In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 101: Destroy Kaifeng Prefecture

Strictly speaking, Ding Du feels like he is taking the blame.

After all, he has only been the governor of Kaifeng for four months. Although he has not done anything, many cancers have already existed and have been so for decades.

It's just that some of the filth has been cleaned up during Fan Zhongyan's period, and the officials below don't dare to blatantly do it anymore.

As a result, after Dindu took office, due to inaction, evil quickly grew.

Therefore, Bianliang became as virtuous as it is today. The serious land annexation in the Song Dynasty caused a large number of landless people to move into the city. In addition, the underground drainage system created a breeding ground for evil. It is the primary responsibility. The inaction of the previous Kaifeng Prefecture is naturally a secondary responsibility.

Even when Fan Zhongyan and Bao Zheng were the governors of Kaifeng, they only cracked down on these evils, but did not completely eliminate them. As long as there is soil, they will continue to breed.

But it is undeniable that if Ding Du continued Fan Zhongyan's practice after taking office, imposed strict punishments and laws, implemented the rules and regulations of Kaifeng Mansion, dealt with the bad apples in the lower-level institutions of the government, and managed the promotion of officials by the upper-level judges, Kaifeng Mansion would not be short of four years. In a matter of months, he has fallen into this state.

Therefore, Zhao Jun's statement that Ding Du was extremely stupid was not just nonsense.

At this moment, the hall was already silent. The evidence of crimes on the floor left Ding Du almost speechless. He was trembling and speechless. Liao Yu and others behind him saw that the situation was not good and were about to leave, but found that the door was already there. Being blocked, there is no way out.

Now the entire Kaifeng Mansion is surrounded. Except for the outer wall, which is too big to be surrounded, all the main entrance, side door, and back door are blocked. The people in each government hall are also controlled, and no one can escape.

This place has become a besieged city.

Our people called for friends, and the news quickly spread throughout Bianliang. Countless Bianliang citizens and even dignitaries rushed outside Kaifeng Mansion to watch.

For a time, the originally wide road outside Kaifeng Mansion was crowded with people, comparable to the annual temple fair in Xiangguo Temple.

In the hall, Zhao Jun noticed Liao Yu hiding behind the crowd. He had seen him on the street last time. He pointed at him and said: "Di Qing, arrest him."

Di Qing rushed over like a wolf and tiger, and lifted Liao Yu to the side like a chicken.

The officials in the left and right departments were also beaten like dead dogs. Kaifeng Mansion had ready-made torture tools. Originally, these torture tools were used to torture prisoners, but now they were used on them.

One by one was put in shackles and tied together with iron chains.

Zhao Jun lowered his head and looked at Liao Yu, and said with a sudden smile: "Liao Yu, your conspiracies are indeed good, but unfortunately they are of no use to me."

Liao Yu forced a smile and said, "I have met Zhisi in my humble position. Is there any misunderstanding with Zhisi?"

"No misunderstanding."

Zhao Jun said in a deep voice: "You still have a chance to tell me where my eldest daughter is, otherwise the outcome may not be good."

Liao Yu's heart tightened. He sent people to Gui Fanlou to deal with his eldest daughter. He originally wanted to cause some trouble for Zhao Jun, but he let his eldest daughter go afterwards.

After all, if the eldest daughter is lost and the Kaifeng Mansion cannot find her, the officials will probably be furious and vent their anger on both the Imperial City Department and the Kaifeng Mansion. By then, they may injure the enemy a thousand times and injure themselves eight hundred.

So the eldest daughter was indeed hidden by him, and he provided her with good food and drink every day.

But the problem is that now people just don't follow the procedures and even rush to Kaifeng Mansion to get people, which is something he never expected.

This is completely breaking the rules.

Now the other party has no intention of continuing to follow the rules. If he really finds out about his eldest daughter, he will be completely ruined.

Therefore, Liao Yu gritted his teeth and said, "I can't understand what Zhisi said."

"Well, I'll let you know."

Zhao Jun smiled, and then said: "There is a torture chamber in Kaifeng Mansion. Let me use your torture chamber to interrogate something. Where is Shi Yu?"

"The humble position is here."

Shi Yu stood up happily. Ever since he tortured Li Dewen, he had fallen in love with this way of dealing with those once aloof men, watching their painful expressions and begging for him with runny noses and tears.

Zhao Jun said: "Drag him to the torture chamber. Don't leave a finger behind. There are no fingers, teeth or toes. Cut him up one by one until he speaks. If he dies, start from his son."


Shi Yu led several people and dragged Liao Yu out like a dead dog.

Liao Yu was still shocked and kept struggling: "Zhi Si, Zhi Si, there must be some misunderstanding here."

Seeing that Zhao Jun was unmoved, when he was dragged to the door, he had already turned into "Zhao Jun, you have to die! The officials will not let you go, and neither will the princes in the court!" "

"Fu Yin, Fu Yin!"

The voice became smaller and smaller at the end, and it was obvious that he was dragged to the torture chamber.

Zhao Jun watched all this indifferently.

If he will continue to dig into this matter and all the people in the house will not let him go, then everyone will continue to fight.

If Zhao Zhen obstructed him for this matter, and even fell out with him and canceled all his rights, then no wonder he had to make a decision that went against his ancestors and punched Zhao Zhen hard in the face.

Anyway, Zhao Jun's perception of the Song Dynasty was just like this. If he hadn't relied on his ancestral connections and the Song Dynasty was a cowardly dynasty that pleased the scholar-bureaucrats at the expense of the people, he might actually be able to rebel.

"Chisi, everyone on the list has been captured."

Cao Xiu walked in from the outside and said to Zhao Jun: "There are 127 people in total, and there are more than 80 people on duty outside. Some government officials tried to stop us, and more than 20 of them were shot with crossbows."


Zhao Jun nodded and said: "Take everyone outside Kaifeng Mansion and put them on public trial immediately. Make their crimes known to the public one by one, and I will make them unable to stand up forever."


Cao Xiu received the order and went to do it immediately.

According to historical records, the Cao family had a pretty good family tradition and did not get involved in these dirty things.

In other words, the main reason is that they have little power. The scholar-bureaucrats give them face and call them nobles, but if they don't give them face, the Yushitai will impeach and suppress them crazily, so that the generals are also suffering.

However, there are also some complicit people among the generals, who join forces with corrupt officials to usury and oppress the people.

Zhao Jun definitely planned to get rid of these people to set the record straight.

And a family like the Cao family, which is relatively law-abiding, is now embracing Zhao Jun's lap. With the possibility of upward progress, it is natural that they are willing to embrace it.

What's more, the officials issued a death order to Cao Xiu, asking him to obey Zhao Jun's orders.

Therefore, Cao Xiu was already obedient to Zhao Jun.

At this moment, Kaifeng Mansion has been occupied by people from the Imperial City Department. After the soldiers entered Kaifeng Mansion, they quickly took control of the entire government office. Hundreds of officials listed on the list were detained. Wang He and Chen Zhong took them out for public trial with a large amount of evidence. The house was in a mess.

After about half an hour, almost everyone on the list was arrested. The gate of Kaifeng Mansion that had been closed by the Imperial City Division was reopened again. Countless soldiers poured out and were directly interrogated in the square outside.

When these people were escorted outside the house, there were loud exclamations. Immediately, Cao Xiu asked people to find a large number of prison cars from the Kaifeng government office. The charges were read out to each of them, and then they were put on the prison cars and prepared to be taken back to the Imperial City Division.

Although Kaifeng Mansion has ready-made cells and trial halls.

But they were here to arrest people, so it would be unfair to directly seize the Kaifeng Mansion to judge the case.

The most important thing is that Zhao Jun arrested these people based on the evidence that Lao Fan collected when he was the governor of Kaifeng Mansion. It is impossible for Fan Zhongyan to catch all the criminal evidence of everyone. Those crimes are just the tip of the iceberg. .

Therefore, Zhao Jun wants to bring all these people back to the Imperial City Office, interrogate them one by one, make a thorough investigation, and then expose all their crimes to the public, so that these people can be executed reasonably and legally.

Even if the work that Zhao Jun and the others are doing now is justified, Zhao Zhen has given the Imperial City Division such power, but they must stand on the highest moral ground and have the upper hand in public opinion.

Otherwise, I am afraid that those things from Yushitai and Jianyuan will keep putting pressure on Zhao Zhen, and it will be troublesome for Zhao Zhen to be unable to withstand it.

Zhao Jun stood outside Kaifeng Mansion, watching all this.

Every time they heard about someone's crime, the people below would exclaim and start talking.

"I didn't expect the people from Kaifeng Mansion to collude with the people from Guifanlou in Wuyou Cave. They are obviously the ones maintaining public security in Bianliang, but they are killing the people."

"You just know it? I thought the Bianliang people already knew it."

"I am really pleased that the Imperial City Division was able to eliminate these silverfish today. No, I have to go back and call my brother to come over and take a look."

"Why do you want to call your brother?"

"My brother's arm was broken by people from the White Tiger Society, and he was sued to Kaifeng Mansion. As a result, they asked us to wait. A few days later, people from the White Tiger Society came to the door and beat my brother again, forcing him to My brother withdrew the case, but later I found out that people from the Baihu Club were behind the money."

"It's okay to just break one arm. Does Granny Yuan, who sells sugar cakes in Huilingguan, know? Her daughter-in-law was unruly and hooked up with the deputy head of Xinglong Society. Her son bumped into her one time and beat her up with a pole. , stabbed to death with a sharp knife."

"Hey, is this not a death penalty?"

"Returning to the death penalty? Is there anyone in charge of suing Kaifeng Mansion? Just last month, there was a lot of commotion in our area."

The people of Bianliang are not fools.

The government colludes with gangs to oppress the people, and they are the first victims.

Although Bianliang has a large population base, not everyone has been treated unfairly, but it is easiest for the news to spread among the people in the market.

Therefore, many things can spread, and everyone knows what is going on, but there is no way to complain.

Historically, Fan Zhongyan and Bao Zheng only served as governors of Kaifeng for more than one year and two years. With the yamen open, anyone could come in and file a complaint, and they enforced the law impartially, so they were actually called the Grand Masters of Qingtian?

Although they did a good job, this is what any Kaifeng governor should do. As a result, out of more than a hundred Kaifeng governors, only these two were praised.

You can see from here how ironic this is.

At the same time, it can also be seen that the governors of Kaifeng in the past dynasties did not do their part at all, so that the resentment among the people soared and evil continued to breed.

At this moment, the common people clapped their hands and cheered when they saw that all the corrupt officials in Kaifeng Prefecture who were originally superior were punished by the Imperial City Department.

Among the crowd, a sedan came quickly and stopped outside Kaifeng Mansion.

Inside the sedan, Fan Zhongyan opened the curtain and felt chilled when he saw the scene outside.

He hoped that Zhao Jun would become the sword with no scruples, but he did not let him bring down the entire Kaifeng Mansion.

As the security center of the entire Bianliang, Kaifeng Mansion has to deal with countless matters of all sizes in the city. Once it is shut down, it will have a huge impact on the entire city.

So when he heard that Zhao Jun forced his way into Kaifeng Mansion, he rushed over in a hurry.

It's a pity that it still didn't stop.

Fan Zhongyan rushed into the crowd. When the people watching saw that it was him, they all said, "It's Fan Fuyin who is here."

"Master Qingtian is here, make way quickly."

"Master Fan, are you also here to see the Imperial City Division catch so many beetles from Kaifeng Prefecture?"

someone shouted.

Fan Zhongyan had no choice but to smile awkwardly, and then walked out of the crowd, only to be stopped by people from the Imperial City Department.

"Chief Secretary, Duke Xiwen is here."

Di Qing said to him.

Di Qing and others still respect Fan Zhongyan.

After all, Fan Zhongyan still did a lot of good deeds when he knew about Kaifeng Mansion, which was praised by the people of Bianliang.

Zhao Jun knew what Fan Zhongyan was doing and said, "Let him come over."

Soon the Imperial City Secretary was relieved. Fan Zhongyan hurriedly ran to the steps and whispered to Zhao Jun: "You kid, why are you so impulsive!"

"I'll take you to meet Ping'er later. You'll be very impulsive too."

Zhao Jun said calmly.

"I know about Ping'er. It's not just Ping'er. After I checked for so long, there is more than one Ping'er in Wuyou Cave."

"Then you still have the nerve to come over and accuse me of being impulsive?"

Zhao Jun was very angry.

He knew that what he saw at the Ashoka Chapter was just the tip of the iceberg.

The problem is that even the tip of the iceberg is enough to make him faint.

In the end, Fan Zhongyan came over and said that he shouldn't have come to Kaifeng Mansion to arrest people. Didn't this add fuel to the fire?

Fan Zhongyan said helplessly: "You go arrest people and wait for them to come back at their leisure. You can even ransack your home. If you forcefully break into Kaifeng Mansion in broad daylight, where will the majesty of Kaifeng Mansion be in the future? In the future, Kaifeng Mansion will have to govern Bianliang. You are comfortable, but What about the aftermath?"

Intellectually speaking, what Fan Zhongyan said is right. After all, Kaifeng Mansion still has to govern the entire Bianliang. Even if they arrest everyone, they still have to take into account the official face.

This is why in all dynasties, the emperor sent people to carry out secret operations to catch corrupt officials without any fanfare.

Thinking from a macro perspective, this is called taking the overall situation into consideration.

But Zhao Jun also has his own ideas.

Since he wanted the Imperial City Division to spread all over the country, he naturally wanted the Imperial City Division to be supremely majestic.

And stepping on top of Kaifeng Mansion is the best opportunity.

Zhao Jun said in a deep voice: "Kaifeng Mansion is still Kaifeng Mansion. As long as it is governed cleanly, fairly, and convinced by the people, the lost majesty can still come back. But can the countless people who have been separated from their wives and children come back? Their hands are stained with blood, but they feel at ease. Sitting here on the ground, can the lives of those innocent victims be restored? "


Fan Zhongyan was helpless.

Zhao Jun continued: "Lao Fan, you are also a person who hates evil, so I treat you as a friend, but I hope you won't restrict me with your bureaucratic thinking. I will naturally have my own ways."

Fan Zhongyan said earnestly: "You did say you would take action, but now that the entire Kaifeng Mansion is under your control, who will govern Bianliang City if this continues?"

"If this group of people is gone, there will naturally be another group. Are you still afraid that the Song Dynasty will have fewer officials?"

"Are you going to keep killing like this?"

"Of course not. Don't you want to solve the problem of redundant officials? Don't you want to reform today's backward and corrupt system?"

Zhao Jun looked at him and said: "Killing a group of people really won't solve the problem, but it can solve the problem temporarily. Let the politics be clear first, and then we can do other major things. Even if the government is dead in a hundred years, we must at least ensure peace for a hundred years."


Fan Zhongyan was speechless. He really wanted to reform, but he didn't want Zhao Jun to directly trample Kaifeng Mansion into the ground. After all, he had been the prefect of Kaifeng, and he didn't want Kaifeng Mansion to be replaced by a secret service agency from the Imperial City Division.

"Okay, no need to persuade me anymore. The Imperial City Division will not replace Kaifeng Mansion. As long as the people in Kaifeng Mansion no longer bully the people, it will still be a good government office in the Song Dynasty."

Zhao Jun waved his hand and said: "I don't have that much time, and I have no idea to continue to scheming with Lu Yijian, Wang Zeng and his gang. Sometimes you have to use some means, even thunderous means. Only corrupt officials can be punished." Only when officials and mediocre people are dealt with can efficiency be improved. "

He is now planning to return to the Imperial City Division, to use severe punishment on these silverfish in Kaifeng Mansion, and to explain all the dirty things they did and who was behind them to support and protect them.

Only if Kaifeng Mansion sets an example first and a major case can shock the officialdom for at least ten years. Even if it only takes five years, you can do a lot of things.

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