.

Only the victors are qualified to write history books, and the losers can only write diaries.

Who is the winner between the Magic Empire and the Barbarians?

It seems that neither is the winner.

After all, the degree of regression of human civilization is comparable to the world's richest man going bankrupt and picking up rags.

But from another perspective, they defeated the Lawbreaker side by side and at least won the right to survive.

As for the struggle between the magic empire and the barbarians.

Roland's evaluation was that the meat was rotten in the pot after all, and the world still belonged to humans.

Civilization will always find a way.

It doesn't matter if it's magic or not.

This is Roland's conclusion.

Of course, he would not say this directly in front of the old man. Even if there are restraints, who can he ask to reason with the old man if he is imprisoned for several years in a rage?

After the screening ended, Roland's consciousness returned to reality, holding the book with only one sentence in his hand.

"Have you finished reading?" Anthony's voice appeared simultaneously with him.


"What do you think?" Anthony's voice was obviously more expectant.

"A magnificent epic. I am proud that there has been a magic empire in the history of human civilization."

Roland didn't talk nonsense, but spoke from the bottom of his heart.

No matter how many unnatural things the Magic Empire has done, being able to defeat foreign invaders is a divine achievement.

And they also explore the possibility of using magic to transform the world.

Very prosperous.

Very gorgeous.

Although it perished, it did leave a magnificent and glorious page in human history.

But that's it.

"Are you willing to recognize the Magic Empire?" Anthony's voice was trembling.

"Of course." Roland's answer came from the bottom of his heart.

Anthony's beard was trembling with excitement, and he said with a smile:

"Roland, your magic talent does not need to be tested. It is very good. If you are willing, I can accept you as a disciple and teach you the most orthodox magic power!"

After a moment of silence, Roland slowly shook his head and said, "Master Anthony, I chose the path of the extraordinary. In other words, the path of the extraordinary chose me."

"You have just reached the ninth level and have not yet entered the Tao. You can change it!"

Anthony waved the magic wand in his hand and said loudly: "You have only seen an insignificant corner of the vastness of the magical world. As long as you are immersed in it, you will forget everything."

Roland was silent.

Sometimes silence is rejection.

Can he forget everything?

Lisa and Sif are still waiting for him.

Although magic is strong, he already understands the root cause of the magic empire's demise.

The magic crystal is exhausted.

Just like oil.

The history of civilization in Theia spanned several epochs.

Perhaps it was exhausted by previous civilizations, or perhaps for some other reason. In short, oil and natural gas do not exist in this world.

Although the consumption of magic crystal is not so terrible, it cannot support the rebuilding of the magic empire.

This is the reason why the Magic Association reconciled with the descendants of the barbarians.

What defeated the civilization of the petrochemical industry was the exhaustion of oil.

What defeats the magic civilization is the exhaustion of magic crystals.

This makes sense.

Although the current human civilization is backward, there is hope.

The once magical civilization, although prosperous, was at the end of its rope.

How could he choose the hopeless side?

Anthony's eyes turned from intense to disappointed.

He sighed and stopped talking. He just waved his wand and sent Roland to the magic shop area.

In fact, he also knew that it was impossible to rebuild the Magic Empire.

But he was unwilling to do so.

No one wants to die, and no force wants to withdraw from the stage of history.

Roland appeared at the door of the magic shop, still holding the wordless book in his hand.

Obviously, this was Anthony's deliberate arrangement.

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