Doflamingo with high bounty for Bai Han

Redhead Shanks trying to find Bai Han 'talk'...

Seaman Jinbei who wants to avenge his brother...

And many pirates who want to step on Bai Han's head.

All were completely agitated by the news of Bai Han.

Due to the terrifying speed of the Ashura and the huge material load.

No one can grasp the precise position of Bai Han at all.

The location of Bai Han can only be predicted through the trajectory of Bai Han.

However, it is really too difficult to squat to Bai Han in this way.

Now it can be said that the whole world has set off a wave of searching for Bai Han.

And the only ones who know the specific location of Bai Han are those at the top of Naval Headquarters.

Such as Sengoku, San Admiral, Tsuru Vice Admiral and Gion.

Even that old man Garp is not qualified to know where exactly Bai Han is located.

I was afraid that Garp would leak Bai Han's location information.

Because the outside world is turbulent now, and various forces want to attack Bai Han, Sengoku hopes that Bai Han can hide to avoid the limelight.

Especially the red-haired Shanks who sneaked into the first half of the Grand Line made Sengoku's gray hair a lot more.

Marineford has therefore entered a first-level combat readiness status.

Even Garp and Akainu were sent out to search the location of Shanks all over the world.

No matter how confident Sengoku is in Bai Han's strength, he doesn't think Bai Han is capable of fighting an entire Four Emperors pirate group.

Want to fight that guy with the red hair Shanks.

I'm afraid at least two Admirals will need five Vice Admirals and a group of subordinates...

After all, Benn Beckman, the deputy captain of the Red Hair Pirates, is also a very difficult guy in "863", and his strength may have reached Admiral's level.

And now that Bai Han is willing to retreat and practice in one place for a period of time, he is naturally very happy.

He didn't want this future king of bounty hunters to be intercepted and killed by those evil people.

As for why Gion would know.

Naturally, it was because Gion kept pestering Bai Han that he wanted to teach Bai Han how to practice swordsmanship, and at the same time asked Bai Han questions about ninjutsu.

However, what Gion was planning, Sengoku could hear it even across Marineford.

However, he had no reason to stop Gion, and even thought about making this pair.

This is if Gion abducts Bai Han.

He gave Gion the entire Admiral position high and low before abdicating.

As for everything in the outside world, Rihan, who is currently cultivating, doesn't know anything about it.

Under Hercules' all-out efforts, his physical skill level is improving at an astonishing rate every day.

At the same time, under the nourishment of the nutrient-rich food on the Boeing Islands, his body quickly became stronger.

Even the height began to rejuvenate under the effect of these foods.

Time flies, and two years passed quickly.

At this moment, countless changes have taken place in the sea, and many rising stars have begun to show their heads.

However, Bai Han, who became the Seven Warlords of the Sea, gradually disappeared from the public's sight and became the object of regret for countless common people.

This is the normal state of this sea, and the strong are replaced too quickly.

Many people are even speculating whether Bai Han was secretly killed in this sea by some strong man.

The most suspected ones are undoubtedly the Red Hair Pirates who wandered in the first half of the Grand Line for half a year before leaving.

After all, judging from the strength displayed by Bai Han.

Only the Red Hair Pirates have this ability to kill Bai Han.

As for Jinbei, he became the second candidate that everyone doubted.

Jinbei, who has good strength and is a murloc, is also likely to kill Bai Han.

Therefore, Jinbei's reputation among humans has become worse and worse in the past two years.

This undoubtedly made the red hair and Jinbei extremely depressed.

Although they all wanted to get rid of Bai Han, they really didn't even touch Bai Han's hair!

Especially Jinbei, who can't even express his suffering.

His original plan to ease the relationship between murlocs and humans, but because of this incident, the progress has become extremely slow.

Even, many civilians openly expressed their disgust for the murlocs, which made the murlocs' situation even more difficult.

Of course, these are just the thoughts of ordinary people.

Those truly strong men didn't think that a man like Bai Han would die so easily.

All forces are closely watching the troubles in the first half of the Grand Line.

They all wanted to know what kind of posture the world's strongest bounty hunter, who had suddenly risen and then suddenly fell silent, would appear next time.

On the beach of the Boing Islands, Bai Han, who was shirtless, revealing a perfect white chest and abs, was slowly sitting cross-legged.

On his legs, there is the Wanokuni Supreme Treasure Black Sword Qiushui.

Suddenly, Bai Han suddenly opened his eyes, and the whole person disappeared in place in an instant.

The next moment, he had already appeared on the surface of the sea.


Heidao Qiushui had unsheathed at some point.

A sword qi with a length of 40 to 50 meters slashed out along the blade in an instant.

At this moment, the sea was directly divided into two halves.

This saber energy directly split the sea, leaving a gully thousands of meters wide on the sea!

"Is this the realm of a great swordsman? What a terrifying sword energy!"

Looking at his masterpiece, Bai Han couldn't help sighing.

After two years of training, his current level of swordsmanship has also been successfully raised to the level of a great swordsman.

The sword energy released is enough to easily split the sea and split the clouds.

Even with this level of kendo, he is comparable to Naval Headquarters alternate Admiral.

clap clap!

At this time, a burst of applause came from beside him.

Bai Han turned his head and looked behind him, only to see Gion appearing behind him at some point.

Seeing Gion standing on the sea easily, it is obvious that he has mastered the use of Chakra very skillfully.

However, it is a pity that ninjutsu did not allow Gion to break through the strength of alternate Admiral, but only made Gion closer to Admiral of Headquarters.

But compared to before, Gion's strength has increased by at least 50%.

In particular, there are many more long-range strike methods.

Seeing Bai Han looking over, Gion smiled proudly and said, "Bai Han, you are definitely the most talented person I have ever met. It is only two years, your Armament Haki, Observation Haki They have all grown to advanced levels, and their physical strength is enough to match me. Now even the level of kendo has broken through to the level of a great swordsman. Time is completely incomparable to you!"

That's right, after two years of training, Bai Han's various strengths in the pirate system have reached the strongest level under Admiral.

Even the two-color Haki has crossed the threshold of the Admiral class.

Even compared with Admiral, the gap is not particularly big.

However, there was no pride on Bai Han's face, he was too aware of how deep the water in this world was.

At the same time, the son of luck named Luffy, who will go to sea this year, will have such a heaven-defying talent...

After all, it took Luffy just under five years.

From an existence without the strength of Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral, it has grown into a monster capable of defeating Kaido.

Compared with Luffy's improvement, his improvement is really far behind.

What's more, Naruto and Sasuke in Hokage became Six Paths class at the age of sixteen and saved the world...

And he is now twenty years old.

It's just stepping into the super Kage-level, that is, the threshold of the Admiral level of the pirate world, what else is there to be proud of?

"Did you come to me this time for something?"

Bai Han slowly withdrew the autumn water, stared at Zhiyuan calmly and asked.

"Oh~ Little Bai Han, why are you so indifferent~ Can't I come to you if I have nothing to do?"

As soon as Gion said that, he stuck to Bai Han's side.

Feng Yun's soft body clung to Bai Han indifferently.

Even that delicate head rested intimately on Bai Han's shoulder, looking extremely ambiguous.

However, Hiya did not resist Gion's stickers.

In two years, the relationship between the two has already blurred the boundaries of friends.

It's just that neither of them said it clearly. This kind of ambiguous excitement is really unstoppable.

"Based on your current position, if you didn't have something to do, you wouldn't be able to spare so much time.

While talking, Bai Han slapped Gion's hand on his chest secretly, and walked to the shore.

Then, under Gion's reluctant eyes, he put on Uchiha's combat uniform.

Fortunately, the Uchiha combat uniform can change with the height.

Otherwise, after these two years, his clothes would have been unwearable long ago.

After all, after ushering in the second development, his height is already very close to Marine Admiral's standard height of 3 meters.

That's right, Bai Han is now 2.5 meters tall.

It's only half a head shorter than Gion who is 2.7 meters tall...

Rounded up, this is considered to be three meters!

"Oh, look at what you said! I can understand it as little Bai Han, are you complaining that I don't have enough food?"

Gion covered his mouth and came to Bai Han with a chuckle.

However, she didn't continue to play tricks, but said directly: "I am here this time, mainly to borrow you to go to Marineford to participate in the combat meeting~ Marshal Sengoku is going to start the Summit War against Whitebeard."

Summit War?

Bai Han's heart skipped a beat.

If he remembered correctly, shouldn't this thing happen in two years?

Why is the Summit War already started now?

This speed is definitely too fast!

He hurriedly suppressed the surprise in his heart and asked: "What method is Wushuai Sengoku going to use to start this Summit War? Youhuzi won't be so easily fooled, right?"

Bai Han was surprised that the plot had changed so much.

Although he knew that because of his actions, the plot of this world would inevitably change.

But he never imagined that this Summit War could be ahead of schedule!

Gion nodded his sexy red lips, and sighed a little: "Speaking of which, I was lucky. When Vice Admiral Garp and Akainu Admiral searched for the traces of Red Hair Pirates all over the world, they unexpectedly found Whitebeard's son. Team member Blackbeard Teach."

"Originally, Akainu Admiral and Vice Admiral Garp didn't pay attention to this Teach, and planned to arrest Teach, but who would have thought that this Teach would suddenly burst out with a strength not inferior to that of Marine's alternate Admiral, and then let them know Caught a big fish myself."

"Although I don't know why Blackbeard Teach is just an unknown player with the strength of Blackbeard Teach, but it seems that Whitebeard wants to hide

Let’s talk about Teach’s strength. Judging from the potential of this Teach, there is still a great hope to grow to the Admiral level in the future.

"So, since Blackbeard Teach is so important, Marshal Sengoku simply used him as a means to attract Whitebeard. No matter which pirate group would not

Give up easily. "



After listening to Gion's words, Bai Han didn't know what to say for a while.

He never thought that the wings flapped by his own butterfly would be so big!

One of the future Four Emperors, Blackbeard was arrested by Marine in advance!?

Moreover, he replaced Ace as the bait of Summit War, who would believe it!

However, Teach at this stage should not have killed Sage, the captain of the fourth team.

Therefore, there is a high probability that Whitebeard will really come!

After all, that old guy let go of his words and would not let go of anything that hurt his family.

Marine deliberately used Whitebeard's family to start the Summit War, how could Daybeard not take the bait!

If Whitebeard doesn't come, then Whitebeard will lose face!

4.2 What the hell, Summit War can still unfold like this?

Thinking of this, Bai Han's face suddenly became weird!

"When does Summit War start?"

Bai Han pushed Gion who was trying to put his hand into his collar, and asked with hot eyes.

Unexpectedly, I was about to encounter such a grand war when I was just preparing to leave the customs!

Just thinking of that scene, Bai Han felt his blood boil all over.

After all, that is the strongest man in the world!

Moreover, it was two years ahead of schedule, Whitebeard whose body has not yet completely decayed!

What a great thing it would be to be able to fight against such a strong man!

"About a month later, after all, it will take some time for the Seven Warlords of the Sea to be summoned and the integration of troops.

Gion made a sneak attack, kissed Bai Han on the face, and said triumphantly.

"One month! Then let's go!"

Bai Han flexed his wrist, and said impatiently.

At the same time, Nami, Robin, and Hercules, who were originally exercising in the jungle and were attracted by Bai Han's sword energy, rushed over at this moment.

And they also heard the conversation between Bai Han and Gion.

Hercules immediately asked worriedly: "Bai Han, are you going to participate in some war? Do you need the great Hercules to help you?"

In the past two years of getting along, Hercules also regarded Bai Han as his best friend.

Even because of Bai Han, the bottleneck of his strength has begun to loosen, and he has a tendency to enter the next new realm.

As long as he can take this step, he will directly step into the real top level of this world!

Bai Han shook his head and said, "No, this is not your war."

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