The violent collision through the long knife made Bai Han's blood boil uncontrollably.

The warlike blood of the Uchiha clan that was dormant in the body was also fully activated.

Bai Han even saw a great change in Shendu.

"Come on, dance to your heart's content! God Enel, use your strength to please me!"

As soon as the words fell, Bai Han appeared beside Enel, and slashed down fiercely with a knife.

Under Armament Haki's package.

Although the Third Generation Ghost Toru is only equivalent to the property of Ryo Kuai Dao Fifty Works.

However, the sharpness and hardness at this moment are no less than the twenty-one work of the big fast knife.

In the fierce fight with Enel, he still remained intact.

Unless the trident in Enel's hand is a weapon of the supreme sword level, there is no need to worry about the blade breaking.

However, Enel, who has already fully activated Observation Haki, naturally cannot fail to respond.


With the flash of thunder, Enel waved the trident and swept directly towards the blade above his head.

Violent sparks and electric arcs shot out from the place where the trident collided with Third Generation Guiche.

Enel was also directly swept away by this force.

"Damn it, are you looking down on me!"

Enel's eyes were bloodshot when he got up from the ruins, and the huge Thor's body disappeared instantly at a speed that didn't fit his body shape.

When it appeared again, Enel had already come to Bai Han's side, and the two sides turned into two afterimages and collided fiercely.

The aftermath of the battle alone ravaged the surrounding land.

If they want to get close to the two people who are fighting at this moment, they must at least be at the Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral level.

Ganfur in the sky of "210" couldn't close his shocked mouth.


The strength of this strong man from Qingdao is really terrifying!

Obviously Enel is the existence that claims to be a god, and its appearance is no different from Thor.

However, the battle situation at this moment made him feel that the strong man from Qinghai was the god.

And Enel is the challenger to please the gods

After all, the strong man from Qinghai was obviously enjoying the battle.

Enel, on the other hand, seemed a little out of breath because his attacks were constantly being defused.

A discerning person can tell at a glance how strong the two parties are.

Enel's positive strength is obviously far inferior to that strong man from Qinghai...

"However, Enel's most powerful ability is his speed and long-range attack methods...

"If you let him react, what should you do? Qinghai is...God?"

Ganfor touched the pink Pegasus with some fur under his body, and murmured.

Once Enel shows his real advantage, then the battle will probably undergo a new change.

After all, Enel is currently using his own shortcomings to attack the opponent's advantages.

Of course, it is also possible that his prediction was wrong, perhaps this is also the advantage of the strong man from Qinghai

In just a few moments, Bai Han and Enel fought hundreds of rounds.

In such a high-intensity battle, not to mention Enel who has never practiced physical skills, even Bai Han was slightly panting.

After all, the confrontation between the two is the collision of the strongest force.

Both sides seek to overwhelm the other in strength and skill.

Therefore, most of the time, Bai Han and Enel were wrestling fiercely, consuming at least twice as much stamina as usual.

"Yeah hahaha, the ants from Qinghai, you are very good! This god recognizes your strength!"

"However, the game is over here! This god is going to end your life!"

Enel is clearly coming to terms with it, too.

The usual crushing battles in the past made him forget what is his advantage.

In the face of such a powerful opponent.

If he still fights with means that he is not good at, the result will definitely not be what he wants!

Even if he is as proud as him, he has to admit how powerful this Qinghai native is!

"That's right, let's enter the second stage of the battle!"

Bai Han licked his lips and said with burning eyes.

The battle in the second stage is nothing more than a ninjutsu confrontation!

Enel wants to kite him and consume him with his strong movement speed and spell turret ability.

With this style of play, Enel will have a fight with Naval Headquarters alternate Admiral!

However, this is just in line with his appetite!

Just now, his template fusion progress has been pushed to 30%.

Not only has the total amount of Chakra been greatly improved, but also the Uchiha combat experience at this stage has been mastered

At this stage of Uchiha Madara, Senju Tobirama has created the Heaven-defying ninjutsu Shadow Clone Technique.

And he also successfully learned this ninjutsu from Uchiha Madara's combat experience!

Thinking of this, Bai Han glanced at his current template.

【Host: Bai Han】

[Fusion Template: Uchiha Madara (Youth Madara Form)]

【Current Fusion Progress: 30% (Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan can be activated at the highest. After the fusion progress reaches 100%, the Madara form will be opened, and the highest Wood Style, Rinnegan, and infinite Chakra can be obtained)】

[Boundary of blood inheritance: Indra bloodline (not yet activated), Sharingan (Mangekyō, current pupil power remaining 69.3%)]

【Chakra Total: Peak Kage-level】

[Ninja tools: steel wire x5747, shuriken...]

【Ninjutsu: Shadow Clone Technique (Grade B), Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique (Grade A)...(A total of 1157 kinds of ninjutsu)】

Today, he already has the peak Kage-level Chakra.

Such a Chakra may not be anything compared to a Chakra monster like Naruto.

It is even worse than One Tail, which has the least Chakra among the tail beasts.

However, for many ordinary people without blood, this is the peak amount of Chakra they can achieve.

However, the current Bai Han has not yet reached his peak Chakra.

At its peak, Madara, Chakra is not as good as Nine Tails.

But at least it is comparable to tail beasts like Seven Tails and Eight Tails.

And here is the normal form of Madara Lord.

After becoming Ten Tails Jinchūriki, Bai Han's Chakra will be endless, and there is no need to think about Chakra at all.

To put it another way, "That is, Yuhan at that stage has no blue bars!

And at this moment, Enel has started his own bomb show.

"Thunder God Three Thunderbirds!"

Enel waved his hand, and the giant Thunderbird, which was composed of three thunderbirds and was 50 meters long, immediately rushed towards Bai Han.

The power of every thunderbird here is not inferior to the power of the previous 60 million volt brontosaurus.

Now that all three are out together, I am afraid that even Naval Headquarters elite Vice Admiral will be on the verge of a formidable enemy.

Ganfur, who was thousands of meters away in the sky, even burst his hair directly because of this move, and swelled like a hedgehog.

Even with such a long distance, the static electricity generated by this move still had a considerable impact on him.

"Hey... Enel still has this move? If he uses it on me...."

Ganfur couldn't help but sweat dripping down his forehead.

If it is really used on him, he has no chance of escape at all!

No... he doesn't deserve Enel's trick at all

Ganfur couldn't help thinking bitterly.

He's not even qualified to make Enel use Thor form

Next, we can only look at the performance of that strong Qinghai man.

If this Qinghai powerhouse can only use the powerful moves of the fireball before, he will definitely not be able to threaten Enel in long-range attacks.

And the final result of this was that the strong man from Qinghai was consumed to death by Enel.

"Although I don't know what your purpose is, but you must win..."

Ganfur prayed inwardly.

Even if he has such a possibility, I am afraid it is very small.

After all, no one in this world can use such a comprehensive tool!

A real hexagonal Warrior is almost impossible to appear in high-end rounds, unless it is the kind of real Chosen One.

But at this moment, facing Enel's powerful move, Bai Han didn't feel the slightest fluctuation in his heart.

"Finally something interesting! But it's not enough!"

Bai Han slowly put away the blade in his hand, and at the same time crossed his hands in front of him to form a minister.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

bang bang bang bang!

Four streaks of white smoke exploded, and four 'Bai Han' appeared beside Bai Han's body.

Even in Observation Haki's perception, these four 'Bai Han' are as real as the main body.

Enel was also obviously taken aback, but then burst out laughing: "Yeah hahaha, you don't think that by conjuring four of yourself, you can compete with the god who is a god!"

From his point of view, Bai Han is just fighting in the last corner!

When he really showed his divine power, all resistance was unnecessary...

However, Bai Han did not respond to Enel's sarcasm.

Instead, seal with the four clones at the same time.

"Fire Style · Huge Fire Extinction!"

"Wind Style Great Breakthrough! x4"

The main body in the center used Huo Huo Mimi, and the four surrounding Shadow Clones used Great Breakthrough.

Behind the meteorite-like fireball in the center, four tornadoes hit the rear heavily.

Under the impetus of the four tornadoes, the meteorite-like fireball was instantly blessed with the power of rotation, and its power was more than quadrupled!

It's almost like the difference between a normal artillery shell and an armor-piercing shell.

Moreover, under the blessing of the wind element Chakra, the volume of the extinguished fire quickly expanded to a full hundred meters.

The power of this move is absolutely no less than any S-rank ninjutsu!

It is even enough to cause huge damage to one side of the battlefield!

Except for the super Kage-level existences like Eight Tails and Nine Tails, the power of the other seven Tailed Beast Bombs headed by them is probably no more than that!

In fact, if it weren't for being in the Tsukuyomi space at the moment.

Even Bai Han didn't dare to try this trick so boldly.

After all, once this trick is played off, it is basically tantamount to being stuck in the face by the Tailed Beast Bomb.

Even if Susanoo is turned on at that time, Bai Han will probably be hit hard!

But in the Tsukuyomi space, there are not so many worries.

At this moment, everything around is illusion, so it's fine if you play it off because you can't nullify the damage.

But fortunately, Bai Han was lucky and successfully completed this combined ninjutsu once.

The huge fireball engulfed the three Thunderbirds in an instant.

And he slammed into Enel with a horizontal push all the way. Even Enel's face changed instantly due to the terrifying power.

In the thousandth of a second that the body just reacted, it instantly turned into lightning and disappeared in place.

Even if Ai

No matter how confident Nilu was in himself at the moment, he didn't dare to accept this move.

Otherwise, even if he has a divine body, it will be absolutely useless.

At the same time, Ganfort, who was at an altitude of several thousand meters, pulled the rein with a drastic expression after seeing this fireball like a small sun, and shouted: "Pierre



The pink Madara under her body didn't need his reminder at all, and she fluttered her wings and flew high at the first time.

With the fastest speed in his life, he flew towards the distance.

Originated from the beast's intuition, it is more aware of the horror of this move than Ganfur behind it.

After going through three Wind Style·Great Breakthroughs and the ability increase of the left eye Mangekyō Sharingan, the destructive power of this move has already crossed the Admiral level threshold!

Even if they are both at the Admiral level, they must take this move seriously.

The only pity is that the front swing of this move is a bit long, and it is only suitable for use when both sides are charging.

Otherwise, no 2.1 Admiral level powerhouse would just stand there and wait for Bai Han to release ninjutsu.

At this moment, a huge fireball landed on the ground.

The world seems to have lost its voice at this moment, and can only see a group of dazzling sun rising slowly on the ground.

Gamfur, who was in mid-air, was already Enel, only feeling that the world seemed to be full, and his actions seemed to be caught in a slow-motion playback.

But in the next moment, everything was back to normal, and the shock of terror swept across in an instant.


The terrifying shock wave sent the two of them flying in an instant.

Even if it is as strong as Enel, under the impact of this air wave, it can only resist like a rag doll.

Even Bai Han himself was taken aback by the power of this move.

Fortunately, this is in the Tsukuyomi space!

Otherwise, I'm afraid even he needs to activate the third-stage Susanoo to withstand the impact of the explosion.

"Is this combined ninjutsu! It's really too strong..."

Bai Han took a deep breath, looked at the bloody mushroom cloud rising in the distance, and murmured.

At this moment, he even had the feeling that he saw a nuclear bomb explode.

Although this may only be regarded as the nuclear bomb with the smallest equivalent, it can only be compared with the level of the little boy.

But that is also the most powerful weapon in human history like a nuclear bomb!

Once in the center of the explosion [I am afraid that only the defensive monsters Kaido and BIG MOM can resist it unscathed.

Of course, Bai Han is also very clear about the reason why this combination of ninjutsu is so powerful.

To a greater extent, it is because of the augmentation ability of his left eye Mangekyō Sharingan.

Otherwise, even if it is combined ninjutsu, it will definitely not be so heaven-defying!.

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