Qin Yingxiao stared at the appraisal result for a full five minutes.

In the past ten years, the Qin family and the Xie family have searched almost the entire Hua country in order to find their sister, and have spent countless manpower, material and financial resources.

The most important thing is that after the sister was lost, the emotions of the eldest brother and mother were on the verge of collapse.

Fortunately, the mother returned to normal in the end, but the elder brother closed himself in his own world and never came out again.

Thinking of the bitterness of his family over the years and the hardship of his sister's homelessness, his heart couldn't stop aching.

Fortunately, now finally has the result.

Qin Yingxiao immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Xie Fu's number.

In the restaurant, Xie Fu propped his chin with one hand, and kept his eyes on Tang Wan, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

Just then, her cell phone rang.

Without thinking about it, she just hung up.

Unexpectedly, the opponent did not give up and hit again.

"Aunt, you answer the phone, it's okay..."

Facing Tang Wan's smiling face, Xie Fu felt her heart was about to melt, "Okay."

She walked to the window with the phone in her hand, and said through gritted teeth, "You better have something important!"

There's only so much time to eat.

Every minute she answered the phone, she would spend one minute less with Wanwan.

Qin Yingxiao, who was emotionally agitated, was slightly taken aback when he heard her tone, "???"

"No, mom, I found Tongtong..."

Xie Fu heard the words, glanced at Tang Wan not far away, raised his eyebrows slightly, "Have you found someone? Is there any definite evidence?"

"Yes, I did a DNA test."

"The hair you used? You tore it off her head yourself? Then you stared at it yourself?"


Qin Yingxiao's evidence was somewhat difficult, "I personally found it in her bathroom. After all, it's not appropriate for me to pull it off someone else's head..."

Xie Fu played with a piece of hair torn from Tang Wan's head, "Why doesn't it fit?"

She paused, "Okay, tell me, which sister are you looking for? Ling Ruxue or Wanwan?"

Qin Yingxiao was a little surprised, "Mom, you know?"

"You guys ran to Haicheng so blatantly, why didn't I know?"

Xie Fu shrugged his shoulders lightly, "Tell me every detail of how you saw her, every sentence must be the exact words."

Upon hearing this, Qin Yingxiao slowly told Xie Fu everything that happened after he met Ling Ruxue.

"That's it, I just got the DNA test results..."

"Uh..." Xie Fu's tone was hesitant to speak.

"Son, I think I should enroll you in a cram school."

She paused, "I think you should enroll in a professional tea tasting class, which will teach you how to identify green tea whores in one day."

Qin Yingxiao: "???"

"No, mother, what do you mean?"

"You men, don't be soft-hearted when you see someone beautiful and cry and cry. Speak with the facts and be more rigorous in your work."

Xie Fu narrowed his eyes slightly, "Don't just pick up a hair and tell me excitedly that you found it, unless you pulled out the hair yourself, and you stared at it yourself, otherwise everything else will be bullshit."

Qin Yingxiao: "..."

He was silent for a long time, then hesitantly said: "Then I'll go and pull them off?"

"Okay, don't waste that effort, I pulled out Tang Wan's hair."

"Pull it from her head in front of her?"

Qin Yingxiao opened her mouth wide in surprise, "It shouldn't be, this little girl is very skilled and very vigilant, she dodged as soon as I stretched out my hand..."

A smug smile appeared on Xie Fu's lips, "Can I compare with you?"

Qin Yingxiao: "???"

"Come pick me up and I'll send you the address."

"Okay, I'll be right over."

After Qin Yingxiao hung up the phone, he got into the car with the appraisal result and his assistant.

Assistant drives.

Qin Yingxiao didn't sleep well for the past two days, and soon after getting in the car, he felt drowsy.

Between half-dream and half-awake, he had a long dream.

In the dream, he saw his younger sister stumbling into the mountains after being protected by his elder brother with his life.

Looking at the little figure in the pink skirt, he felt his heart throbbing.

The picture is a little fuzzy, not very clear, and some scenes are even more fleeting.

He saw his sister meet a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man became ill-intentioned and threw his sister into a van, confused with the goods, and finally staggered to the beach. The man planned to smuggle his sister overseas.

The people in the dream couldn't see their faces clearly, but they could recognize the elder brother and younger sister because of the clothes they wore that day and because they were too familiar with them.

The smuggling boat encountered pirates, and later reinforcements came, and the sister was rescued.

The pictures are all fleeting, and the sister was rescued to grow up in just a few seconds.

Qin Yingxiao tried hard to see her sister's face clearly, but it was still blurry.

He saw his sister run away injured from a fight with a group of people, and fell unconscious on the side of the road.

When he woke up, he was sold into the mountains by human traffickers.

Then, the younger sister escaped from the mountain one by one, and met a man.

Next, he saw his sister was poisoned and locked up in the basement because she was jealous of another woman.

Qin Yingxiao felt that his heart was in severe pain as if being cut by a knife, and his pale face was instantly covered with cold sweat.

He saw his sister lying alone in the basement, curled up in a corner in pain.

In his dream, he desperately wanted to get close.

I want to hold my sister in my arms and take her home.

Just as he was about to approach, the originally blurred picture suddenly became clear.

The younger sister lying on the ground is Tang Wan!

Qin Yingxiao woke up suddenly, panting heavily.

The assistant driving the car in front heard the movement behind him and glanced in the rearview mirror.

I saw his own president sitting in the back seat with a pale face, panting with cold sweat all over his face.

He asked, "Boss Qin, are you having a nightmare?"

Qin Yingxiao's thoughts were stuck in the dream just now.

His eyes were painful, and the throbbing pain from his heart seemed to be materialized, clear and clear.

It wasn't until the assistant's voice sounded that Qin Yingxiao's thoughts were pulled back a bit.

Looking at the sunset outside the window, he felt as if he had passed away!

Although the scene in the dream was blurry and everyone's appearance could not be seen clearly, it gave him a very real feeling.

As if those paintings would really happen!

Qin Yingxiao looked at the paternity test in his hand, and felt a twinge of fear in his whole body.

He vaguely felt that there was something driving everything in the dark.

A slight difference is a thousand miles away.

If Xie Fu hadn't intervened this time, I'm afraid the report in his hand would have become a foregone conclusion.

Although he didn't understand why Xie Fu would suddenly come to Haicheng with Lin Yinan.

But now he has an intuition that Tang Wan is his sister!

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